![]() ![]() 広告システムの種類や広告業界で言われる専門用語を広く解説しています。 提供 広告転職.com URL http://www.koukokutenshoku.com/ |
広告用語辞典 のさくいん
- P to P
- PA
- package
- packageprogram
- paid-publicity
- Palda model
- panel
- panel survey
- parody
- participation
- pay per clici ; PPC
- pay per click ad.
- pay per view ; PPV
- pay TV
- PB
- PCM放送
- people meter
- per issue rate
- percentage of profit method
- percentage of sales method
- peripheral route
- permission marketing
- personal communication
- personal influence
- personal letter
- personal media
- personality
- pet name
- philanthropy
- phishing scam
- photo agency
- pictgram
- pilot survey
- placement
- placement method
- Podcasting
- point
- point of purchase advertising
- point of sales system
- pole sign
- pop-up advertising
- POP広告
- portal site
- portfolio
- position advertising
- position media
- positioning
- positive appeal/positive approach
- Positive film
- posttest
- POS調査
- POSシステム
- potential market
- powerful effect model
- pre production
- pre production meeting;PPM
- pre-sellig
- preempt
- preemption
- premium
- premium campaign
- presentation
- primary data/secondary deta
- prime time
- priming effects
- print media
- privacy mark
- private brand
- probuct advertising
- producer
- producer-retailer alliance
- product benefit
- product concept
- product differentiation
- product life cycle
- product manager
- product out
- product placement
- product portfolio (matrix)
- program analyser
- Program Productioncost
- promotion mix
- promotional advertising
- propaganda
- proposal
- prospective customer
- PR会社
- psycho galvanic reflex
- psychographics
- psychological change
- psychological research method
- psychometric method
- PT
- public affairs