adjective as in dumb
adjective as in implied
Strong matches
adjective as in inarticulate
adjective as in inaudible
Strongest matches
Strong match
adjective as in inferred
adjective as in mum
adjective as in mute
Strongest matches
adjective as in noiseless
adjective as in silent
adjective as in silent
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- bashful
- buttoned-up
- checked
- clammed up
- close
- closed-up
- closemouthed
- curbed
- dumb
- dummied up
- faint
- hush
- iced
- inarticulate
- incoherent
- inconversable
- indistinct
- inhibited
- laconic
- mousy
- muted
- noiseless
- nonvocal
- not talkative
- reserved
- shy
- silentious
- soundless
- still
- struck dumb
- taciturn
- tongue-tied
- unclear
- uncommunicative
- unheard
- unsociable
- unspeaking
- voiceless
- zipped
adjective as in speechless
adjective as in tacit
adjective as in undeclared
adjective as in understood
adjective as in unsaid
adjective as in unuttered
Weak matches
- accurate
- certain
- complete
- constant
- constructive
- contained
- definite
- entire
- firm
- fixed
- full
- implicative
- implied
- inarticulate
- inevitable
- inferential
- inferred
- latent
- practical
- steadfast
- tacit
- taken for granted
- total
- undeclared
- understood
- unexpressed
- unhesitating
- unqualified
- unquestioned
- unreserved
- unsaid
- unshakable
- unspoken
- virtual
- wholehearted
adjective as in unuttered
adjective as in unvoiced
adjective as in voiceless
Weak matches
Example Sentences
It maintains its wordless conceit throughout, telling the story of a group of animals embarking on an adventure as they try to navigate a flooded world.
It’s a wordless wonder about uncertainty and devastation.
It is a canny performance, and both Moore and Qualley have extended wordless sequences where they convey so much of what they are thinking and feeling with just their silent expressions.
Last year’s wordless “Silent Night” showed the Hong Kong legend trying to get loud again with American audiences, except it didn’t go off as planned.
He asked permission to try it out in front of the London audience, before drifting into a wordless, intimate melisma.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.