noun as in inside information
noun as in very top
noun as in gratuity paid
Weak matches
verb as in knock over; cause to lean
verb as in give inside information
Weak matches
Example Sentences
As for sharing housing tips on Southern California, where he’s lived for 18 years, Kopitar said he’s sure Doncic has all the help he needs.
Many Americans use it for financial education: According to research compiled by Chime, one in four Americans used FinTok — the financial side of the app — to search for savings tips in 2024.
Yet as we all learned how quickly the fire was spreading, the neighborhood WhatsApp transformed into a mini resource center, sharing tips for staying safe and volunteering spare bedrooms and ADUs.
Ideally these tips can provide some guidance, understanding or even strategic approaches for the best ways to ensure you're getting all of the food you need — and some of the treats you want, too.
Say yes, write, put on music and volunteer if you can — easy tips, says Stark, but ones with long-term health benefits.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.