the whole idea
noun as in rationale
noun as in reason
Example Sentences
Speaking to Rolling Stone in 1990, he said his mother "saved" him by encouraging him to draw on scrap paper rather than using colouring books, where "the whole idea is to stay between the lines".
It was fun to see the show just skewer the whole idea of endings and closure and sticking the landing.
The whole idea of special counsels has occupied a gray area of the law and politics all along.
In short, the whole idea of a do-over is borderline fantastical.
“The whole idea was to maybe gain some political leverage in potential negotiations, but militarily to draw the Russian forces away from the Donbas in order to liberate Kursk. And what we're seeing instead is that Ukrainian units are tied down there.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.