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Productivity Hacks
20-page PDF
- Master the intentional use of your time, energy, and attention.
- Get more done in less time with the Pomodoro Technique, the 2-Minute Rule, and more.
- Use the Eisenhower Matrix and the ABCDE Method to supercharge your decision-making.
Methods and Techniques in this Guide
- Pomodoro Technique
- 2-Minute Rule
- Time Blocking
- Eisenhower Matrix
- ABCDE Method
- 80/20 Principle
- Digital Minimilism
- Energy Mapping
- Biohacking
What Readers Are Saying
“Wow, this was so helpful for me! I learned so many ways to improve my work ethic.”
- Sereno D
- Sereno D
“This gave me so many ideas on how to actually get on with the work that I keep putting off. I was looking at it as a mountainous heap instead of breaking it down into bite-sized chunks. Also, the approach of doing something for a set period of time, then breaking off for a bit has really helped me with discipline.”
- Samantha
- Samantha
Survive and Thrive
How to Survive Any Situation
1,185-page PDF
- Learn the basics of CPR, first aid, and self defense.
- Handle vehicle and home emergencies, and escape extreme scenarios.
- Survive in the wilderness, protect yourself from animal attacks, and ride out natural disasters.
What Readers Are Saying
“I liked how this informed me what I'm able to do in case there's an accident, with no professional help nearby. That was a life saver.”
- Callie C
- Callie C
Time Management
20-page PDF
- Set up your life for time-efficiency.
- Prioritize what’s most important to you.
- Identify where your time and energy are going.
What Readers Are Saying
“I’m not in the habit of writing comments unless I am really touched and impressed by the work done. One thing is very obvious: this guide is worthy of grand praise. I really appreciate it.”
- Shikha M
- Shikha M
Master Mindfulness
Meditation for Stress Relief
22-page PDF
- Reduce your stress and anxiety.
- Find more joy in your life.
- Learn to drop negative thought patterns.
What Readers Are Saying
“My personal relationships were stressing me out and making me angry. I tried this mindful meditation, and although I am just a beginner, I can already feel positive changes in my body and mind.”
- Ally R
- Ally R
Yoga for Beginners
20-page PDF
- Learn the benefits and basics of yoga.
- Learn fundamental poses and flows.
- Make yoga a part of your daily routine.
What Readers Are Saying
“I hate stretching and always need a little extra motivation to get it done.These lessons helped keep it light and doable. I felt SO much better after doing each one.”
- Amin A
- Amin A
Pursue Your Dreams
23-page PDF
- Start your first side hustle.
- Learn how to run a business.
- Avoid common pitfalls and obstacles.
What Readers Are Saying
“I am just getting started in my own business, and I liked the breakdown of writing a business plan. This was easy to read and really understandable.”
- Maggie K
- Maggie K
Excel for Professionals
27-page PDF
- Learn the basics of Excel.
- Master advanced functions, like pivot tables and queries.
- Improve your workflows with Excel.
What Readers Are Saying
“I have never used Excel before, and I didn't know where to start. This has been so helpful to me, thank you so much. I start a new job this week, and I needed to learn as much as I could.”
- Helen M
- Helen M
Make Food Work For You
Meal Prep & Planning
17-page PDF
- Easily plan your meals for the week.
- Save money and time on shopping and cooking.
- Eat a healthy diet with ease.
What Readers Are Saying
“It really helped to keep me in the right direction and save money.”
- Suzanne W
- Suzanne W
Cooking for Beginners
23-page PDF
- Learn the basics of healthy cooking.
- Make cooking easy and fun.
- Cook in batches to save time.
What Readers Are Saying
“Covered all the basics that I was looking for and gave me a nice framework for cooking to kick me off.”
- Eric M
- Eric M
Expand Your Horizons
See the World on a Budget
20-page PDF
- Learn how to begin world travel.
- Get past the money hurdle.
- Become an experienced world traveler.
What Readers Are Saying
“Very informative and helpful. I didn’t know about all these cheaper options for seeing new countries. Now I have a budget and a plan!”
- Tori S
- Tori S
Learn Spanish for Travel
17-page PDF
- Learn the basics of Spanish.
- Learn common travel phrases.
- Explore Mexico with confidence.
What Readers Are Saying
“I really appreciate having this as a cheat sheet we can just print out and put it in our bags to use when needed.”
- Sean E
- Sean E
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