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[[A chap is standing next to the black hat guy, who's sitting on a chair working on a laptop.]]
Chap: And that's not even the worst part! The
part is that--
Black Hat: <<U+202e>>
Chap: ...neve t'ndid yeht--
Chap: ?lleh eht tahw... ...uoy did woh
Chap: .elohssa...
{{The chap's text, read right to left, reads: --they didn't even... how did you... ... what the hell? ...asshole.}}
{{Title text: Collaborative editing can quickly become a textual rap battle fought with increasingly convoluted invocations of U+202a to U+202e.}}
Comics I enjoy:
Three Word Phrase,
Dinosaur Comics,
Oglaf (nsfw),
A Softer World,
Perry Bible Fellowship,
Questionable Content,
Buttercup Festival,
Junior Scientist Power Hour
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.
This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). More details.