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Even for this venturesome music director, these two weeks are unlike any other he has had at the Bowl, unlike any two weeks he or anyone would dare anywhere else.

Gentle and genial, with a deep knowledge of operas and voices, he has tried to balance his venturesome spirit with the sensibilities of audiences — to challenge without alienating the people he needed for support.

It was the most venturesome and inventive, with unusually diverse programming and audiences.

In another venturesome series, Ms. Liao asked migrant workers in Shenzhen to create self-portrait dolls, and then take the dolls to a place that was, or could be, important to them.

Mo Willems, whose books about a kvetching pigeon and a venturesome stuffed bunny made him a star of children’s literature, has focused his powers of silliness onto a sometimes stuffy medium: opera.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


