noun as in meeting during a love affair
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Example Sentences
Their tryst starts off explosively: After their first night together, they rise to learn the Cuban missile crisis has thankfully ended.
She was thrown out of her hotel residence for her nightly trysts and was deemed morally unfit to teach after an affair with a 17-year-old boy.
For instance, any lawyer would have said that Trump should just stipulate to the tryst with Stormy Daniels so they could avoid the whole spectacle of her testimony.
The former publisher of The National Enquirer, he testified at the beginning of Trump’s trial that he paid for Stormy Daniels’ story of a tryst with Trump in order to bury it.
Daniels recounted her story of the tryst in her memoir and numerous interviews, dating back to a 2011 interview for In Touch magazine.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.