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Uncensored Usenet

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New to Usenet?  Learn what it is, how it became the first file sharing network, and why it is still so important today.

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The Best Usenet Features

UsenetStorm specializes in providing uncensored Usenet service.  Use any software you like, or none at all, and easily access on any device.
Secured with SSL
Security & Privacy

Is your internet provider watching you online? You Bet! Especially with new laws regarding logs for internet providers.  SSL is provided to secure your downloads, with strict anti-logging policies to keep prying eyes away.

Unlimited Speed

Max out even the fastest broadband with 50 simultaneous connections.  Download speed has been tested at 1.8 Gbps with just 30 streams, which is blazingly fast!

Uncensored Access
Uncensored Usenet

Always uncensored, we filter out nothing and you decide what you do or don't want to see.  Usenet is our business, babysitting you isn't.

All Newsgroups

Every known newsgroup, uncensored and unfiltered.  From picture groups to massive alt binaries, UsenetStorm carries your favorites and many thousands more.

NZB Files

There are few things as irritating than spending hours downloading the perfect file you wanted, only to find that it's one part short of being complete.  To keep this a rare event, UsenetStorm has greater than 99.9% completion.

Retention Time

Enjoy over 4 years of retention.  We've got you covered, in case you've been away from Usenet for a really, really long time.

Account Plans
If you're new, start here!
Per Month
20 GB Download
Best Value
Most Popular
Per Month
50 GB Download
Fill those hard drives!
Per Month
Unlimited Download

Support For The Latest Technology

Full featured Usenet on every smartphone,
tablet, or mobile device.
Newsbin Screenshot

Browse & Search Usenet

Any news client that you like will work, but many users don't know where to begin.  Newsbin is the best there is, so we provide the full retail version for free.  It can even be used with another Usenet provider, for as long as you have an account with us.

Multiple Server Locations

  • United States
    Hostname - Eastern USA

    In Virginia, it offers great bandwidth across the eastern half of the United States.

    Hostname - Western USA

    In Arizona, for users in the western half of the US.

  • United States + Encryption
    Hostname - SSL Encrypted

    For security set your newsreader to these SSL news servers if you are going to access on an open network or WiFi.

  • Europe
    Hostname - Europe

    Located in Amsterdam, this provides great connectivity to newsgroups and is also useful as a fill/backup service for files.

  • Europe + Encryption
    Hostname - SSL Encrypted Europe

    This is also available on port 80, which is used for web browsing. You will want to choose this if you are on a free VPN or your online provider blocks connections to the best Usenet providers.