Wikidata:WikiProject SrpKor/Queries
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ELTeC queries
[edit]Basic queries: novels in SrpKor and srpELTEC collections
[edit]- Novels in SrpKor Q117079024 (srpELTeC collection =wd:Q106936149)
SELECT DISTINCT ?novel ?novelLabel
#published in (P1433) collection (Q117079024)
?novel wdt:P1433 wd:Q117079024.
SERVICE wikibase:label
{ bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
- Novels in srpELTeC-extended collection
#Мilica Ikonić Nešič
#novels in srpELTeC-extended collection (Q109123373)
SELECT DISTINCT ?novel ?novelLabel
# roman objavljen u (P1433) u srpELTeC-extended kolekciji (Q109123373)
?novel wdt:P1433 wd:Q109123373.
SERVICE wikibase:label
{ bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
- Subcollections for specific language within ELTeC collection
# Subcollections of ELTeC collection
SELECT DISTINCT ?subcoll ?subcollLabel
# ELTeC collection(Q106927517) contains
wd:Q106927517 wdt:P4330 ?subcoll.
SERVICE wikibase:label
{ bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Size of novels (pages, words)
[edit]- Bubble chart of novels in srpELTeC and srpELTeC-extended by number of pages
SELECT DISTINCT ?novel ?novelLabel ?num_pages
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P1433 ?collection;
wdt:P1104 ?num_pages.
SERVICE wikibase:label
{ bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
- Bubble chart of novels in srpELTeC and srpELTeC-extended by number of words
SELECT DISTINCT ?novel ?novelLabel ?num_words
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P1433 ?collection;
wdt:P6570 ?num_words;
SERVICE wikibase:label
{ bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
- Interactive bubble chart with novels in the ELTeC collection, where size of sircle is number of pages
SELECT DISTINCT ?novel ?novelLabel ?num_pages ?num_words
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P747 ?edition.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?corpus;
wdt:P1104 ?num_pages;
wdt:P6570 ?num_words.
?corpus wdt:P361 wd:Q106927517.
SERVICE wikibase:label
{ bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Time and place of publication
[edit]- Map of novels by publication year colored by period Т1: [1840-1859] blue, Т2: [1860-1879] orang, Т3: [1880-1899] green, Т4: [1900-1920] red
SELECT DISTINCT ?novel ?name ?pubplace ?pubyear ?coord ?layer ?image
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 wd:Q117079024 }
{ ?novel wdt:P747 ?edition;
wdt:P747 ?firsted.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?collection.
?firsted wdt:P31 wd:Q10898227;
wdt:P291 ?place. }
?place wdt:P625 ?coord.
OPTIONAL {?firsted wdt:P577 ?dob.}
OPTIONAL {?firsted wdt:P18 ?image.}
BIND(YEAR(?dob) AS ?pubyear)
BIND(IF(?pubyear < 1839 , "-1840", IF(?pubyear < 1860 , "1840-1859", IF(?pubyear < 1880 , "1860-1879", IF(?pubyear < 1900 , "1880-1899", IF(?pubyear < 1921 , "1900-1920", "Post-1920"))))) AS ?layer)
?novel rdfs:label ?name.
FILTER((LANG(?name)) = "sr")
?place rdfs:label ?pubplace.
FILTER((LANG(?pubplace)) = "sr")
#sortiraj prema godini publikovanja
ORDER BY (?pubyear)
- Map of first publication place of novels in srpELTeC and srpELTeC-extended
SELECT DISTINCT ?edition ?editionLabel ?place ?placeLabel ?coor
VALUES ?collection { wd: wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P747 ?edFirst, ?edition.
?edFirst wdt:P31 wd:Q10898227;
wdt:P291 ?place.
?place wdt:P625 ?coor.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?collection.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
- Publication place of the first edition
SELECT DISTINCT ?edition ?editionLabel ?place ?placeLabel ?coor
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P747 ?ELTeC;
wdt:P747 ?edition.
?ELTeC wdt:P1433 ?corpus.
?corpus wdt:P361 wd:Q106927517.
# edition is (P31) first edition (Q10898227)
?edition wdt:P31 wd:Q10898227;
wdt:P291 ?place.
# place coordinate location (P625)
OPTIONAL {?place wdt:P625 ?coor}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
- Timeline visualization of novels in srpELTeC and srpELTeC-extended by year of first publication
SELECT DISTINCT ?novel ?novelLabel ?image ?date ?author ?authorLabel
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P747 ?edition;
wdt:P747 ?edFirst.
?editon wdt:P1433 ?collection.
?edFirst wdt:P31 wd:Q10898227;
wdt:P18 ?image.
OPTIONAL { ?edition wdt:P577 ?date. }
OPTIONAL { ?novel wdt:P50 ?author. }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
- Novels presented in timeline
SELECT DISTINCT ?novel ?novelLabel ?image ?date ?author ?authorLabel
?novel wdt:P747 ?edition;
wdt:P747 ?edFirst;
wdt:P18 ?image.
?edition wdt:P31 wd:Q3331189;
wdt:P1433 ?corpus.
?corpus wdt:P361 wd:Q106927517.
?edFirst wdt:P31 wd:Q10898227;
wdt:P577 ?date.
OPTIONAL { ?novel wdt:P50 ?author. }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Authors of novels
[edit]- All authors in ELTeC collection
SELECT DISTINCT ?author ?authorLabel ?image
?edition wdt:P31 wd:Q3331189;
wdt:P50 ?author;
wdt:P1433 ?corpus.
?corpus wdt:P361 wd:Q106927517.
OPTIONAL {?author wdt:P18 ?image}
SERVICE wikibase:label
{ bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
- Bubble chart of numbers of male and female authors in srpELTeC and srpELTeC-extended
SELECT ?polA ?pol (COUNT(DISTINCT ?author) as ?count)
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P50 ?author;
wdt:P747 ?edition.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?collection.
?author wdt:P21 ?polA.
?polA rdfs:label ?pol
filter (lang(?pol) = "sr")
GROUP BY ?polA ?pol
ORDER BY DESC(?count) ASC(?pol)
- Tree map of authors in srpELTeC and srpELTeC-extended collection
SELECT DISTINCT ?autor ?autorLabel ?novel ?novelLabel
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P1433 ?collection;
wdt:P50 ?autor.
SERVICE wikibase:label
{ bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
- Map of birth place of authors colored by time period of birth 1801-1840 blue, 1841-1870 orang, 1871-1900 green
SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?name ?birthplace ?birthyear ?coord ?layer ?image
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
{ ?novel wdt:P747 ?edition;
wdt:P50 ?person.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?collection.
?person wdt:P19 ?place.
?place wdt:P625 ?coord.
OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P569 ?dob. }
OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P18 ?image.}
BIND(YEAR(?dob) AS ?birthyear)
BIND(IF(?birthyear < 1801 , "-1800", IF(?birthyear < 1831 , "1801-1840", IF(?birthyear < 1871 , "1841-1870", IF(?birthyear < 1901 , "1871-1900", "Post-1900")))) AS ?layer)
?person rdfs:label ?name.
FILTER((LANG(?name)) = "sr")
?place rdfs:label ?birthplace.
FILTER((LANG(?birthplace)) = "sr")
ORDER BY (?birthyear)
Place of narration and characters
[edit]- Narative characters in srpELTeC and srpELTeC-extended collection
SELECT DISTINCT ?novel ?novelLabel ?characters ?charactersLabel
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P674 ?characters;
wdt:P747 ?edition.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?collection.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr". }
- Place of narration in srpELTeC and srpELTeC-extended collection
SELECT DISTINCT ?novel ?novelLabel ?place ?placeLabel
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P840 ?place;
wdt:P747 ?edition.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?collection.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr". }
- Interactive balloon chart with the places most often mentioned in novels, where the size of the circle is the number of mentions. When you set mouse pointer on the circle, you can see number of places. (ERR)
SELECT ?pid ?place (COUNT(*) as ?count)
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P840 ?pid;
wdt:P747 ?edition.
?edition wdt:P1433 wd:Q106927517.
# wdt:P123 wd:Q106926624.
?pid rdfs:label ?place
filter (lang(?place) = "sr")}
GROUP BY ?pid ?place
ORDER BY DESC(?count) ASC(?place)
Family relations in novels
[edit]- All husbands and wives in srpELTeC and srpELTeC-extended collection
SELECT DISTINCT ?h ?hLabel ?w ?wLabel
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P674 ?h;
wdt:P747 ?edition.
?h wdt:P21 wd:Q6581097;
wdt:P26 ?w.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?collection.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr". }
- Mothers and children in srpELTeC and srpELTeC-extended collection
SELECT DISTINCT ?mother ?motherLabel ?child ?childLabel
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P674 ?mother;
wdt:P747 ?edition.
?mother wdt:P21 wd:Q6581097;
wdt:P25 ?child.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?collection.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr". }
- Fathers and children in srpELTeC and srpELTeC-extended collection
SELECT DISTINCT ?father ?fatherLabel ?child ?childLabel
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P674 ?father;
wdt:P747 ?edition.
?father wdt:P21 wd:Q6581097;
wdt:P22 ?child.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?collection.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr,en". }
Statistics in srpETLeC
[edit]- Number of pages per novel
# Number of pages per novel in SrpELTeC collection
SELECT DISTINCT ?novel ?novelLabel ?collection ?collectionLabel ?numpage
# novel in collection srpELTeC (Q106936149) and srpELTeC-extended (Q109123373)
VALUES ?collection { wd:Q106936149 wd:Q109123373 }
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P747 ?edition.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?collection;
wdt:P1104 ?numpage.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sr". }
- Number of mentioned places per novel
SELECT ?novel ?nid (COUNT(DISTINCT ?place) as ?count)
VALUES ?collection {
?novel wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634;
wdt:P50 ?author;
wdt:P747 ?edition.
?edition wdt:P1433 ?collection.
?novel wdt:P840 ?place.
?novel rdfs:label ?nid
filter (lang(?nid) = "sr")
GROUP BY ?novel ?nid
SrpKor queries
[edit]- Sum per collections
- Words (per collection and for novel)
- Naration places (per collection and for novel)
- Characters (per collection and for novel)
- Male and female authors
- Short novels...