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View definitions for top hand

top hand

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It remains the highest score in a World Cup final, with the left-hander famously batting with a squash ball lodged in his left glove to help his top hand dominate.

From BBC

We even bring recruits in and say, ‘Hey man, we’ve got a guy here that developed one of the top hand fighting instructional videos that guys are using in the NFL.’

Nevin reviewed video of Rendon’s at-bats Tuesday and did notice his top hand start to come off the bat when he swung — and that he winced while doing so.

Try a colorful pot on the stove, a vibrant scarf draped over the edge of a frame or on a piano top, hand towels in the bathroom or a fun doormat.

A left-hander in the batter’s box but a natural right-hander, Maya tends to pull the ball when she swings because the top hand — her off, left hand — hasn’t built up the strength to control the bat consistently.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


