Wikidata:Property proposal/CofE archives place ID

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CofE archives place ID


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Place

Descriptionidentifier for a place in the places database of the Church of England's National Church Institutions Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue, including the archives of Lambeth Palace Library and the Church of England Record Centre.
RepresentsArchives and Manuscripts Catalogue (Q106477097)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domaingeographic region (Q82794)
Allowed valuesPL or NA followed by one or more digits
Example 1Pembrokeshire (Q85631787)PL286
Example 2Kelshall (Q602057)NA3083
Example 3Rouen (Q30974)PL43
Example 4Farnham Castle (Q5436016)NA1221
Example 5Lambeth Wyke Manor (Q105787458)NA3777
Example 6Glastonbury Abbey (Q544113)NA1372
External linksUse in sister projects: [ar][de][en][es][fr][he][it][ja][ko][nl][pl][pt][ru][sv][vi][zh][commons][species][wd][en.wikt][fr.wikt].
Planned useFor improving the items of places that are the subjects of manuscripts in the Lambeth Palace Library collection; for continuing work to improve documentation of individual instances of English manor estate (Q2116450) and parish (Q102496).
Number of IDs in source~3500
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)
Formatter URL$1
See alsoCofE archives catalogue ID (P9483), CofE archives name ID (P9485)
Applicable "stated in"-valueArchives and Manuscripts Catalogue (Q106477097)
Wikidata projectWikiProject Early Modern England and Wales (Q106489705)

regex: (NA|PL)[0-9]+



See related proposals Wikidata:Property proposal/CofE archives ID, Wikidata:Property proposal/CofE archives name ID,

The Church of England's National Church Institutions’ Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue contains detailed records of half a million archive items, including ~15K+ records of the Incorporated Church Building Society about individual churches and chapels in the Lambeth Palace Library (Q30264838). Its places database contains identifiers for ~3500 significant places related to items in the archives. These place records provide consolidated links to documents related to the place; see the example at Pembrokeshire.

Note that due to separate items for modern and historic counties, civil and religious parishes, etc., the distinct qualifiers constraint is not appropriate for this property. - PKM (talk) 21:23, 13 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]


(Note: property was originally proposed as "Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue place ID")