Template:Infobox election/two rounds/doc

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Contents WD by case: two-round system

two-round system (two-round)
2017 French presidential election (Q7020999)
 ← 2012 Edit the value on WikidataFrance Edit the value on Wikidata 2022 Edit the value on Wikidata  → 
Point in timeApril 23, 2017, first round of French presidential election, 2017
May 7, 2017, second round of French presidential election, 2017 Edit the value on Wikidata
Typepresidential election in France Edit the value on Wikidata
Office contestedPresident of the French Republic. Term length of office: 5 year Edit the value on Wikidata
Election campaign14 day Edit the value on Wikidata
Voter turnout
First voting round Edit the value on Wikidata
Electorate47,582,183 Edit the value on Wikidata
Percentage point 1.65
Total valid votes36,054,394    Number of blank votes 659,997   Number of spoilt votes 289,337
Second voting round Edit the value on Wikidata
Electorate47,568,693 Edit the value on Wikidata
Percentage point 5.79
Total valid votes31,381,603    Number of blank votes 3,021,499   Number of spoilt votes 1,064,225
Voting result Edit the value on Wikidata Edit the value on Wikidata
Emmanuel Macron  — Renaissance
8,656,346   24.01٪
20,743,128   66.1٪
Marine Le Pen  — National Rally
7,678,491   21.3٪
Percentage point 3.4
10,638,475   33.9٪
François Fillon  — The Republicans
7,212,995   20.01٪

Leading candidate and vote share by department in the first round
Leading candidate and vote share by department in the second round Edit the value on Wikidata
Investiture Edit the value on Wikidata
Replaces:Elected person:
François HollandeEmmanuel Macron Edit the value on Wikidata
Immediate cause of
presidency of Emmanuel Macron Edit the value on Wikidata

Direct voting to some candidates (person) where the one who obtains an absolute majority in the first round will win. The most common situation, however, is that no one gets it and, then, the two candidates who have got the most votes, pass as the only candidates to the second round, in which the one who has got the most votes wins.

Data model

In event that in the first round any of the candidates obtains an absolute majority, the direct suffrage design is applied, as it has been a single vote and whoever has obtained the most votes, has won. Therefore, the item of election contains all the results.

If, on the other hand, a second round is required, the data structure in WD for this type of election consists of a set of 3 items :

  1. Main election item corresponding to the electoral call with basic and common data: dates, electorate, .. and, as a result in the property successful candidate (P991), it has the name of the winner of the second round .
  2. First round item with candidates and results
  3. Second round item with candidates and results

The structure of the last two items is similar and they are linked to the main item by the has part(s) (P527) and part of (P361). While some properties are not strictly necessary for the infobox at some of these two levels (e.g., candidates in the main item or jurisdiction in subordinates), we find them in some cases.

Main election item

instance of

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank presidential election in France
0 references
add reference
May be a generic name (general elections) or more especific (general elections in France). Sometimes it has follows (P155) + followed by (P156) as a qualifiers, but it's not correct and it's not used by infobox.

In Infobox: "Type".

add value


2017 French presidential election

Normal rank France
0 references
add reference
Country where jurisdiction object of the election is.

In Infobox: Infobox do not use it.

add value
applies to jurisdiction

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank France
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

Specific territory object of the elections. In Infobox: Territory flag is shown at bottom bar with election serie. It gets flag image (P41) from "jurisdiction" item.

add value

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank 2012 French presidential election
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

Previous elections for same type and same jurisdiction. In Infobox: IMPORTANT: It is used in all calculations of differences in results. It is shown in the bottom bar with the series. If the name contains a 4 digits year, it will show as a link.

add value
followed by

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank 2022 French presidential election
0 references
add reference
Next elections for same type and same jurisdiction.

In Infobox: It is shown in the bottom bar with the series. If the name contains a 4 digits year, it will show as a link.

add value

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank 14 day
applies to part, aspect, or form election campaign
0 references
add reference
allowed units constraint allowed qualifiers constraint: applies to part, aspect, or form 
Indicates the number of days the election campaign lasts before the first round. As it is a generic property, it must be accompanied by the qualifier P518 to specify its meaning.
add value
point in time

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank
applies to part, aspect, or form first round of French presidential election, 2017
0 references
add reference
Normal rank
applies to part, aspect, or form second round of French presidential election, 2017
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

Election date for this type of election. It must contain TWO values, one for each ballot, accompanied by the qualifier applies to part, aspect, or form (P518) linking to the item of the corresponding ballot. In infobox: At the beginning, in the general data. An icon is also displayed next to it, highlighting if they are just called (Called), we're in campaign (In campaign) or today is the election day (election day).

add value
office contested

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank President of the French Republic
0 references
add reference
 contemporary constraint allowed qualifiers constraint: parliamentary term 
red mandatory

red value-type constraint → position Qualifier parliamentary term (P2937) are not mandatory. They just improve the information In Infobox:At the beginning, in general information block. The term length of office (P2097) of the position's item is also fetched.

add value
successful candidate

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank Emmanuel Macron
0 references
add reference
red mandatory, després de la segona volta.

For this type of election it must be a singular value. No qualifier is needed, as the information of its characteristics: political party, votes received, etc. are obtained from P726.

In Infobox:Places the elected person at the top of the list of candidates.

add value

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank no value
0 references
add reference
yellow optional

Instances of this property must be collected in the item of the first round , which is the electoral act where the results obtained as candidates are collected. Very often we find this property filled in duplicate, which is a redundancy.

In the infobox: DO NOT treat this information in this item.

add value
eligible voters

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank 47,582,183
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

It is a well-known and unchanging figure since the call for elections.

In infobox: It appears at the beginning, with the general data.

add value
distribution map

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank File:Élection présidentielle de 2017 par département T2.svg
applies to part, aspect, or form electoral result
0 references
add reference
Map or graph representative of the result. As it is a multivalued property, it must be accompanied by the qualifier P518 = electoral result (Q19571328), for it to be treated by the infobox.

In the infobox : At the bottom.

add value
immediate cause of

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank investiture
of Emmanuel Macron
point in time
replaces François Hollande
0 references
add reference
Normal rank presidency of Emmanuel Macron
of Emmanuel Macron
point in time
replaces François Hollande
0 references
add reference
yellow optional

It shows what have been the next, direct and immediate, electoral processes of these elections. In the example we see the data structure to declare the presidential relief, in the absence of an item that specifically collects the investiture (Q167407) of the president-elect (see the different solution when exists investiture item). When the value of P1536 = appointment (Q1318578) or investiture (Q167407), the infobox creates the presidential relief block with the help of the qualifiers: of (P642) + replaces (P1365).

In the infobox: Shown at the bottom, just before the bar of the election series.

add value
voting system

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank two-round system
0 references
add reference
red mandatory
add value
has part(s)

2017 French presidential election

Normal rank first round of French presidential election, 2017
series ordinal 1
0 references
add reference
Normal rank second round of French presidential election, 2017
series ordinal 2
0 references
add reference
red mandatory.

It must have TWO values that point to the item of each ballot, with the qualifier P1545 to indicate the order.

add value

First round item


Property candidate (P726) contains all the candidates. Once the votes received (P1111) has been loaded after voting, the two candidates with the most votes must join the successful candidate (P991) property of this item and be the only candidate (P726) of the second round item.

instance of

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank voting round
0 references
add reference
red mandatory = voting round (Q24097670)
add value

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank France
0 references
add reference
Country where jurisdiction object of the election is.

In Infobox: Infobox do not use it.

add value
part of

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 2017 French presidential election
series ordinal 1
0 references
add reference
red mandatory = main election item
add value
start time

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank
0 references
add reference
The P585 can be used when the date is only one day.

In infobox: do not use this date, but the date of the main item of election.

add value
end time

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank
0 references
add reference
The P585 can be used when the date is only one day.

In infobox: do not use this date, but the date of the main item of election.

add value
followed by

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank second round of French presidential election, 2017
0 references
add reference
inverse constraint 
add value
office contested

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank president
0 references
add reference
same value as the P541 in main election item.

In infrobox:Not used in infobox. This info comes from main item.

add value
successful candidate

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank Emmanuel Macron
0 references
add reference
Normal rank Marine Le Pen
0 references
add reference
red mandatory, after first round is done.

For this type of election must be TWO values, those of the finalists who pass to the second round. No qualifier is needed, as the information of its characteristics: party, votes received, etc. are obtained from P726.

In infobox:It places the chosen candidates at the top of the list of candidates.

add value

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank Nicolas Dupont-Aignan
object of statement has role official party candidate
votes received 1,695,000
0 references
add reference
Normal rank Marine Le Pen
object of statement has role official party candidate
start time
political coalition National Rally
votes received 7,678,491
0 references
add reference
Normal rank Emmanuel Macron
object of statement has role official party candidate
votes received 8,656,346
0 references
add reference
Normal rank Benoît Hamon
object of statement has role official party candidate
start time
votes received 2,291,288
0 references
add reference
Normal rank Nathalie Arthaud
object of statement has role official party candidate
votes received 232,384
0 references
add reference
Normal rank Philippe Poutou
object of statement has role official party candidate
start time
votes received 394,505
0 references
add reference
Normal rank Jacques Cheminade
object of statement has role official party candidate
votes received 65,586
0 references
add reference
Normal rank Jean Lassalle
object of statement has role official party candidate
start time
votes received 435,301
0 references
add reference
Normal rank Jean-Luc Mélenchon
object of statement has role official party candidate
start time
votes received 7,059,951
0 references
add reference
Normal rank François Asselineau
object of statement has role official party candidate
votes received 332,547
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

Instances should be filled before the election date.

  • represents (P1268) (or P102) is mandatory, in proportional elections, indicating no value, when empty.
  • votes received (P1111), is required and must be filled when the count is closed, referenced by an official source.
  • political coalition (P5832), optional when the candidate represents a coalition, in which case P1268 must contain the coalition name

In Infobox:Build the results table with the candidate list. Information from political coalition is shown in a collapsible list.

add value
eligible voters

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 47,582,183
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

It is a well-known and unchanging figure since the call for elections.

In infobox: It appears at the beginning, with the general data.

add value
ballots cast

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 37,003,728
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

It is a figure generated in the electoral process of the first round. In Infobox: It is displayed in the "turnout" bar.

add value
total valid votes

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 36,054,394
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

It is a figure generated in the electoral process of the first round. It is part (divisor) of the calculation of the ratio of votes obtained by the candidates.

In Infobox: Valid, blank and null votes are displayed together below the turnout bar.

add value
number of spoilt votes

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 289,337
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

It is a figure generated in the electoral process of the first round.

In Infobox: Valid, blank and null votes are displayed together below the turnout bar.

add value
number of blank votes

first round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 659,997
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

It is a figure generated in the electoral process of the first round. It is part (divisor) of the calculation of the ratio of votes obtained by the candidates.

In Infobox: Valid, blank and null votes are displayed together below the turnout bar.

add value

Second round item


This item has only two candidate (P726) who got the most votes in the first round. Once voting is complete, the votes received (P1111) of P726 entries must be entered, and the instance of successful candidate (P991) will be created with the winner's name.

instance of

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank voting round
0 references
add reference
red mandatory = voting round (Q24097670)
add value

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank France
0 references
add reference
Country where jurisdiction object of the election is.

In Infobox: Infobox do not use it.

add value
part of

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 2017 French presidential election
series ordinal 2
0 references
add reference
red mandatory = main election item
add value
start time

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank
0 references
add reference
The P585 can be used when the date is only one day.

In infobox: do not use this date, but the date of the main item of election.

add value
end time

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank
0 references
add reference
The P585 can be used when the date is only one day.

In infobox: do not use this date, but the date of the main item of election.

add value
office contested

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank president
0 references
add reference
same value as the P541 in main election item.

In infrobox:Not used in infobox. This info comes from main item.

add value

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank first round of French presidential election, 2017
0 references
add reference
inverse constraint 
add value
successful candidate

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank Emmanuel Macron
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

For this type of election it must be a singular value. No qualifier is needed, as the information of its characteristics: political party, votes received, etc. are obtained from P726. However, the final result of votes received (P1111) listed in P726, can be duplicated here to give content to the winner.

In Infobox:Places the elected person at the top of the list of candidates.

add value

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank Emmanuel Macron
votes received 20,743,128
0 references
add reference
Normal rank Marine Le Pen
votes received 10,638,475
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

They are the TWO chosen from the P991 of the first round item.

  • votes received (P1111), is required and must be completed when the count is closed, referenced by an official source.
add value
eligible voters

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 47,568,693
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

It is a well-known and unchanging figure since the call for elections.

In infobox: It appears at the beginning, with the general data.

add value
ballots cast

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 35,467,327
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

It is a figure generated in the electoral process of the second round. In Infobox: It is displayed in the "turnout" bar.

add value
total valid votes

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 31,381,603
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

It is a figure generated in the electoral process of the first round. It is part (divisor) of the calculation of the ratio of votes obtained by the candidates.

In Infobox: Valid, blank and null votes are displayed together below the turnout bar.

add value
number of spoilt votes

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 1,064,225
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

It is a figure generated in the electoral process of the second round.

In Infobox: Valid, blank and null votes are displayed together below the turnout bar.

add value
number of blank votes

second round of French presidential election, 2017

Normal rank 3,021,499
0 references
add reference
red mandatory

It is a figure generated in the electoral process of the second round.

In Infobox: Valid, blank and null votes are displayed together below the turnout bar.

add value