Manually copying and pasting travel itineraries into PDAs is a symptom of the PersonalInformationDisaster.
DanConnolly has used this as motivation for RdfCalendar and some work on GeoInfo, with some work on UML and RDF along the way.
- route builder form, by JimLey, in HTMLjavascript
see travel tools, DanConnolly, in progress.
PathCross is a goal/usecase/scenario.
junk from schedScrape.xsl:
<!-- see hmm... how about not just labels, but lat/long, city codes, country codes, etc. a list of city codes: Friday, 28-Feb-97 21:41:03 GMT more... Mar 2002... -->
historical: IRC interview by CMN Jun 12 2002
hmm... migrate the content here? the ProxyTopic dilemma.