2. She gave an assured performance on stage.(彼女は舞台で自信に満ちた演技をした。)
3. The success of the project is assured.(プロジェクトの成功は確実である。)
4. He assured her that everything would be fine.(彼は彼女にすべてがうまくいくと保証した。)
5. The company assured customers of the product's quality.(会社は製品の品質を顧客に保証した。)
6. She felt more assured after talking to her mentor.(彼女はメンターと話した後、より自信を持つようになった。)
7. The assured income from the investment was attractive.(投資からの確実な収入は魅力的であった。)
8. His assured manner made others feel confident.(彼の自信に満ちた態度は、他の人々に自信を感じさせた。)
9. The team's victory was assured from the beginning.(チームの勝利は最初から確実であった。)
10. She assured him of her support.(彼女は彼に彼女の支援を確約した。)
Assured is an adjective that means confident, certain, or convinced. It can also be used as the past participle of the verb "assure," which means to make someone feel certain or confident, to guarantee, or to promise. For example, one might say, "He spoke with an assured manner," to describe someone who demonstrates confidence, or "He assured her success," to convey certainty about someone's success.「assured」の類語
1. He is an assured public speaker.(彼は自信に満ちた公のスピーカーである。)2. She gave an assured performance on stage.(彼女は舞台で自信に満ちた演技をした。)
3. The success of the project is assured.(プロジェクトの成功は確実である。)
4. He assured her that everything would be fine.(彼は彼女にすべてがうまくいくと保証した。)
5. The company assured customers of the product's quality.(会社は製品の品質を顧客に保証した。)
6. She felt more assured after talking to her mentor.(彼女はメンターと話した後、より自信を持つようになった。)
7. The assured income from the investment was attractive.(投資からの確実な収入は魅力的であった。)
8. His assured manner made others feel confident.(彼の自信に満ちた態度は、他の人々に自信を感じさせた。)
9. The team's victory was assured from the beginning.(チームの勝利は最初から確実であった。)
10. She assured him of her support.(彼女は彼に彼女の支援を確約した。)
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