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View definitions for unreasonableness


noun as in unreason

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Further, it’s likely that the lack of linguistic integrity animates the unreasonableness, lies, conspiracy theories and demagoguery that plague our nation.

Comments from Netflix’s Ted Sarandos, who said the streamer would just lean into international content, and Disney’s Bob Iger, who lectured strikers for their unreasonableness, resulted in a swell of picket lines and sympathy from every employer who has seen American jobs move overseas or heard how their wealthy bosses simply could not “afford” to offer single-digit percentage raises.

It cited the removal of the Supreme Court's ability to overrule, on the basis of "unreasonableness," potential government involvement in decisions by Health Ministry staff.

From Reuters

The survey was released as lawmakers began debating a bill that would prevent the Supreme Court from quashing legislation on the grounds of manifest "unreasonableness".

From Reuters

The phrase “it’s okay to be White” was popularized in 2017 as a trolling campaign meant to provoke liberals into condemning the statement and thus, the theory went, proving their own unreasonableness.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


