2. The weather was as morose as his mood.(天気は彼の気分と同じく憂鬱だった)
3. She had a morose expression on her face.(彼女の顔には憂鬱な表情が浮かんでいた)
4. The morose atmosphere in the room was palpable.(部屋の憂鬱な雰囲気は手に取るように感じられた)
5. He is often morose and withdrawn.(彼はしばしば機嫌が悪く、引っ込み思案だ)
6. The morose man sat alone in the corner.(憂鬱な男性は一人で角に座っていた)
7. His morose demeanor was off-putting.(彼の憂鬱な態度は避けられがちだった)
8. The party was morose and everyone left early.(パーティーは憂鬱で、皆早めに帰った)
9. He gave a morose laugh.(彼は憂鬱な笑いをした)
10. The morose child refused to play with others.(憂鬱な子供は他の子と遊ぶのを拒んだ)
「morose」とは、英語の形容詞で、気分が晴れない、機嫌が悪い、ふさぎ込んだといった意味を持つ単語である。特に、長期間にわたる悲観的な態度や、人々との交流を避ける傾向を指すことが多い。例えば、「He has been morose since his wife passed away.(彼は妻が亡くなってからふさぎ込んでいる)」のように使用される。「morose」の発音・読み方
「Morose」 is defined as "sullen and ill-tempered." This term is often used to describe a person who is persistently gloomy or has a tendency to avoid social interactions. For example, "The morose man sat alone in the corner, avoiding everyone." This sentence implies that the man is not only in a bad mood but also tends to isolate himself from others.「morose」の類語
以下に「morose」を使用した例文を10個示す。 1. He has been morose since his wife passed away.(彼は妻が亡くなってからふさぎ込んでいる)2. The weather was as morose as his mood.(天気は彼の気分と同じく憂鬱だった)
3. She had a morose expression on her face.(彼女の顔には憂鬱な表情が浮かんでいた)
4. The morose atmosphere in the room was palpable.(部屋の憂鬱な雰囲気は手に取るように感じられた)
5. He is often morose and withdrawn.(彼はしばしば機嫌が悪く、引っ込み思案だ)
6. The morose man sat alone in the corner.(憂鬱な男性は一人で角に座っていた)
7. His morose demeanor was off-putting.(彼の憂鬱な態度は避けられがちだった)
8. The party was morose and everyone left early.(パーティーは憂鬱で、皆早めに帰った)
9. He gave a morose laugh.(彼は憂鬱な笑いをした)
10. The morose child refused to play with others.(憂鬱な子供は他の子と遊ぶのを拒んだ)
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