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View definitions for unalterable


adjective as in not changeable

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In an ideal society, your rights and ability to access medicine and direct the course of your own life are guaranteed and unalterable — unless a Trump-appointed judge named Matt decides to say, “Nah.”

Cryptocurrency is a type of digital money secured via encryption in a publicly viewable and purportedly unalterable way.

“That’s why they can’t drive or drink alcohol or join the military until they get to a certain age. Because there is a level of maturity that goes along with decisions that are unalterable.”

Perhaps Mr. Hannum could channel his enthusiasm toward a solution: Use the blockchain — with all its promises of permanent, unalterable records — to create an opt-in, verified platform for education and employment history.

But conversion to real money is also the point at which the “transparency” provided by the public, unalterable recording of transactions on the blockchain — supposedly the big benefit of cryptography — vanishes.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


