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Event callbacks

Event callbacks are functions called when different types of events are received by the ScriptProcessor. More...


function onAfterTouch (e)
 event callback that will receive all incoming channel after-touch events if defined. More...
function onController (e)
 event callback that will receive all incoming control-change events when defined. More...
function onEvent (e)
 event callback that will receive all incoming events if defined. More...
function onInit ()
 initial callback that is called just after the script initialisation if the script was successfully analyzed. More...
function onLoad (data)
 callback that is called when restoring a ScriptProcessor state if custom data has been saved. More...
function onNote (e)
 event callback that will receive all incoming note-on events if defined. More...
function onPitchBend (e)
 event callback that will receive all incoming pitch-bend events if defined. More...
function onPolyAfterTouch (e)
 event callback that will receive all incoming polyphonic after-touch events if defined. More...
function onProgramChange (e)
 event callback that will receive all incoming program-change events if defined. More...
function onRelease (e)
 event callback executed whenever a note off message is received. More...
function onSave ()
 callback that is called when saving the ScriptProcessor state. More...
function onTransport (playing)
 event callback that is called when the host transport bar state changes. More...

Detailed Description

Event callbacks are functions called when different types of events are received by the ScriptProcessor.

The default behaviour (if you don't write your own) is to forward the incoming event to the output of the ScriptProcessor. You can customize the default behaviour by writing your own function.

Each callback act as a different thread of execution with its own environment but, unlike threads in traditional Operating Systems, a callback cannot be interrupted unless you ask for it. They can be paused for some specific amount of time (sample-accurate) using the wait function. During that time, other callbacks can be started or resumed in parallel.

You can start new callbacks if you need to using the spawn function.

Function Documentation

function onInit ( )

initial callback that is called just after the script initialisation if the script was successfully analyzed.

This the place to start a background process that doesn't require external input like algorithmic event generation.

n.b.: Don't try to create User Interface widgets here, widget creation functions are disabled right after the main script chunk.


function onInit()
local velocity = 100
for i=0,11 do
local note = 60 + i
local id = playNote(note, velocity, 0)
function onLoad ( data  )

callback that is called when restoring a ScriptProcessor state if custom data has been saved.

This is called just after the script initialisation and after restoring widgets values when the processing hasn't started yet.

dataa lua value as saved by your onSave function


local customData = {1, 2, 3, a=1, b="text", c=true, d = {"another table"}}
function onSave()
return customData
function onLoad(data)
customData = data


local a,b,c
function onSave()
return {a,b,c}
function onLoad(data)
a = data[1]
b = data[2]
c = data[3]


local a,b,c
function onSave()
local data = {}
data.a = a
data.b = b
data.c = c
return data
function onLoad(data)
a = data.a
b = data.b
c = data.c
See Also
function onSave ( )

callback that is called when saving the ScriptProcessor state.

This is the place where you can save additional data if you need to. supported lua types are number, boolean, strings and (nested) tables without (cyclic) references.

the lua object that you want to save


local customData = {1, 2, 3, a=1, b="text", c=true, d = {"another table"}}
function onSave()
return customData
function onLoad(data)
customData = data


local a,b,c
function onSave()
return {a,b,c}
function onLoad(data)
a = data[1]
b = data[2]
c = data[3]


local a,b,c
function onSave()
local data = {}
data.a = a
data.b = b
data.c = c
return data
function onLoad(data)
a = data.a
b = data.b
c = data.c
See Also
function onEvent ( )

event callback that will receive all incoming events if defined.

if this callback is defined it will take over the other more specialized callbacks like onNote, onRelease all incoming events are tables with at least the type field defined

eevent table, see other callbacks for the different kind of table fields


function onEvent(e)
See Also
onNote, onRelease, onProgramChange, onController, onPitchBend, onAfterTouch, onPolyAfterTouch
function onNote ( )

event callback that will receive all incoming note-on events if defined.


function onNote(e)
print("Note:", e.note, "Velocity:", e.velocity)
local id = playNote(e.note, e.velocity, -1)
eevent table with the following fields:
  • type event type equal to Event.NoteOn
  • note MIDI note number in [0;127]
  • velocity MIDI note velocity in [1;127]
  • id void ID that will be affected to the Voice once triggered
  • optional channel MIDI channel in [1;16], only useful to route events to Parts
  • optional input MIDI input in [0,3], only useful to route events to Parts
  • optional layer in range [1, number of layers], useful to route events to Layers
  • optional vol linear gain in range [0.0, 1.0], default value is 1.0
  • optional pan panoramic value in range [-1.0, 1.0], default value is 0.0
  • optional tune detuning in relative semitones, default value is 0.0. This is a floating point value: use 0.01 for detuning of 1 cents
See Also
onEvent, onRelease, onProgramChange, onController, onPitchBend, onAfterTouch, onPolyAfterTouch
Chorder.lua, Ensemble.lua, InvertPitch.lua, Keyswitch.lua, legato.lua, monoBassLine.lua, portamento.lua, quarterTone.lua, TimbreShifting.lua, tremolo.lua, Unison.lua, and vibrato.lua.
function onRelease ( )

event callback executed whenever a note off message is received.

Release trigger Example:

function onRelease(e)
print("noteoff", e.note, e.velocity)
local id = playNote(e.note, 64, 0, 100)
eevent table with the following fields:
  • type event type equal to Event.NoteOff
  • note MIDI note number in [0;127]
  • velocity MIDI note velocity in [0;127]
  • id void ID that will be affected to the Voice once triggered
  • optional channel MIDI channel in [1;16], only useful to route events to Parts
  • optional input MIDI input in [0,3], only useful to route events to Parts
  • optional layer in range [1, number of layers], useful to route events to Layers
  • optional vol linear gain in range [0.0, 1.0], default value is 1.0
  • optional pan panoramic value in range [-1.0, 1.0], default value is 0.0
  • optional tune detuning in relative semitones, default value is 0.0. This is a floating point value: use 0.01 for detuning of 1 cents
See Also
onEvent, onNote, onProgramChange, onController, onPitchBend, onAfterTouch, onPolyAfterTouch
Chorder.lua, Ensemble.lua, InvertPitch.lua, Keyswitch.lua, legato.lua, monoBassLine.lua, portamento.lua, quarterTone.lua, TimbreShifting.lua, and Unison.lua.
function onProgramChange ( )

event callback that will receive all incoming program-change events if defined.

eevent table with the following fields type, program

Program Change to MIDI channel Example:

local channel = 0
function onNote(e)
e.channel = channel
function onRelease(e)
e.channel = channel
function onProgramChange(e)
channel = math.min(e.channel, e.program)
eevent table with the following fields:
  • type event type equal to Event.ProgramChange
  • program program change value in [0;127]
  • optional channel MIDI channel in [1;16], only useful to route events to Parts
  • optional input MIDI input in [0,3], only useful to route events to Parts
See Also
onEvent, onNote, onRelease, onController, onPitchBend, onAfterTouch, onPolyAfterTouch
function onController ( )

event callback that will receive all incoming control-change events when defined.

eevent table with the following fields: type, controller, value


function onController(e)
print("CC:", e.controller, "Value:", e.value)

Be aware that you need to forward MIDI CC using postEvent(e) if you want your users to be able to MIDI learn script parameters or use pre-programmed MIDI CC modulations

eevent table with the following fields:
  • type event type equal to Event.ControlChange
  • controller MIDI controller type in [0;127]
  • value MIDI controller value in [0;127]
  • optional channel MIDI channel in [1;16], only useful to route events to Parts
  • optional input MIDI input in [0,3], only useful to route events to Parts
See Also
onEvent, onNote, onRelease, onProgramChange, onPitchBend, onAfterTouch, onPolyAfterTouch
function onPitchBend ( )

event callback that will receive all incoming pitch-bend events if defined.


ids = {}
function onNote(e)
local id = postEvent(e)
noteids[id] = true
function onRelease(e)
noteids[e.id] = nil
function onPitchBend(e)
for id, _ in pairs(ids) do
changeTune(id, e.bend)
eevent table with the following fields:
  • type event type equal to Event.PitchBend
  • bend bend value scaled to [-1.0; 1.0]
  • optional channel MIDI channel in [1;16], only useful to route events to Parts
  • optional input MIDI input in [0,3], only useful to route events to Parts
See Also
onEvent, onNote, onRelease, onProgramChange, onController, onAfterTouch, onPolyAfterTouch
function onAfterTouch ( )

event callback that will receive all incoming channel after-touch events if defined.

AfterTouch to pitch Example:

nodeids = {}
function onNote(e)
noteids[e.note] = postEvent(e)
function onAfterTouch(e)
for note, id in pairs(noteids) do
changeTune(id, e.value/127)
eevent table with the following fields:
  • type event type equal to Event.AfterTouch
  • value aftertouch value in [0;127]
  • optional channel MIDI channel in [1;16], only useful to route events to Parts
  • optional input MIDI input in [0,3], only useful to route events to Parts
See Also
onEvent, onNote, onRelease, onProgramChange, onController, onPitchBend, onPolyAfterTouch
function onPolyAfterTouch ( )

event callback that will receive all incoming polyphonic after-touch events if defined.


noteids = {}
function onNote(e)
noteids[e.note] = postEvent(e)
function onPolyAfterTouch(e)
if noteids[e.note] then
changeTune(noteids[e.note], e.value/127)
eevent table with the following fields:
  • type event type equal to Event.AfterTouch
  • note MIDI note number in [0;127]
  • value aftertouch value in [0;127]
  • optional channel MIDI channel in [1;16], only useful to route events to Parts
  • optional input MIDI input in [0,3], only useful to route events to Parts
See Also
onEvent, onNote, onRelease, onProgramChange, onController, onPitchBend, onAfterTouch
function onTransport ( playing  )

event callback that is called when the host transport bar state changes.

playingboolean flag that tells whether the transport bar is in playing state