Example Sentences
“He’s worked really hard, looks really strong and the throwing program hasn’t wavered,” Roberts said last week, an assessment Ohtani backed up with Wednesday’s dazzling batting practice.
“To an already strained and stretched out staff,” Kostelnik told The Times, “seeing facilities they’ve worked at for so long being taken from them and handed to another agency is extremely demoralizing.”
Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, who was named president of the board last month, worked with Lurie on amendments to narrow the ordinance in ways that appeased the board’s more liberal members and secured a majority vote.
Founder Harry Snyder opened a corporate office less than a mile from his first burger restaurant in Baldwin Park, and the company has worked out of there ever since.
Pupils can be given detention if they collect bad behaviour marks, and acting head teacher Alun Ebenezer said the Saturday sanction was needed where other punishment, including being held after school, had not worked.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.