2. Climbing Mount Everest is a difficult task.(エベレスト登山は困難な課題である)
3. The math problem was more difficult than I expected.(その数学の問題は予想以上に難しかった)
4. She faced the most difficult decision of her life.(彼女は人生で最も困難な決断に直面した)
5. The situation is difficult to understand.(その状況は理解しにくい)
6. Negotiations between the two countries were difficult.(両国間の交渉は困難だった)
7. The exam was difficult, but I managed to pass.(試験は難しかったが、何とか合格した)
8. It's difficult to find a job in this economy.(この経済状況では仕事を見つけるのが難しい)
9. The weather conditions made the race more difficult.(天候条件がレースをより困難にした)
10. He had a difficult time adjusting to his new environment.(彼は新しい環境に適応するのに苦労した)
「difficult」の比較級は「more difficult」で、「もっと難しい」や「より困難な」という意味になる。最上級は「most difficult」で、「最も難しい」や「最も困難な」という意味を表す。「difficult」の語源・由来
1. It's difficult to learn a new language.(新しい言語を学ぶのは難しい)2. Climbing Mount Everest is a difficult task.(エベレスト登山は困難な課題である)
3. The math problem was more difficult than I expected.(その数学の問題は予想以上に難しかった)
4. She faced the most difficult decision of her life.(彼女は人生で最も困難な決断に直面した)
5. The situation is difficult to understand.(その状況は理解しにくい)
6. Negotiations between the two countries were difficult.(両国間の交渉は困難だった)
7. The exam was difficult, but I managed to pass.(試験は難しかったが、何とか合格した)
8. It's difficult to find a job in this economy.(この経済状況では仕事を見つけるのが難しい)
9. The weather conditions made the race more difficult.(天候条件がレースをより困難にした)
10. He had a difficult time adjusting to his new environment.(彼は新しい環境に適応するのに苦労した)
- difficultのページへのリンク