Mantar sporlarının yapı içinde üreyerek oluşturduğu ve çoğunlukla renkli bir görünüm ve koku ile ... more Mantar sporlarının yapı içinde üreyerek oluşturduğu ve çoğunlukla renkli bir görünüm ve koku ile algılanan küfler, yapı kullanıcılarında bazı sağlık sorunlarına neden olabilmektedir. Yapı ve çevresinden kaynaklanan bu sağlık sorunları yapı biyolojisi bilim alanında geliştirilmiş bir irdeleme ve ilişkiler modeli ile irdelenebilir. Dış çevredeki mantar sporlarının yapı içine çeşitli şekillerde girmesiyle ortaya çıkan olumsuzluk etkeni, mantar sporlarının uygun koşullarda üremesi, küfe dönüşmesi ve iç havaya karışması ile olumsuzluğa, solunması ya da ortaya çıkan kokunun duyumsanması ile kullanıcı sağlığını bozan bir etkene ve sonuçta alerjik sorunlar, aspergilloz ve kakosmi gibi sağlık sorunlarına dönüşebilmektedir. Mantar sporlarının yapıya nasıl girdiği, hangi durumlarda küf oluşturduğu ve neden olduğu sağlık sorunlarının anlaşılmasıyla yapı tasarımcı ve kullanıcılarına sağlıklı iç çevreler konusunda katkı sağlanabileceği düşünülmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Küf, Mantar Sporları, Yapı Biyolojisi, Aspergilloz, Kakosmi Molds, mostly noticed by their color and scent and produced by fungi spores which can be found in indoor environments, can cause some health problems in building users. These health problems arising from building and its environments can be investigated by an examination and relations model developed in the building biology science field. The negative features caused by fungi spores which can enter indoor environment through various ways, can create negative conditions by proliferating in proper circumstances, developing molds and becoming airborne. After inhaling or perceiving the scent, these negative conditions can cause hazardous effects and eventually health problems such as allergic reactions, aspergillosis and cacosmia. It is hoped to be useful to the building designers and users for healthy environments by providing detailed information about the infiltration ways of fungi spores, mold development conditions and health problems. Key words: Mold, Fungi Spores, Building Biology, Aspergillosis, Cacosmia
X. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi ve Teskon + Sodex Fuarı, 2011
Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesinde ve yaşam için gerekli oksijenin sağlanmasında en ekonom... more Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesinde ve yaşam için gerekli oksijenin sağlanmasında en ekonomik ve çevreci yol doğal havalandırmadır. Doğal havalandırma için uygun nitelikteki hava yapıya alınmalı ve kirlenen iç hava yapıdan uzaklaştırılmalıdır. Isınarak yükselen havanın soğuk hava ile yer değiştirmesi sonucu oluşan hava deviniminin özellikleri havalandırmanın etkinliği açısından önemlidir. Yapının konumunun, biçiminin, birimlerinin yerleşiminin, duvar boşluklarının, kulelerin ya da bacaların hava devinimi ile ilişkisi irdelenerek kararların tasarıma aktarılması yeterli bir doğal havalandırma için gereklidir. Doğal hava devinimi – yapı ilişkisinin doğru kurulmasıyla kullanıcı sağlığını bozmayan, enerji tüketmeyen, çevreyi kirletmeyen ve maliyetleri artırmayan bir havalandırma sağlanabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Havalandırma, Doğal havalandırma, Hava devinimi. / The most economical and environmentalist way of providing vital oxygen and removing indoor air pollution is natural ventilation. To ventilate buildings with natural methods, it is necessary that the convenient outdoor air should be taken into building and polluted indoor air should be removed out. The properties of airflow, which is formed by the replacement of the polluted and thereby heated air with cold and clean air, are important in terms of ventilation effectiveness. For accurate ventilation, it is necessary to examine the relationship of airflow with the position and form of buildings, the location of building units, wall openings, turrets or stacks and to benefit from these examinations during design. By establishing an effective relation between natural airflow and buildings, a ventilation, which does not cause health problems, consume energy, create environmental pollution or increase costs, will be supplied. Key Words: Ventilation, Natural ventilation, Airflow.
ICONARCH IV, International Congress of Architecture and Planning Space and Process in Architecture and Planning, 2020
Humans’ interaction with the built environments generally actuates a
rather severely exposure pro... more Humans’ interaction with the built environments generally actuates a rather severely exposure process. One of the important aspects under this category: indoor air and its pollution cause premature death of nearly four million people every year. The vital necessity to sustain existing built environment through proper improvement requires adaptability by using a consciously structured assessment process which focuses on the relationship of space and humans in a systematic perspective. Accordingly, as an alternative to common tendencies in indoor air pollution studies, the subject can be structured on three pillars: pollutants, humans and indirect participant of their relationship: exposure environments. Due to the complex interactivity created between hierarchical environmental systems of building, main aspects of closed spaces play an essential role as creating complicated impact-result mechanisms on progress of exposure. The existence, location, duration and concentration levels of indoor air pollutants are affected by the volume of closed spaces, air movements in and between indoor and outdoor environment, possible interactivity among surfaces and pollutants and related factors such as temperature, humidity, dampness that transforms these interrelations. Furthermore, the architectural arrangement of the spaces affects the exposure by determining location and duration of building users. It is believed that constituting systematization for fundamental properties of closed spaces as exposure environments can be useful to reveal interrelations between three participants of exposure in a broader and more holistic comprehension consistent with whole systems thinking in preference to common popularized approaches which mainly concentrate on quantitative properties in a single building scale towards better structured assessment activities with a higher potential for accurate results. Key words: Indoor air pollution, Exposure environment, Exposure assessment, Exposure factors, Indoor spaces
ICONARCH IV, International Congress of Architecture and Planning Space and Process in Architecture and Planning, 2020
The production and usage processes of buildings correspond to a highly
complex interrelation amon... more The production and usage processes of buildings correspond to a highly complex interrelation among many experts of professionals and users in which the space is produced according to certain approaches to become one of the essential factors to affect the users’ life. In this context, indoor air and its pollution are in the most critical aspects of spaces with a very high potential to create a wide range of comfort, many health and related economic problems. In order to structure a better cause and effect relation between spaces and users in the context of enhanced indoor air quality, among other aspects particularly the exposure phenomenon: process between encountering indoor air pollution and the formation of problems should be investigated in regard to underlying mechanisms. Existence of harmful substances with diverse properties for a definite period of time causes indoor air pollution and certain parts or the entire indoor environment of a building can constitute an exposure environment as the pollution meets with building users. This process can occur via respiration, olfaction or contact to skin and eyes where pollutants, their metabolites or reaction products compose biomarkers. The number of biomarkers, determined as dose, is directly related with the occurrence of a vast number of health / comfort conditions ranging from odour intolerance, headache or irritation to respiratory infections, heart diseases and cancers. Although there are many different approaches for classification of these outcomes, the problems are categorized under three groups in this research: cancers, non-cancerous diseases and sick building syndrome. It is believed that the study is beneficial to present an alternative qualitative point of view different from the common quantitative tendencies in the field of indoor air quality studies and the resultant classification can be useful for a more practical and accurate assessment process which is appreciated to be vital to sustain existing building stock and transform the problematic spaces in better and healthy living environments by raising awareness for particularly important but mostly ignored or misplaced problem groups. Keywords: Indoor air pollution, Exposure process, Health problems, Systems thinking, Evaluation process
Many building assessment systems are criticized due to focusing on individual building performanc... more Many building assessment systems are criticized due to focusing on individual building performance. However, in order to be truly positive, the effects of different aspects of a built environment should be considered through correlative impacts across different scales. Ventilation and air related properties are among these important effects. With the aim of exemplifying architectural design solutions, a vernacular settlement in the southeast of Turkey: Diyarbakır and its houses are examined with a systematic evaluation approach through architectural design under three phases. In the first phase, outdoor environment components which induce or effect air movements are examined and evaluated along with user properties. Aspects of ventilation, building envelope and indoor environment of Diyarbakır houses are analyzed in the second phase. The last phase is the evaluation of houses in terms of ventilation efficiency by relating user requirements with acquired properties of air and ventilation. With this examination, many architectural features as passive systems are revealed in order to condition and move the air. Additionally, based on findings, it can be interpreted that presuming the built environment as a part of bigger and smaller systems may create net positive results for humans and other systems of the place. Keywords: Air quality; assessment; Diyarbakır houses; regenerative design; ventilation.
Built environments affect other environments according to their properties and relations. Wrong /... more Built environments affect other environments according to their properties and relations. Wrong / inadequate decisions in design stage may cause many adverse effects. One of the important aspects of built environments is air related properties. In the light of regenerative design, which sees built environment as a new and organized bridge effectuating the desired relationship between different nested systems of place, a strategic guidance is determined as a basic necessity in order to design buildings with accurate ventilation and air properties. Concerning ventilation in buildings to be effective, it is important for clean air to reach settlements and polluted air should be removed through the relation and coherence of air and its movement with the properties of built environment in different scales. This aim can be met by using a design approach based on patterns, relations and impacts; a decision making tool of this kind can also be beneficial for evaluation of existing built environments in terms of air and ventilation efficiency. The proposed approach starts with a pre-research phase of collecting many data about the design area, continues with design / analysis phase in which certain design decisions are made based on the findings of pre-research or examination of existing building. The last phase is evaluating the design in terms of quality of meeting air related requirements and providing feedbacks. Designing this kind of built environment can integrate humans and other systems of design area to generate some net positive and supportive results. Keywords: Air quality; architectural design; built environment; systems thinking; ventilation.
Yapı kullanıcılarındaki birçok sağlık sorununun kaynağı, önemli iç hava kirleticisi gruplarından ... more Yapı kullanıcılarındaki birçok sağlık sorununun kaynağı, önemli iç hava kirleticisi gruplarından birisi olan uçucu organik bileşiklerdir (UOB). Ortak özellikte yüzlerce farklı kirleticiyi içeren UOB, düşük sıcaklıklarda gaz durumuna geçebilen maddeler olarak ele alınmaktadır. UOB nedeniyle oluşan sorunların önlenmesi için, yapı ve çevrelerinde UOB’den kaynaklanan olumsuzlukların ve sağlık üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesi gerekir. Çalışmada, bu amaç için yapı biyolojisi bilim alanında geliştirilmiş bir irdeleme modelinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu modelde işleyiş, olumsuzluk etkeninin: UOB içeren yapı ürünlerin, olumsuzluğun: iç havadaki UOB’in, sağlığı bozan etkenin: UOB’in olduğu bir ortamda bulunmanın ve ortaya çıkabilecek sağlık sorunlarının belirlenmesi şeklindedir. Gerçekleştirilen araştırmayla birçok farklı yapı ürününün bu kirleticileri içerebildiği anlaşılmıştır. Kirleticilerin iç havaya salınmasında ortam koşulları etkilidir. Yapılan birçok incelemede iç çevrede kirletici yoğunluklarının dış çevreye oranla yüksek düzeyde gerçekleştiği ortaya konmuştur. İnsanın bu kirleticilerden olumsuz etkilenmesinde, kirletici türünün yanı sıra, etkilenime ilişkin ayrıntıların yüksek önem taşıdığı göz ardı edilmemelidir. Bu kirleticilerin yoğunluğunun azaltılması ve olumsuz etkilerinin önlenmesi için, UOB içeren yapı ürünlerinin kullanılmaması ya da kullanım koşullarının denetlenmesi ve yapıda iyi bir havalandırma sağlanması gerektiği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, bundan sonra yapılacak çalışmalarla ilgili öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Uçucu organik bileşikler; yapı biyolojisi; yapı içi hava kirliliği. / Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are within important pollutant groups which cause indoor air pollution and many serious health problems. VOCs include hundreds of different pollutants with similar properties and can easily volatilize at low temperatures. In order to avoid problems, negativities caused by VOCs in the building and its environments and the effects on human health must be determined. In this study, an examination and relations model, produced for this purpose in the field of building biology, is used. The process of this model includes the determination of a negative feature in building: building products with VOCs, a negative condition: VOCs in indoor air, a hazardous effect: being exposed to VOCs and many health problems. The research has shown that many different building products may contain VOCs. The indoor environment conditions are effective on emission properties. It has been understood that indoor air concentrations of these pollutants are mostly much higher than outdoor concentrations in many studies. For the exposure of users, not only the type of pollutants but also the properties of exposure are effective. In order to avoid negative effects or to reduce the concentrations, it is advised not to prefer VOCs containing building products, to control their usage conditions and to supply accurate ventilation in buildings. Recommendations are provided for future researches. Keywords: Volatile organic compounds; building biology; indoor air pollution.
Dicle University 1st International Architecture Symposium, 2018
Indoor air pollution is one of the major hazards that contradict the primal existing aim of build... more Indoor air pollution is one of the major hazards that contradict the primal existing aim of buildings. The negative outcomes due to the exposure to indoor air pollution are mainly related to physical, chemical and biological properties of pollutants and their concentration level which tend to change constantly through space and time. This tendency increases the difficulties and risk of inadequate results during the determination task of indoor air pollution. Because of this, situations that affect these properties gain importance: properties of pollutant resources, the volume of the space, properties of air movements and relationship between different types of pollutants and indoor surfaces. In scientific researches, it is stated that among these factors, the results of mentioned relationship can create significant and unpredictable health risks in consequence of insufficient level of knowledge about this phenomenon. The aim of this research is to examine the results of different pollutant relationships within the context of their effects on pollution to raise awareness. There are many different types of pollutants which can create various mixtures in indoor environments. Among many classifications, mostly, indoor air pollutants are examined under groups related to their physical properties. Based on the fact that, in most cases, the air pollution encountered in indoor environments is a mixture of these different groups; pollutants can affect each other or be affected by the indoor surfaces according to their duration of existence. The results of these relations may change the types and concentration levels of pollutants, hence the properties of indoor air pollution. The relations of pollutants in indoor air may result in physically aggregation in different zones to form pollutant clusters or chemical reactions to conceive different types of pollutants. Beside of this, horizontal or vertical building products that form and limit the indoor environment can affect air pollutants according to different factors. When pollutants of different physical properties encounter a surface, these pollutants may bounce off to the air back, get attached to or be absorbed by the surface; these are defined as indoor sinks in scientific studies. It is possible for attached or absorbed pollutants to be reemitted to air back or react chemically with the substance to generate new kinds of pollutants. Several factors, such as air temperatures, humidity or dampness of the surfaces or inner layers can change the results of these relations. Physical or chemical relations can cause the quality and quantity of the indoor air pollution to change, the concentration levels of some pollutants may decrease, whereas new pollutants can be formed and accumulate. The identification of different possibilities of relations will facilitate the determination tasks of indoor air pollution, increase the quality and enhance the results. In addition to this, designers should be careful about the surface and chemical properties of building products and if possible avoid selecting reaction prone products or use them with proper solutions. Also, appropriate detail design can eliminate the negative impacts of dampness, temperature, humidity conditions that accelerate relation results and rapid removal of pollutants before the relation starts can be supplied with an intentionally designed ventilation strategy. Keywords: Indoor air pollution, air pollutants, pollutant relations
Dicle University 1st International Architecture Symposium, 2018
Indoor air pollution is an important hazardous effect that causes many deaths around the world ea... more Indoor air pollution is an important hazardous effect that causes many deaths around the world each year. Although there are a vast number of scientific researches focusing on indoor air pollutants; not only the pollution / effecter, but also the building user / affected should be examined in order to study the phenomenon in every aspect. The aim of this research is to examine the exposure related properties of building user and by raising awareness, to provide information for indoor air pollution assessment studies. Exposure can be defined as an agent to create a change on a target by reaching and touching it on a contact boundary. In the frame of exposure to indoor air pollutants, the main routes of exposure are respiration, olfaction, contact to skin and eye surfaces and the contact boundary can be considered as the inner surfaces of respiratory system and outer surfaces of the body. Exposure can be encountered with air pollutants to only touch the contact boundary, however, in most cases, it happens after the pollutants pass this border into body systems to cause symptoms of health problems. Adverse effects of exposure happen in relation to properties of human and the co-occurrence of humans and pollutants. Exposure route and contact boundary, exposure duration, frequency, location and susceptibility of users to pollutants constitute the basic factors. For exposure through olfaction and respiration, pollutants must enter the respiratory system via nose or mouth. With the stimulation of olfactory receptors, cacosmia, a set of biological / psychological symptoms in the frame of sick building syndrome may occur. As the pollutants advance through the respiratory system, they can harm the tissues and cause inflammation or they can be absorbed into the circulation system. The amount of pollutants taken in is strongly related to respiratory rate and tidal volume of the user. The contact of pollutants to the skin and eyes or absorption through these surfaces is defined as dermal exposure. Especially layers of eyes and eyelid skin are sensitive to pollutants. For the absorption, permeability of the contact boundary and the area of contact play major roles. The co-occurrence duration, frequency and location of humans and pollutants are related to the details of building usage: how long, how often and where the users be in the building. Susceptibility in exposure is a situation in which a target is more adversely affected by a certain agent compared to other targets exposed to the same agent under the same conditions. It is stated that, in general, women over men, pregnant women over non-pregnant, babies, children, elderly over other age groups and people with disease over healthy people comprise the susceptible group in terms of indoor air pollutants. For accurate assessment of health effects of indoor air pollution on humans, the route of exposure should be examined through biological properties of the respiratory system, tidal volume and biological properties of skin and eyes. The usage detail of the building, the closed units in which users spend time periodically can be determined for the duration of exposure, frequency and location. Also biological properties such as age, sex, etc. and psychological and social behaviors and habits can indicate the susceptibility. In order to execute a valid and accurate assessment of exposure to indoor air pollution, proper methods to determine these properties, to relate them towards realistic results will be beneficial. Keywords: Indoor air pollution, humans, respiration, dermal contact, susceptibility
Mimarlıkta Görsel Etki Değerlendirme Yöntem ve Teknikleri, 2011
Bu çalışma İstanbul Beyoğlu’nda bulunan Saint Antoine Katolik Kilisesi’nin iç mekân döşeme kaplam... more Bu çalışma İstanbul Beyoğlu’nda bulunan Saint Antoine Katolik Kilisesi’nin iç mekân döşeme kaplamasını oluşturan karo mozaiklerin desenleri ile ilgili kullanıcı düşüncelerini irdelemek amacıyla 2005 yılında yapılmıştır. İstiklal Caddesi üzerinde bulunan Saint Antoine Katolik Kilisesi İstanbul doğumlu Mimar Giulio Mongeri tarafından 1906 – 1912 yılları arasında Lombardia Gotiği olarak adlandırılan biçemde tasarlanmış ve üretilmiştir. Kilise cemaati, İstanbul’un en kalabalık Katolik cemaatlerinden birisidir; çoğunlukla Polonyalılar ve İtalyanlardan oluşur. Ancak yapı; konumu, büyüklüğü, sanatsal ve tarihsel değeri nedeniyle yalnızca kendi cemaati tarafından değil, özellikle Müslüman Türkler tarafından da sıklıkla gezilmektedir. Kilisenin iç mekân döşeme kaplamaları üç farklı biçim ve desende tasarlanmış karo mozaiklerden oluşmaktadır. Temmuz 2005 tarihinde kilise başrahibi Peder Anton Bulai ile yapılan görüşmede bu mozaiklerin üzerinde bulunan haç motifinin özellikle kiliseyi gezen Müslüman Türkleri rahatsız ettiği anlaşılmıştır. Müslüman Türkler, Hıristiyanlarca kutsal kabul edilen bu motifin üzerine basılmasını saygısızlık olarak görmekte, kiliseyi gezerken haç motifine basmadan üzerinden atlamayı yeğlemektedir. Buna karşın Peder Anton Bulai kilisenin kendi cemaatinin bu anlamda bir rahatsızlığı bulunmadığını belirtmiştir. Birçok Müslüman Türk ziyaretçi, farklı zamanlarda mozaiklerin değiştirilmesi isteğini yinelemiştir. Çalışma, farklı dinlerden ziyaretçisi bulunan Saint Antoine Katolik Kilisesi’nin döşeme kaplamalarında yer alan kutsal hiç motifi ile ilgili kullanıcıların düşüncelerini belirlemeyi, kullanıcının sosyal yapısının çevreyi algılamasını ve gösterdiği davranışı nasıl etkilediğini ortaya koymayı, amaçlamaktadır.
Yapı Fiziği ve Sürdürülebilir Tasarım Kongresi,, 2010
Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesine yönelik çözüm yöntemlerinden en etkili ve ekonomik olanı... more Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesine yönelik çözüm yöntemlerinden en etkili ve ekonomik olanı yapının yeterli düzeyde havalandırılmasıdır. Enerji tüketimi, ekonomi ve sağlıklı iç çevrelerin üretilebilmesi açısından havalandırmanın yapma sistemler yerine doğal yöntemlerle yapılması yeğlenmektedir.
Doğal havalandırmayı amaçlayan tasarımcı doğal ve yapma dış çevre özelliklerini hazır bulur. Yapının doğal havalandırılmasını sağlayan tasarım kararlarını yönlendirecek bu dış çevre verilerinin yanı sıra, üretilecek yapı da iç mekân doğal hava devinimi üzerinde etkili olacaktır. Ayrıca yapı üretildikten sonra çevresel etmenlerde ya da yapıda ortaya çıkabilecek değişiklikler, sağlanması amaçlanan doğal havalandırmanın niteliğini değiştirme riski taşır. Tüm bu özelliklerin anlaşılmasıyla yapılarda sürdürülebilir doğal havalandırma ilkeleri belirlenebilir.
Bu bildiride tasarımcılara katkı sağlamak amacıyla sürdürülebilir doğal havalandırma açısından yapı tasarımına yönelik bir yaklaşım ortaya konacaktır.
Mimari Tasarım Eğitimi: Bütünleşme 2 Ulusal Sempozyumu, 2011
1996’da Barselona’da gerçekleştirilen Uluslararası Mimarlar Birliği (UIA) XX. Genel Kurulu’nda ka... more 1996’da Barselona’da gerçekleştirilen Uluslararası Mimarlar Birliği (UIA) XX. Genel Kurulu’nda kabul edilen Mimarlık Eğitim Şartı’nda eğitim kurumlarının düzenli aralıklarla özdeğerlendirme yapmaları ve aynı alandan kişilerin değerlendirmelerine olanak verecek sistemler geliştirmeleri önerilmektedir (UIA/UNESCO, 2004). Bu nedenle YTÜ Mimarlık Bölümü Yapı Elemanları ve Malzemeleri Bilim Dalı tarafından düzenlenen ve yürütülen stüdyonun Mimarlık Bölüm Başkanlığı’nca her dönem sonunda yapılan değerlendirmeye ek olarak belirli aralıklarla ve çeşitli yönleriyle değerlendirilmesi hedeflenmekte ve değerlendirme çalışmalarında stüdyoya katılan öğrencilerin görüşleri ve beklentileri önemli görülmektedir. Bu çalışma ile mimarlık eğitiminde MT2 stüdyosunun geliştirilmesine yönelik çalışmalara veri sağlamak amaçlanmaktadır.
2009 – 2010 Eğitim Öğretim Yılı Bahar Yarıyılı’nda MT2 stüdyosuna katılan 40 öğrenciye dönem sonunda stüdyonun • yürütülme biçimi, • öğrenciye kazandırdıkları vb konularda yazılı görüşme (anket) yoluyla sorular yöneltilmiş, elde edilen yanıtlar toplam katılımcı sayısı göz önüne alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca açık uçlu soru türü kullanılarak öğrencilerden stüdyo ile ilgili çeşitli önerilerde bulunmaları istenmiştir. Bu önerilerin de stüdyonun geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
6. Ulusal Yapı Malzemesi Kongresi ve Sergisi, 2012
Sağlıksız Bina Sendromu (SBS) kapsamında ele alınan kakosmide (kötü koku sendromu) kokunun yoğunl... more Sağlıksız Bina Sendromu (SBS) kapsamında ele alınan kakosmide (kötü koku sendromu) kokunun yoğunluğu, keskinliği, karakteri yanında kokuyu algılayan kişinin cinsiyeti, yaşı, genel sağlık durumu, hormonları, kullanılan ilaçlar, koku alma yeteneği ve duyarlılığı, koku almaçlarına gelen havanın niceliği, sıcaklığı ve bağıl nem oranı da etkilidir. Yapı ürünlerinin yaydığı koku, ürünü oluşturan maddelerden, ürünü etkileyen koşullardan ve ortamdaki kokunun ürün içine işleyerek koku kaynağı durumuna gelmesinden kaynaklanır. Araştırmalarda kötü ya da bazı kişilerce kötü olarak algılanan kokuların baş ağrısı, mide bulantısı, baş dönmesi, saman nezlesi, yorgunluk, halsizlik, çekingenlik, iştahsızlık, öğrenme güçlüğü, bellek sorunları, istemli devinim hızı ve el becerilerinde başarısızlık, zihinsel esneklikte gerilemeler, dikkatsizlik, kaygı, gerginlik, yoğunlaşma zorluğu, üretkenlik yitimi, hoşnutsuzluk ve alerji tetiklenmesi gibi sorunlarla sağlığı bozabileceği görülmüştür.
Sigma Journal of Engineering & Natural Sciences , 2015
Çeşitli fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik özelliklerdeki yapı içi hava kirleticileri, farklı kaynak... more Çeşitli fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik özelliklerdeki yapı içi hava kirleticileri, farklı kaynaklardan çıkarak, yapının kapalı birimlerinin havasında birikebilir. Yapı kullanıcısı insanların bu birimlerde bulunmasıyla, insanlar karşı karşıya kaldığı iç hava kirleticilerinden etkilenebilmekte ve baş ağrısından kansere dek çeşitli sağlık sorunları yaşayabilmektedir. Söz konusu olumsuzluğun giderilmesi ya da önlenmesi için öncelikle değerlendirilmesi gerekli görülmüştür. Değerlendirme sürecindeki önemli adımlardan birisi ise kirleticilerin havadaki yoğunluk düzeylerinin belirlenmesidir. Belirleme işlemi çeşitli ölçüm, hesaplama ya da bilgisayar benzetimi yöntemleri kullanılarak yapılabilir. Buna karşın, doğru sonuçların elde edilmesi ve belirlemenin uygun koşullarda gerçekleştirilebilmesi için, karşılaşılan duruma uygun bir şekilde belirleme sürecinin planlanmasına ve süreçle ilgili kararların üretilmesine gereksinim vardır. Bu amaçla oluşturulmuş bir yaklaşım aracılığıyla, ilgili eylem adımlarına yönelik kararlar verilebilir ve araştırmada zaman-maliyet-işgücü yitiklerinden kaçınılarak, yapıda karşılaşılan durumu doğru yansıtacak yoğunluk düzeyi verileri elde edilebilir. / Many indoor air pollutants, emerging from different sources, can cause indoor air pollution as a result of accumulation in air of buildings’ closed spaces. Exposure starts with the presence of humans and may result with a vast range of health and comfort problems, such as headache and cancer. It is believed that, to prevent or eliminate such problem, it is necessary to assess the negativity level, firstly. One of the important steps along the assessment process is the determination of pollutant concentration levels in the air. This determination can be managed by using many measurement methods, mathematical models or computer simulation programs. However, to gain realistic results through an appropriate process, it is necessary to plan the determination phase and produce accurate decisions for the determination process. The needed decisions for the related action steps can be made with the help of a systematic approach, generated to servet his purpose, unnecessary time – cost – labor costs can be avoided during the research and accurate concentration level data, convenient with the actual situation, can be acquired. Keywords: Indoor air pollution, pollutant concentrations, measurement, mathematical models, simulation.
İnsanlar gereksinmelerini gidermek amacıyla bazı eylemleri – özellikle yapma çevreye ilişkin eyle... more İnsanlar gereksinmelerini gidermek amacıyla bazı eylemleri – özellikle yapma çevreye ilişkin eylemleri – ile doğayı ve çevresistemleri olumsuz etkileyebilir. Önemli gereksinmelerden birisi olan temiz hava soluma, yapma çevrede uygun bir havalandırma eylemi ile karşılanabilir. Havalandırmada doğal yöntemlerin yeğlenmesi sağlık, çevre ve ekonomi açısından daha yararlıdır. Yapma çevrenin çeşitli özelliklerine ilişkin güncel yaklaşımların çevresel sürdürülebilirlik hedefleri ile çakışması, var olan yöntemleri evrilmeye zorlamış, böylece yenileyicilik olarak adlandırılan kavramı ve bu kavramın yapma çevredeki yansıması yenileyici tasarım yaklaşımını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu çalışma, doğal havalandırma konusunun yenileyici tasarım yaklaşımı kapsamında yeniden ele alınması ile tasarımcılara ve araştırmacılara katkı sağlamayı amaçlayan doğal havalandırmaya ilişkin sistemli bir yöntem sunmaktadır. / Humans can affect nature and ecosystems adversely in consequence of their activities, especially by generating built environments for their requirements. For one of these requirements, access to clean air, accurate ventilation is needed in the built environment. In regard to health, environment and economy, preference of natural methods for ventilation can be considered. Due to intersection of current approaches about built environment with environmental sustainability aims, has pushed the existing methods to evolve and constituted regenerative paradigm and its projection on built environment, regenerative design approach. This study offers a systematic method for natural ventilation by re-examining the subject in terms of regenerative built environment principles with intentions to be beneficial to designers and researchers.
İnsan eylemleri ile içinde yaşadığı çevreyi ve etkileşimde olduğu diğer çevre sistemleri etkiler.... more İnsan eylemleri ile içinde yaşadığı çevreyi ve etkileşimde olduğu diğer çevre sistemleri etkiler. Özellikle yapma çevrenin üretilmesi, kullanılması ve yok edilmesinde enerji, ürün ve su kaynakları tüketilirken, çevre kirletilmekte, bu durum, insandan kaynaklanan diğer olumsuzluklarla birlikte, doğal çevrenin ve çevresistemlerin sağlıklı bir şekilde sürdürülmesini engellemektedir. Çeşitli araştırmacılar, “daha az kaynakla daha çok üretimi” hedefleyen eko-verimlilik kavramını ve bu kavramın yapma çevreye yansıması olan çevre dostu yapma çevre yaklaşımını çevresel sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında eleştirir. “Yeşilin ötesine geçme” çabaları ile; çevrebilim, biyo-bölgeselcilik ve kalıcı kültür gibi yaklaşımlara dayalı olarak yenileyicilik (rejeneratiflik) kavramının ortaya çıktığı görülmektedir. Bu kavram insan – doğa ilişkisini, egemen mekanistik yaklaşımdan farklı bir şekilde, yeniden tanımlamakta; insanın, doğa ve çevresistemler var olmadan yaşayamayacağı gerçeği ile insan ve doğayı eş düzeyli bir ortaklık çerçevesinde bütünleştirerek var olandan daha iyiye ulaşmayı hedeflemektedir. Yapma çevrenin tasarlanmasında, üretilmesinde, kullanılmasında ve kullanım sonrasında yeni bir düzen getirmeyi arzulayan yenileyici tasarım henüz yeterince olgunlaşmamış olmasına karşın, oldukça kapsamlı ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik açısından son derece olumlu bir yaklaşımdır. / Humans affect the environment and ecosystems, to which they belong, with their actions. During production, usage and disposal of the built environment, in particular, energy, product and water resources are consumed and environmental pollution is increased. This situation, along with other negativities of human actions, prevents the maintenance of natural environment and ecosystems in a healthy way for the future generations. Some researchers criticize the eco-efficiency concept which aims “producing more from less” and the eco-friendly / green / ecologic built environment, the reflection of this concept on the made environment, in terms of environmental sustainability. It has been observed that, as the result of efforts to “go beyond green”, the regenerative paradigm, based on ecology, bioregionalism, permaculture etc., is constituted. The human-nature relationship is redefined by this paradigm distinctively from dominant mechanistic worldview, with the fact that humankind is dependent on the health and well-being of ecosystems, and it is aimed to evolve into a better situation than the current one through reconnection of human and nature within a co-equal and mutually beneficial partnership. Regenerative design, which needs new systems, methods and approaches for the design, production, usage and disposal of built environment, is a thorough and positive approach with respect to environmental sustainability.
Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesinde ve yaşam için gerekli oksijenin sağlanmasında en ekonom... more Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesinde ve yaşam için gerekli oksijenin sağlanmasında en ekonomik ve çevreci yol doğal havalandırmadır. Doğal havalandırma için uygun nitelikteki hava yapıya alınmalı ve kirlenen iç hava yapıdan uzaklaştırılmalıdır. Isınarak yükselen havanın soğuk hava ile yer değiştirmesi sonucu oluşan hava deviniminin özellikleri havalandırmanın etkinliği açısından önemlidir. Yapının konumunun, biçiminin, birimlerinin yerleşiminin, duvar boşluklarının, kulelerin ya da bacaların hava devinimi ile ilişkisi irdelenerek kararların tasarıma aktarılması yeterli bir doğal havalandırma için gereklidir. Doğal hava devinimi – yapı ilişkisinin doğru kurulmasıyla kullanıcı sağlığını bozmayan, enerji tüketmeyen, çevreyi kirletmeyen ve maliyetleri artırmayan bir havalandırma sağlanabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Havalandırma, Doğal havalandırma, Hava devinimi. / most economical and environmentalist way of providing vital oxygen and removing indoor air pollution is natural ventilation. To ventilate buildings with natural methods, it is necessary that the convenient outdoor air should be taken into building and polluted indoor air should be removed out. The properties of airflow, which is formed by the replacement of the polluted and thereby heated air with cold and clean air, are important in terms of ventilation effectiveness. For accurate ventilation, it is necessary to examine the relationship of airflow with the position and form of buildings, the location of building units, wall openings, turrets or stacks and to benefit from these examinations during design. By establishing an effective relation between natural airflow and buildings, a ventilation, which does not cause health problems, consume energy, create environmental pollution or increase costs, will be supplied. Key Words: Ventilation, Natural ventilation, Airflow.
11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2016
Based on many scientific critics about the discrepancies between the aim with existing situation ... more Based on many scientific critics about the discrepancies between the aim with existing situation of assessment and certification systems oriented from environment friendly building approach, a trial of LEED on three houses of Diyarbakır settlement has been conducted, limited with water efficiency category. Although Diyarbakır houses, built approximately 300 years ago, have been proven to bear successful design strategies that address positive environmental effects, the evaluation results show that, houses cannot obtain any points underthis category and have a very low outcome in total. It is believed and suggested that, with a more holistic approach based on interactions between the building and its environments, the assessment tools can be improved into a more integrative and balanced system towards beyond of green concept.
Ecological Agenda International Conference on New Perspectives in Eco-Technologies and Eco-Economy, 2010
The most economical and environmentalist way for providing vital oxygen and removing indoor air p... more The most economical and environmentalist way for providing vital oxygen and removing indoor air pollution is natural ventilation. To ventilate buildings with natural methods, the airflow and air quality of building outdoor needs to be convenient.
Airflow, which is formed by replacement of the polluted and thereby heated air with cold and clean air, can provide accurate ventilation after being regulated with certain effects. These effects must be examined with regard to sun exposure of terrain and settlements, topographic features, the relation of green space with buildings; form, size and position of buildings / building groups and these examinations should be referred to during settlement planning. Consequently by establishing an accurate relation between airflow and settlements, a ventilation, which does not cause health problems, does not consume energy, does not create environmental pollution, does not increase costs, will be supplied.
Evaluation of Leed ‘Innovation in Design Process’ and ‘Locaion & Linkages’ Case Study: Diyarbakır Turkey, 2015
The paper focuses on the LEED rating system of Diyarbakır Houses to an assessment with respect to... more The paper focuses on the LEED rating system of Diyarbakır Houses to an assessment with respect to “Innovation in Design Process and Location & Linkages”, assuming to conduct a trial of the building assessment and certification systems, which were highly popular in Europe and in the U.S. in the 1990s and in Turkey in the 2000s, on the “traditional building”. The aim of the paper is to bring a criticism of and suggestions to the LEED credits in connection with environmentalist design criteria, and to be able to determine that these credits, which are limited in the first place, may already be part of the design of traditional buildings in Turkey. Three different typological houses of Diyarbakır were selected for the research and detail evaluated with the scope of LEED for Homes credits. Using this assessment system, old Diyarbakır houses known to involve many successful solutions in terms of factors related to the environment and the user were assessed. The assessment revealed the fact that these houses, which are in harmony with the environment, are energy-efficient, use water and resources optimally, are successful in waste management, meet their users’ biological, psychological and social needs and do not cause health problems for their users’ and the environment scored low in LEED.
Mantar sporlarının yapı içinde üreyerek oluşturduğu ve çoğunlukla renkli bir görünüm ve koku ile ... more Mantar sporlarının yapı içinde üreyerek oluşturduğu ve çoğunlukla renkli bir görünüm ve koku ile algılanan küfler, yapı kullanıcılarında bazı sağlık sorunlarına neden olabilmektedir. Yapı ve çevresinden kaynaklanan bu sağlık sorunları yapı biyolojisi bilim alanında geliştirilmiş bir irdeleme ve ilişkiler modeli ile irdelenebilir. Dış çevredeki mantar sporlarının yapı içine çeşitli şekillerde girmesiyle ortaya çıkan olumsuzluk etkeni, mantar sporlarının uygun koşullarda üremesi, küfe dönüşmesi ve iç havaya karışması ile olumsuzluğa, solunması ya da ortaya çıkan kokunun duyumsanması ile kullanıcı sağlığını bozan bir etkene ve sonuçta alerjik sorunlar, aspergilloz ve kakosmi gibi sağlık sorunlarına dönüşebilmektedir. Mantar sporlarının yapıya nasıl girdiği, hangi durumlarda küf oluşturduğu ve neden olduğu sağlık sorunlarının anlaşılmasıyla yapı tasarımcı ve kullanıcılarına sağlıklı iç çevreler konusunda katkı sağlanabileceği düşünülmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Küf, Mantar Sporları, Yapı Biyolojisi, Aspergilloz, Kakosmi Molds, mostly noticed by their color and scent and produced by fungi spores which can be found in indoor environments, can cause some health problems in building users. These health problems arising from building and its environments can be investigated by an examination and relations model developed in the building biology science field. The negative features caused by fungi spores which can enter indoor environment through various ways, can create negative conditions by proliferating in proper circumstances, developing molds and becoming airborne. After inhaling or perceiving the scent, these negative conditions can cause hazardous effects and eventually health problems such as allergic reactions, aspergillosis and cacosmia. It is hoped to be useful to the building designers and users for healthy environments by providing detailed information about the infiltration ways of fungi spores, mold development conditions and health problems. Key words: Mold, Fungi Spores, Building Biology, Aspergillosis, Cacosmia
X. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi ve Teskon + Sodex Fuarı, 2011
Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesinde ve yaşam için gerekli oksijenin sağlanmasında en ekonom... more Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesinde ve yaşam için gerekli oksijenin sağlanmasında en ekonomik ve çevreci yol doğal havalandırmadır. Doğal havalandırma için uygun nitelikteki hava yapıya alınmalı ve kirlenen iç hava yapıdan uzaklaştırılmalıdır. Isınarak yükselen havanın soğuk hava ile yer değiştirmesi sonucu oluşan hava deviniminin özellikleri havalandırmanın etkinliği açısından önemlidir. Yapının konumunun, biçiminin, birimlerinin yerleşiminin, duvar boşluklarının, kulelerin ya da bacaların hava devinimi ile ilişkisi irdelenerek kararların tasarıma aktarılması yeterli bir doğal havalandırma için gereklidir. Doğal hava devinimi – yapı ilişkisinin doğru kurulmasıyla kullanıcı sağlığını bozmayan, enerji tüketmeyen, çevreyi kirletmeyen ve maliyetleri artırmayan bir havalandırma sağlanabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Havalandırma, Doğal havalandırma, Hava devinimi. / The most economical and environmentalist way of providing vital oxygen and removing indoor air pollution is natural ventilation. To ventilate buildings with natural methods, it is necessary that the convenient outdoor air should be taken into building and polluted indoor air should be removed out. The properties of airflow, which is formed by the replacement of the polluted and thereby heated air with cold and clean air, are important in terms of ventilation effectiveness. For accurate ventilation, it is necessary to examine the relationship of airflow with the position and form of buildings, the location of building units, wall openings, turrets or stacks and to benefit from these examinations during design. By establishing an effective relation between natural airflow and buildings, a ventilation, which does not cause health problems, consume energy, create environmental pollution or increase costs, will be supplied. Key Words: Ventilation, Natural ventilation, Airflow.
ICONARCH IV, International Congress of Architecture and Planning Space and Process in Architecture and Planning, 2020
Humans’ interaction with the built environments generally actuates a
rather severely exposure pro... more Humans’ interaction with the built environments generally actuates a rather severely exposure process. One of the important aspects under this category: indoor air and its pollution cause premature death of nearly four million people every year. The vital necessity to sustain existing built environment through proper improvement requires adaptability by using a consciously structured assessment process which focuses on the relationship of space and humans in a systematic perspective. Accordingly, as an alternative to common tendencies in indoor air pollution studies, the subject can be structured on three pillars: pollutants, humans and indirect participant of their relationship: exposure environments. Due to the complex interactivity created between hierarchical environmental systems of building, main aspects of closed spaces play an essential role as creating complicated impact-result mechanisms on progress of exposure. The existence, location, duration and concentration levels of indoor air pollutants are affected by the volume of closed spaces, air movements in and between indoor and outdoor environment, possible interactivity among surfaces and pollutants and related factors such as temperature, humidity, dampness that transforms these interrelations. Furthermore, the architectural arrangement of the spaces affects the exposure by determining location and duration of building users. It is believed that constituting systematization for fundamental properties of closed spaces as exposure environments can be useful to reveal interrelations between three participants of exposure in a broader and more holistic comprehension consistent with whole systems thinking in preference to common popularized approaches which mainly concentrate on quantitative properties in a single building scale towards better structured assessment activities with a higher potential for accurate results. Key words: Indoor air pollution, Exposure environment, Exposure assessment, Exposure factors, Indoor spaces
ICONARCH IV, International Congress of Architecture and Planning Space and Process in Architecture and Planning, 2020
The production and usage processes of buildings correspond to a highly
complex interrelation amon... more The production and usage processes of buildings correspond to a highly complex interrelation among many experts of professionals and users in which the space is produced according to certain approaches to become one of the essential factors to affect the users’ life. In this context, indoor air and its pollution are in the most critical aspects of spaces with a very high potential to create a wide range of comfort, many health and related economic problems. In order to structure a better cause and effect relation between spaces and users in the context of enhanced indoor air quality, among other aspects particularly the exposure phenomenon: process between encountering indoor air pollution and the formation of problems should be investigated in regard to underlying mechanisms. Existence of harmful substances with diverse properties for a definite period of time causes indoor air pollution and certain parts or the entire indoor environment of a building can constitute an exposure environment as the pollution meets with building users. This process can occur via respiration, olfaction or contact to skin and eyes where pollutants, their metabolites or reaction products compose biomarkers. The number of biomarkers, determined as dose, is directly related with the occurrence of a vast number of health / comfort conditions ranging from odour intolerance, headache or irritation to respiratory infections, heart diseases and cancers. Although there are many different approaches for classification of these outcomes, the problems are categorized under three groups in this research: cancers, non-cancerous diseases and sick building syndrome. It is believed that the study is beneficial to present an alternative qualitative point of view different from the common quantitative tendencies in the field of indoor air quality studies and the resultant classification can be useful for a more practical and accurate assessment process which is appreciated to be vital to sustain existing building stock and transform the problematic spaces in better and healthy living environments by raising awareness for particularly important but mostly ignored or misplaced problem groups. Keywords: Indoor air pollution, Exposure process, Health problems, Systems thinking, Evaluation process
Many building assessment systems are criticized due to focusing on individual building performanc... more Many building assessment systems are criticized due to focusing on individual building performance. However, in order to be truly positive, the effects of different aspects of a built environment should be considered through correlative impacts across different scales. Ventilation and air related properties are among these important effects. With the aim of exemplifying architectural design solutions, a vernacular settlement in the southeast of Turkey: Diyarbakır and its houses are examined with a systematic evaluation approach through architectural design under three phases. In the first phase, outdoor environment components which induce or effect air movements are examined and evaluated along with user properties. Aspects of ventilation, building envelope and indoor environment of Diyarbakır houses are analyzed in the second phase. The last phase is the evaluation of houses in terms of ventilation efficiency by relating user requirements with acquired properties of air and ventilation. With this examination, many architectural features as passive systems are revealed in order to condition and move the air. Additionally, based on findings, it can be interpreted that presuming the built environment as a part of bigger and smaller systems may create net positive results for humans and other systems of the place. Keywords: Air quality; assessment; Diyarbakır houses; regenerative design; ventilation.
Built environments affect other environments according to their properties and relations. Wrong /... more Built environments affect other environments according to their properties and relations. Wrong / inadequate decisions in design stage may cause many adverse effects. One of the important aspects of built environments is air related properties. In the light of regenerative design, which sees built environment as a new and organized bridge effectuating the desired relationship between different nested systems of place, a strategic guidance is determined as a basic necessity in order to design buildings with accurate ventilation and air properties. Concerning ventilation in buildings to be effective, it is important for clean air to reach settlements and polluted air should be removed through the relation and coherence of air and its movement with the properties of built environment in different scales. This aim can be met by using a design approach based on patterns, relations and impacts; a decision making tool of this kind can also be beneficial for evaluation of existing built environments in terms of air and ventilation efficiency. The proposed approach starts with a pre-research phase of collecting many data about the design area, continues with design / analysis phase in which certain design decisions are made based on the findings of pre-research or examination of existing building. The last phase is evaluating the design in terms of quality of meeting air related requirements and providing feedbacks. Designing this kind of built environment can integrate humans and other systems of design area to generate some net positive and supportive results. Keywords: Air quality; architectural design; built environment; systems thinking; ventilation.
Yapı kullanıcılarındaki birçok sağlık sorununun kaynağı, önemli iç hava kirleticisi gruplarından ... more Yapı kullanıcılarındaki birçok sağlık sorununun kaynağı, önemli iç hava kirleticisi gruplarından birisi olan uçucu organik bileşiklerdir (UOB). Ortak özellikte yüzlerce farklı kirleticiyi içeren UOB, düşük sıcaklıklarda gaz durumuna geçebilen maddeler olarak ele alınmaktadır. UOB nedeniyle oluşan sorunların önlenmesi için, yapı ve çevrelerinde UOB’den kaynaklanan olumsuzlukların ve sağlık üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesi gerekir. Çalışmada, bu amaç için yapı biyolojisi bilim alanında geliştirilmiş bir irdeleme modelinden yararlanılmıştır. Bu modelde işleyiş, olumsuzluk etkeninin: UOB içeren yapı ürünlerin, olumsuzluğun: iç havadaki UOB’in, sağlığı bozan etkenin: UOB’in olduğu bir ortamda bulunmanın ve ortaya çıkabilecek sağlık sorunlarının belirlenmesi şeklindedir. Gerçekleştirilen araştırmayla birçok farklı yapı ürününün bu kirleticileri içerebildiği anlaşılmıştır. Kirleticilerin iç havaya salınmasında ortam koşulları etkilidir. Yapılan birçok incelemede iç çevrede kirletici yoğunluklarının dış çevreye oranla yüksek düzeyde gerçekleştiği ortaya konmuştur. İnsanın bu kirleticilerden olumsuz etkilenmesinde, kirletici türünün yanı sıra, etkilenime ilişkin ayrıntıların yüksek önem taşıdığı göz ardı edilmemelidir. Bu kirleticilerin yoğunluğunun azaltılması ve olumsuz etkilerinin önlenmesi için, UOB içeren yapı ürünlerinin kullanılmaması ya da kullanım koşullarının denetlenmesi ve yapıda iyi bir havalandırma sağlanması gerektiği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, bundan sonra yapılacak çalışmalarla ilgili öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Uçucu organik bileşikler; yapı biyolojisi; yapı içi hava kirliliği. / Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are within important pollutant groups which cause indoor air pollution and many serious health problems. VOCs include hundreds of different pollutants with similar properties and can easily volatilize at low temperatures. In order to avoid problems, negativities caused by VOCs in the building and its environments and the effects on human health must be determined. In this study, an examination and relations model, produced for this purpose in the field of building biology, is used. The process of this model includes the determination of a negative feature in building: building products with VOCs, a negative condition: VOCs in indoor air, a hazardous effect: being exposed to VOCs and many health problems. The research has shown that many different building products may contain VOCs. The indoor environment conditions are effective on emission properties. It has been understood that indoor air concentrations of these pollutants are mostly much higher than outdoor concentrations in many studies. For the exposure of users, not only the type of pollutants but also the properties of exposure are effective. In order to avoid negative effects or to reduce the concentrations, it is advised not to prefer VOCs containing building products, to control their usage conditions and to supply accurate ventilation in buildings. Recommendations are provided for future researches. Keywords: Volatile organic compounds; building biology; indoor air pollution.
Dicle University 1st International Architecture Symposium, 2018
Indoor air pollution is one of the major hazards that contradict the primal existing aim of build... more Indoor air pollution is one of the major hazards that contradict the primal existing aim of buildings. The negative outcomes due to the exposure to indoor air pollution are mainly related to physical, chemical and biological properties of pollutants and their concentration level which tend to change constantly through space and time. This tendency increases the difficulties and risk of inadequate results during the determination task of indoor air pollution. Because of this, situations that affect these properties gain importance: properties of pollutant resources, the volume of the space, properties of air movements and relationship between different types of pollutants and indoor surfaces. In scientific researches, it is stated that among these factors, the results of mentioned relationship can create significant and unpredictable health risks in consequence of insufficient level of knowledge about this phenomenon. The aim of this research is to examine the results of different pollutant relationships within the context of their effects on pollution to raise awareness. There are many different types of pollutants which can create various mixtures in indoor environments. Among many classifications, mostly, indoor air pollutants are examined under groups related to their physical properties. Based on the fact that, in most cases, the air pollution encountered in indoor environments is a mixture of these different groups; pollutants can affect each other or be affected by the indoor surfaces according to their duration of existence. The results of these relations may change the types and concentration levels of pollutants, hence the properties of indoor air pollution. The relations of pollutants in indoor air may result in physically aggregation in different zones to form pollutant clusters or chemical reactions to conceive different types of pollutants. Beside of this, horizontal or vertical building products that form and limit the indoor environment can affect air pollutants according to different factors. When pollutants of different physical properties encounter a surface, these pollutants may bounce off to the air back, get attached to or be absorbed by the surface; these are defined as indoor sinks in scientific studies. It is possible for attached or absorbed pollutants to be reemitted to air back or react chemically with the substance to generate new kinds of pollutants. Several factors, such as air temperatures, humidity or dampness of the surfaces or inner layers can change the results of these relations. Physical or chemical relations can cause the quality and quantity of the indoor air pollution to change, the concentration levels of some pollutants may decrease, whereas new pollutants can be formed and accumulate. The identification of different possibilities of relations will facilitate the determination tasks of indoor air pollution, increase the quality and enhance the results. In addition to this, designers should be careful about the surface and chemical properties of building products and if possible avoid selecting reaction prone products or use them with proper solutions. Also, appropriate detail design can eliminate the negative impacts of dampness, temperature, humidity conditions that accelerate relation results and rapid removal of pollutants before the relation starts can be supplied with an intentionally designed ventilation strategy. Keywords: Indoor air pollution, air pollutants, pollutant relations
Dicle University 1st International Architecture Symposium, 2018
Indoor air pollution is an important hazardous effect that causes many deaths around the world ea... more Indoor air pollution is an important hazardous effect that causes many deaths around the world each year. Although there are a vast number of scientific researches focusing on indoor air pollutants; not only the pollution / effecter, but also the building user / affected should be examined in order to study the phenomenon in every aspect. The aim of this research is to examine the exposure related properties of building user and by raising awareness, to provide information for indoor air pollution assessment studies. Exposure can be defined as an agent to create a change on a target by reaching and touching it on a contact boundary. In the frame of exposure to indoor air pollutants, the main routes of exposure are respiration, olfaction, contact to skin and eye surfaces and the contact boundary can be considered as the inner surfaces of respiratory system and outer surfaces of the body. Exposure can be encountered with air pollutants to only touch the contact boundary, however, in most cases, it happens after the pollutants pass this border into body systems to cause symptoms of health problems. Adverse effects of exposure happen in relation to properties of human and the co-occurrence of humans and pollutants. Exposure route and contact boundary, exposure duration, frequency, location and susceptibility of users to pollutants constitute the basic factors. For exposure through olfaction and respiration, pollutants must enter the respiratory system via nose or mouth. With the stimulation of olfactory receptors, cacosmia, a set of biological / psychological symptoms in the frame of sick building syndrome may occur. As the pollutants advance through the respiratory system, they can harm the tissues and cause inflammation or they can be absorbed into the circulation system. The amount of pollutants taken in is strongly related to respiratory rate and tidal volume of the user. The contact of pollutants to the skin and eyes or absorption through these surfaces is defined as dermal exposure. Especially layers of eyes and eyelid skin are sensitive to pollutants. For the absorption, permeability of the contact boundary and the area of contact play major roles. The co-occurrence duration, frequency and location of humans and pollutants are related to the details of building usage: how long, how often and where the users be in the building. Susceptibility in exposure is a situation in which a target is more adversely affected by a certain agent compared to other targets exposed to the same agent under the same conditions. It is stated that, in general, women over men, pregnant women over non-pregnant, babies, children, elderly over other age groups and people with disease over healthy people comprise the susceptible group in terms of indoor air pollutants. For accurate assessment of health effects of indoor air pollution on humans, the route of exposure should be examined through biological properties of the respiratory system, tidal volume and biological properties of skin and eyes. The usage detail of the building, the closed units in which users spend time periodically can be determined for the duration of exposure, frequency and location. Also biological properties such as age, sex, etc. and psychological and social behaviors and habits can indicate the susceptibility. In order to execute a valid and accurate assessment of exposure to indoor air pollution, proper methods to determine these properties, to relate them towards realistic results will be beneficial. Keywords: Indoor air pollution, humans, respiration, dermal contact, susceptibility
Mimarlıkta Görsel Etki Değerlendirme Yöntem ve Teknikleri, 2011
Bu çalışma İstanbul Beyoğlu’nda bulunan Saint Antoine Katolik Kilisesi’nin iç mekân döşeme kaplam... more Bu çalışma İstanbul Beyoğlu’nda bulunan Saint Antoine Katolik Kilisesi’nin iç mekân döşeme kaplamasını oluşturan karo mozaiklerin desenleri ile ilgili kullanıcı düşüncelerini irdelemek amacıyla 2005 yılında yapılmıştır. İstiklal Caddesi üzerinde bulunan Saint Antoine Katolik Kilisesi İstanbul doğumlu Mimar Giulio Mongeri tarafından 1906 – 1912 yılları arasında Lombardia Gotiği olarak adlandırılan biçemde tasarlanmış ve üretilmiştir. Kilise cemaati, İstanbul’un en kalabalık Katolik cemaatlerinden birisidir; çoğunlukla Polonyalılar ve İtalyanlardan oluşur. Ancak yapı; konumu, büyüklüğü, sanatsal ve tarihsel değeri nedeniyle yalnızca kendi cemaati tarafından değil, özellikle Müslüman Türkler tarafından da sıklıkla gezilmektedir. Kilisenin iç mekân döşeme kaplamaları üç farklı biçim ve desende tasarlanmış karo mozaiklerden oluşmaktadır. Temmuz 2005 tarihinde kilise başrahibi Peder Anton Bulai ile yapılan görüşmede bu mozaiklerin üzerinde bulunan haç motifinin özellikle kiliseyi gezen Müslüman Türkleri rahatsız ettiği anlaşılmıştır. Müslüman Türkler, Hıristiyanlarca kutsal kabul edilen bu motifin üzerine basılmasını saygısızlık olarak görmekte, kiliseyi gezerken haç motifine basmadan üzerinden atlamayı yeğlemektedir. Buna karşın Peder Anton Bulai kilisenin kendi cemaatinin bu anlamda bir rahatsızlığı bulunmadığını belirtmiştir. Birçok Müslüman Türk ziyaretçi, farklı zamanlarda mozaiklerin değiştirilmesi isteğini yinelemiştir. Çalışma, farklı dinlerden ziyaretçisi bulunan Saint Antoine Katolik Kilisesi’nin döşeme kaplamalarında yer alan kutsal hiç motifi ile ilgili kullanıcıların düşüncelerini belirlemeyi, kullanıcının sosyal yapısının çevreyi algılamasını ve gösterdiği davranışı nasıl etkilediğini ortaya koymayı, amaçlamaktadır.
Yapı Fiziği ve Sürdürülebilir Tasarım Kongresi,, 2010
Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesine yönelik çözüm yöntemlerinden en etkili ve ekonomik olanı... more Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesine yönelik çözüm yöntemlerinden en etkili ve ekonomik olanı yapının yeterli düzeyde havalandırılmasıdır. Enerji tüketimi, ekonomi ve sağlıklı iç çevrelerin üretilebilmesi açısından havalandırmanın yapma sistemler yerine doğal yöntemlerle yapılması yeğlenmektedir.
Doğal havalandırmayı amaçlayan tasarımcı doğal ve yapma dış çevre özelliklerini hazır bulur. Yapının doğal havalandırılmasını sağlayan tasarım kararlarını yönlendirecek bu dış çevre verilerinin yanı sıra, üretilecek yapı da iç mekân doğal hava devinimi üzerinde etkili olacaktır. Ayrıca yapı üretildikten sonra çevresel etmenlerde ya da yapıda ortaya çıkabilecek değişiklikler, sağlanması amaçlanan doğal havalandırmanın niteliğini değiştirme riski taşır. Tüm bu özelliklerin anlaşılmasıyla yapılarda sürdürülebilir doğal havalandırma ilkeleri belirlenebilir.
Bu bildiride tasarımcılara katkı sağlamak amacıyla sürdürülebilir doğal havalandırma açısından yapı tasarımına yönelik bir yaklaşım ortaya konacaktır.
Mimari Tasarım Eğitimi: Bütünleşme 2 Ulusal Sempozyumu, 2011
1996’da Barselona’da gerçekleştirilen Uluslararası Mimarlar Birliği (UIA) XX. Genel Kurulu’nda ka... more 1996’da Barselona’da gerçekleştirilen Uluslararası Mimarlar Birliği (UIA) XX. Genel Kurulu’nda kabul edilen Mimarlık Eğitim Şartı’nda eğitim kurumlarının düzenli aralıklarla özdeğerlendirme yapmaları ve aynı alandan kişilerin değerlendirmelerine olanak verecek sistemler geliştirmeleri önerilmektedir (UIA/UNESCO, 2004). Bu nedenle YTÜ Mimarlık Bölümü Yapı Elemanları ve Malzemeleri Bilim Dalı tarafından düzenlenen ve yürütülen stüdyonun Mimarlık Bölüm Başkanlığı’nca her dönem sonunda yapılan değerlendirmeye ek olarak belirli aralıklarla ve çeşitli yönleriyle değerlendirilmesi hedeflenmekte ve değerlendirme çalışmalarında stüdyoya katılan öğrencilerin görüşleri ve beklentileri önemli görülmektedir. Bu çalışma ile mimarlık eğitiminde MT2 stüdyosunun geliştirilmesine yönelik çalışmalara veri sağlamak amaçlanmaktadır.
2009 – 2010 Eğitim Öğretim Yılı Bahar Yarıyılı’nda MT2 stüdyosuna katılan 40 öğrenciye dönem sonunda stüdyonun • yürütülme biçimi, • öğrenciye kazandırdıkları vb konularda yazılı görüşme (anket) yoluyla sorular yöneltilmiş, elde edilen yanıtlar toplam katılımcı sayısı göz önüne alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca açık uçlu soru türü kullanılarak öğrencilerden stüdyo ile ilgili çeşitli önerilerde bulunmaları istenmiştir. Bu önerilerin de stüdyonun geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
6. Ulusal Yapı Malzemesi Kongresi ve Sergisi, 2012
Sağlıksız Bina Sendromu (SBS) kapsamında ele alınan kakosmide (kötü koku sendromu) kokunun yoğunl... more Sağlıksız Bina Sendromu (SBS) kapsamında ele alınan kakosmide (kötü koku sendromu) kokunun yoğunluğu, keskinliği, karakteri yanında kokuyu algılayan kişinin cinsiyeti, yaşı, genel sağlık durumu, hormonları, kullanılan ilaçlar, koku alma yeteneği ve duyarlılığı, koku almaçlarına gelen havanın niceliği, sıcaklığı ve bağıl nem oranı da etkilidir. Yapı ürünlerinin yaydığı koku, ürünü oluşturan maddelerden, ürünü etkileyen koşullardan ve ortamdaki kokunun ürün içine işleyerek koku kaynağı durumuna gelmesinden kaynaklanır. Araştırmalarda kötü ya da bazı kişilerce kötü olarak algılanan kokuların baş ağrısı, mide bulantısı, baş dönmesi, saman nezlesi, yorgunluk, halsizlik, çekingenlik, iştahsızlık, öğrenme güçlüğü, bellek sorunları, istemli devinim hızı ve el becerilerinde başarısızlık, zihinsel esneklikte gerilemeler, dikkatsizlik, kaygı, gerginlik, yoğunlaşma zorluğu, üretkenlik yitimi, hoşnutsuzluk ve alerji tetiklenmesi gibi sorunlarla sağlığı bozabileceği görülmüştür.
Sigma Journal of Engineering & Natural Sciences , 2015
Çeşitli fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik özelliklerdeki yapı içi hava kirleticileri, farklı kaynak... more Çeşitli fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik özelliklerdeki yapı içi hava kirleticileri, farklı kaynaklardan çıkarak, yapının kapalı birimlerinin havasında birikebilir. Yapı kullanıcısı insanların bu birimlerde bulunmasıyla, insanlar karşı karşıya kaldığı iç hava kirleticilerinden etkilenebilmekte ve baş ağrısından kansere dek çeşitli sağlık sorunları yaşayabilmektedir. Söz konusu olumsuzluğun giderilmesi ya da önlenmesi için öncelikle değerlendirilmesi gerekli görülmüştür. Değerlendirme sürecindeki önemli adımlardan birisi ise kirleticilerin havadaki yoğunluk düzeylerinin belirlenmesidir. Belirleme işlemi çeşitli ölçüm, hesaplama ya da bilgisayar benzetimi yöntemleri kullanılarak yapılabilir. Buna karşın, doğru sonuçların elde edilmesi ve belirlemenin uygun koşullarda gerçekleştirilebilmesi için, karşılaşılan duruma uygun bir şekilde belirleme sürecinin planlanmasına ve süreçle ilgili kararların üretilmesine gereksinim vardır. Bu amaçla oluşturulmuş bir yaklaşım aracılığıyla, ilgili eylem adımlarına yönelik kararlar verilebilir ve araştırmada zaman-maliyet-işgücü yitiklerinden kaçınılarak, yapıda karşılaşılan durumu doğru yansıtacak yoğunluk düzeyi verileri elde edilebilir. / Many indoor air pollutants, emerging from different sources, can cause indoor air pollution as a result of accumulation in air of buildings’ closed spaces. Exposure starts with the presence of humans and may result with a vast range of health and comfort problems, such as headache and cancer. It is believed that, to prevent or eliminate such problem, it is necessary to assess the negativity level, firstly. One of the important steps along the assessment process is the determination of pollutant concentration levels in the air. This determination can be managed by using many measurement methods, mathematical models or computer simulation programs. However, to gain realistic results through an appropriate process, it is necessary to plan the determination phase and produce accurate decisions for the determination process. The needed decisions for the related action steps can be made with the help of a systematic approach, generated to servet his purpose, unnecessary time – cost – labor costs can be avoided during the research and accurate concentration level data, convenient with the actual situation, can be acquired. Keywords: Indoor air pollution, pollutant concentrations, measurement, mathematical models, simulation.
İnsanlar gereksinmelerini gidermek amacıyla bazı eylemleri – özellikle yapma çevreye ilişkin eyle... more İnsanlar gereksinmelerini gidermek amacıyla bazı eylemleri – özellikle yapma çevreye ilişkin eylemleri – ile doğayı ve çevresistemleri olumsuz etkileyebilir. Önemli gereksinmelerden birisi olan temiz hava soluma, yapma çevrede uygun bir havalandırma eylemi ile karşılanabilir. Havalandırmada doğal yöntemlerin yeğlenmesi sağlık, çevre ve ekonomi açısından daha yararlıdır. Yapma çevrenin çeşitli özelliklerine ilişkin güncel yaklaşımların çevresel sürdürülebilirlik hedefleri ile çakışması, var olan yöntemleri evrilmeye zorlamış, böylece yenileyicilik olarak adlandırılan kavramı ve bu kavramın yapma çevredeki yansıması yenileyici tasarım yaklaşımını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu çalışma, doğal havalandırma konusunun yenileyici tasarım yaklaşımı kapsamında yeniden ele alınması ile tasarımcılara ve araştırmacılara katkı sağlamayı amaçlayan doğal havalandırmaya ilişkin sistemli bir yöntem sunmaktadır. / Humans can affect nature and ecosystems adversely in consequence of their activities, especially by generating built environments for their requirements. For one of these requirements, access to clean air, accurate ventilation is needed in the built environment. In regard to health, environment and economy, preference of natural methods for ventilation can be considered. Due to intersection of current approaches about built environment with environmental sustainability aims, has pushed the existing methods to evolve and constituted regenerative paradigm and its projection on built environment, regenerative design approach. This study offers a systematic method for natural ventilation by re-examining the subject in terms of regenerative built environment principles with intentions to be beneficial to designers and researchers.
İnsan eylemleri ile içinde yaşadığı çevreyi ve etkileşimde olduğu diğer çevre sistemleri etkiler.... more İnsan eylemleri ile içinde yaşadığı çevreyi ve etkileşimde olduğu diğer çevre sistemleri etkiler. Özellikle yapma çevrenin üretilmesi, kullanılması ve yok edilmesinde enerji, ürün ve su kaynakları tüketilirken, çevre kirletilmekte, bu durum, insandan kaynaklanan diğer olumsuzluklarla birlikte, doğal çevrenin ve çevresistemlerin sağlıklı bir şekilde sürdürülmesini engellemektedir. Çeşitli araştırmacılar, “daha az kaynakla daha çok üretimi” hedefleyen eko-verimlilik kavramını ve bu kavramın yapma çevreye yansıması olan çevre dostu yapma çevre yaklaşımını çevresel sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında eleştirir. “Yeşilin ötesine geçme” çabaları ile; çevrebilim, biyo-bölgeselcilik ve kalıcı kültür gibi yaklaşımlara dayalı olarak yenileyicilik (rejeneratiflik) kavramının ortaya çıktığı görülmektedir. Bu kavram insan – doğa ilişkisini, egemen mekanistik yaklaşımdan farklı bir şekilde, yeniden tanımlamakta; insanın, doğa ve çevresistemler var olmadan yaşayamayacağı gerçeği ile insan ve doğayı eş düzeyli bir ortaklık çerçevesinde bütünleştirerek var olandan daha iyiye ulaşmayı hedeflemektedir. Yapma çevrenin tasarlanmasında, üretilmesinde, kullanılmasında ve kullanım sonrasında yeni bir düzen getirmeyi arzulayan yenileyici tasarım henüz yeterince olgunlaşmamış olmasına karşın, oldukça kapsamlı ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik açısından son derece olumlu bir yaklaşımdır. / Humans affect the environment and ecosystems, to which they belong, with their actions. During production, usage and disposal of the built environment, in particular, energy, product and water resources are consumed and environmental pollution is increased. This situation, along with other negativities of human actions, prevents the maintenance of natural environment and ecosystems in a healthy way for the future generations. Some researchers criticize the eco-efficiency concept which aims “producing more from less” and the eco-friendly / green / ecologic built environment, the reflection of this concept on the made environment, in terms of environmental sustainability. It has been observed that, as the result of efforts to “go beyond green”, the regenerative paradigm, based on ecology, bioregionalism, permaculture etc., is constituted. The human-nature relationship is redefined by this paradigm distinctively from dominant mechanistic worldview, with the fact that humankind is dependent on the health and well-being of ecosystems, and it is aimed to evolve into a better situation than the current one through reconnection of human and nature within a co-equal and mutually beneficial partnership. Regenerative design, which needs new systems, methods and approaches for the design, production, usage and disposal of built environment, is a thorough and positive approach with respect to environmental sustainability.
Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesinde ve yaşam için gerekli oksijenin sağlanmasında en ekonom... more Yapı içi hava kirliliğinin giderilmesinde ve yaşam için gerekli oksijenin sağlanmasında en ekonomik ve çevreci yol doğal havalandırmadır. Doğal havalandırma için uygun nitelikteki hava yapıya alınmalı ve kirlenen iç hava yapıdan uzaklaştırılmalıdır. Isınarak yükselen havanın soğuk hava ile yer değiştirmesi sonucu oluşan hava deviniminin özellikleri havalandırmanın etkinliği açısından önemlidir. Yapının konumunun, biçiminin, birimlerinin yerleşiminin, duvar boşluklarının, kulelerin ya da bacaların hava devinimi ile ilişkisi irdelenerek kararların tasarıma aktarılması yeterli bir doğal havalandırma için gereklidir. Doğal hava devinimi – yapı ilişkisinin doğru kurulmasıyla kullanıcı sağlığını bozmayan, enerji tüketmeyen, çevreyi kirletmeyen ve maliyetleri artırmayan bir havalandırma sağlanabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Havalandırma, Doğal havalandırma, Hava devinimi. / most economical and environmentalist way of providing vital oxygen and removing indoor air pollution is natural ventilation. To ventilate buildings with natural methods, it is necessary that the convenient outdoor air should be taken into building and polluted indoor air should be removed out. The properties of airflow, which is formed by the replacement of the polluted and thereby heated air with cold and clean air, are important in terms of ventilation effectiveness. For accurate ventilation, it is necessary to examine the relationship of airflow with the position and form of buildings, the location of building units, wall openings, turrets or stacks and to benefit from these examinations during design. By establishing an effective relation between natural airflow and buildings, a ventilation, which does not cause health problems, consume energy, create environmental pollution or increase costs, will be supplied. Key Words: Ventilation, Natural ventilation, Airflow.
11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2016
Based on many scientific critics about the discrepancies between the aim with existing situation ... more Based on many scientific critics about the discrepancies between the aim with existing situation of assessment and certification systems oriented from environment friendly building approach, a trial of LEED on three houses of Diyarbakır settlement has been conducted, limited with water efficiency category. Although Diyarbakır houses, built approximately 300 years ago, have been proven to bear successful design strategies that address positive environmental effects, the evaluation results show that, houses cannot obtain any points underthis category and have a very low outcome in total. It is believed and suggested that, with a more holistic approach based on interactions between the building and its environments, the assessment tools can be improved into a more integrative and balanced system towards beyond of green concept.
Ecological Agenda International Conference on New Perspectives in Eco-Technologies and Eco-Economy, 2010
The most economical and environmentalist way for providing vital oxygen and removing indoor air p... more The most economical and environmentalist way for providing vital oxygen and removing indoor air pollution is natural ventilation. To ventilate buildings with natural methods, the airflow and air quality of building outdoor needs to be convenient.
Airflow, which is formed by replacement of the polluted and thereby heated air with cold and clean air, can provide accurate ventilation after being regulated with certain effects. These effects must be examined with regard to sun exposure of terrain and settlements, topographic features, the relation of green space with buildings; form, size and position of buildings / building groups and these examinations should be referred to during settlement planning. Consequently by establishing an accurate relation between airflow and settlements, a ventilation, which does not cause health problems, does not consume energy, does not create environmental pollution, does not increase costs, will be supplied.
Evaluation of Leed ‘Innovation in Design Process’ and ‘Locaion & Linkages’ Case Study: Diyarbakır Turkey, 2015
The paper focuses on the LEED rating system of Diyarbakır Houses to an assessment with respect to... more The paper focuses on the LEED rating system of Diyarbakır Houses to an assessment with respect to “Innovation in Design Process and Location & Linkages”, assuming to conduct a trial of the building assessment and certification systems, which were highly popular in Europe and in the U.S. in the 1990s and in Turkey in the 2000s, on the “traditional building”. The aim of the paper is to bring a criticism of and suggestions to the LEED credits in connection with environmentalist design criteria, and to be able to determine that these credits, which are limited in the first place, may already be part of the design of traditional buildings in Turkey. Three different typological houses of Diyarbakır were selected for the research and detail evaluated with the scope of LEED for Homes credits. Using this assessment system, old Diyarbakır houses known to involve many successful solutions in terms of factors related to the environment and the user were assessed. The assessment revealed the fact that these houses, which are in harmony with the environment, are energy-efficient, use water and resources optimally, are successful in waste management, meet their users’ biological, psychological and social needs and do not cause health problems for their users’ and the environment scored low in LEED.
Architectural Sciences and Building & Construction, 2022
Regenerative sustainability can guide the process of reforming a new relationship between systems... more Regenerative sustainability can guide the process of reforming a new relationship between systems of human and nature in which built environments can be the key component of this partnership. In order to address the scarcity of proper support tools, this study aims to constitute a framework. The research firstly examines the properties of a built environment with regenerative aspects in order to reveal key principles and knowledge. Framework is organized as a conceptual guidance tool based on the systematization of these acquisitions. Process begins with a pre-design stage including an integrated analysis where all key elements are understood with the aim of procreating outcomes to distinguish built environment’s catalysis role. Based upon pre-design outcomes, target-oriented decisions can be produced for all stages. Evaluating the aspects of these decisions can initiate a prosperous feedback and feed-forward cycle. Tasks and relations are positioned into a model and by this way it can be possible to re-organize thinking systems and to supply a strategic guidance for different case-specific experiences. As an alternative to current research context, it is believed that interactive stages of the framework organized in a symbiotic cooperation can serve to fill the stated scarcity. By examining the significance of the whole process through interactions of phases and proposing an approach for their systematic regulation, built environments can be designed as healthy ecosystems.
Geleneksel Yapıların Yaşam Döngüsü Açısından İrdelenmesi: Diyarbakır Evlerinin LEED Değerlendirmesi / Life Cycle Assessment of Traditional Buildings: Evaluation of Old Diyarbakır Houses by LEED, 2016
Yapının süreçleri, çevreleri arasındaki etkileşime, gereksinmeleri giderecek biçimin etkileri üze... more Yapının süreçleri, çevreleri arasındaki etkileşime, gereksinmeleri giderecek biçimin etkileri üzerinden şekillenmektedir. Bu nedenle, yapının çevresel açıdan değerlendirilmesinde bu etkiler önemlidir. Dünyada, kamusal deneyimle üretilmiş ve çevreci nitelikte olduğu belirlenmiş geleneksel yerleşmeler ve yapılar bulunmaktadır. Buna karşın, son çağlarda üretilen yapıların çoğunun çevre sorunlarının artışında payı olduğu bilinmektedir. Çevreye verilen zararın azaltılmasına yönelik girişimler, yapıların çevresel açıdan değerlendirilmesi için birçok yöntem üretmiştir. Olumlu ve olumsuz özellikleri olduğu belirtilen bu yöntemlerden birisi USGBC tarafından oluşturulmuş LEED sertifikalandırma sistemidir. Bu sertifikalandırma sisteminin konutlar için üretilmiş türü LEED for Homes 2009 v.3, temel olarak, yapının çevresine etkilerini sorgulamaktadır. Çalışmada, söz konusu sistemle, çevresel ilişkilerinin ve mimari çözümlerinin başarılı olduğu belirtilen Diyarbakır Suriçi Yerleşmesi’ndeki üç geleneksel konut değerlendirilmiştir. Konutların, çevreci nitelikleri nedeniyle değerlendirmede yüksek puanlar alabileceği varsayılmış, buna karşın, oldukça düşük puan aldıkları görülmüştür. Söz konusu durumun nedenleri, var olan değerlendirme yöntemlerinin geçmişte yapılmış ve hâlâ kullanılabilir nitelikte olan eski yapıların değerlendirilmesi için uygun olmaması, çevre açısından önemli sayılabilecek yöresel ve bölgesel düzenlemeleri kapsamaması ve belirli yapı ürünlerini zorunlu tutması olarak sayılabilir. Bu nedenle, söz konusu yöntemlerin, eski yapılar için bir türünün oluşturulması, farklı mimari çözümleri kapsayacak ve uygun puan ağırlıklarıyla değerlendirecek, daha bütüncül bir yaklaşımla yapı ve çevreleri arasındaki etkileşimi sorgulayacak şekilde yeniden düzenlenmesi önerilmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Geleneksel Yapılar, Diyarbakır Evleri, Çevre Dostu Yapı, Yaşam Döngüsü Değerlendirmesi, LEED. It is known that the processes of a building are determined by effects of the object on interactions between environments of building. Therefore, these effects gain importance during the evaluation of a building in terms of environment. In the world, there are many traditional settlements and buildings, which have been produced by public experience and qualified as eco-friendly in many scientific analyses. Nevertheless, it can be observed that modern design approaches have produced many buildings which have contributed to environmental problems. Attempts of decreasing the harm on the environment have generated certain popularized evaluation methods, one of which is LEED certification system produced by USGBC. LEED 2009 v.3 LEED for Homes basically questions the environmental effects of a residential building. In the research, three traditional houses of old Diyarbakır settlement, which has been proved to have successful environmental relations and architectural solutions, were evaluated. Although, it was assumed that these houses could have taken very high points due to their eco-friendly properties, the result of the evaluation revealed that, the houses cannot be graded with enough points to be certified. The main reasons of this outcome can be determined as inapplicability of existing evaluation systems to traditional buildings, the lack of regional and spatial architectural and eco-friendly solutions and and obligation of certain building products in the coverage of these systems. Therefore, to recompose a new type of a properly organized, integrative and holistic evaluation method, which is applicable to traditional buildings, encounters different architectural solutions and evaluates according to a more balanced scoring system, is being proposed. Key Words: Traditional Buildings, Diyarbakır Houses, Eco-Friendly Buildings, Life Cycle Assessment, LEED.
rather severely exposure process. One of the important aspects under this
category: indoor air and its pollution cause premature death of nearly four
million people every year. The vital necessity to sustain existing built
environment through proper improvement requires adaptability by using a
consciously structured assessment process which focuses on the
relationship of space and humans in a systematic perspective. Accordingly,
as an alternative to common tendencies in indoor air pollution studies, the
subject can be structured on three pillars: pollutants, humans and indirect
participant of their relationship: exposure environments. Due to the
complex interactivity created between hierarchical environmental systems
of building, main aspects of closed spaces play an essential role as creating
complicated impact-result mechanisms on progress of exposure. The
existence, location, duration and concentration levels of indoor air
pollutants are affected by the volume of closed spaces, air movements in
and between indoor and outdoor environment, possible interactivity
among surfaces and pollutants and related factors such as temperature,
humidity, dampness that transforms these interrelations. Furthermore, the
architectural arrangement of the spaces affects the exposure by
determining location and duration of building users. It is believed that
constituting systematization for fundamental properties of closed spaces as
exposure environments can be useful to reveal interrelations between three
participants of exposure in a broader and more holistic comprehension
consistent with whole systems thinking in preference to common
popularized approaches which mainly concentrate on quantitative
properties in a single building scale towards better structured assessment
activities with a higher potential for accurate results.
Key words: Indoor air pollution, Exposure environment, Exposure
assessment, Exposure factors, Indoor spaces
complex interrelation among many experts of professionals and users in which the space is produced according to certain approaches to become
one of the essential factors to affect the users’ life. In this context, indoor air and its pollution are in the most critical aspects of spaces with a very high
potential to create a wide range of comfort, many health and related
economic problems. In order to structure a better cause and effect relation
between spaces and users in the context of enhanced indoor air quality,
among other aspects particularly the exposure phenomenon: process
between encountering indoor air pollution and the formation of problems
should be investigated in regard to underlying mechanisms. Existence of
harmful substances with diverse properties for a definite period of time
causes indoor air pollution and certain parts or the entire indoor
environment of a building can constitute an exposure environment as the
pollution meets with building users. This process can occur via respiration,
olfaction or contact to skin and eyes where pollutants, their metabolites or
reaction products compose biomarkers. The number of biomarkers,
determined as dose, is directly related with the occurrence of a vast
number of health / comfort conditions ranging from odour intolerance,
headache or irritation to respiratory infections, heart diseases and cancers.
Although there are many different approaches for classification of these
outcomes, the problems are categorized under three groups in this
research: cancers, non-cancerous diseases and sick building syndrome. It is
believed that the study is beneficial to present an alternative qualitative
point of view different from the common quantitative tendencies in the
field of indoor air quality studies and the resultant classification can be
useful for a more practical and accurate assessment process which is
appreciated to be vital to sustain existing building stock and transform the
problematic spaces in better and healthy living environments by raising awareness for particularly important but mostly ignored or misplaced
problem groups.
Keywords: Indoor air pollution, Exposure process, Health problems,
Systems thinking, Evaluation process
Ventilation and air related properties are among these important effects. With the aim of exemplifying architectural design solutions, a
vernacular settlement in the southeast of Turkey: Diyarbakır and its houses are examined with a systematic evaluation approach through
architectural design under three phases. In the first phase, outdoor environment components which induce or effect air movements are
examined and evaluated along with user properties. Aspects of ventilation, building envelope and indoor environment of Diyarbakır
houses are analyzed in the second phase. The last phase is the evaluation of houses in terms of ventilation efficiency by relating user
requirements with acquired properties of air and ventilation. With this examination, many architectural features as passive systems are revealed in order to condition and move the air. Additionally, based on findings, it can be interpreted that presuming the built environment
as a part of bigger and smaller systems may create net positive results for humans and other systems of the place.
Keywords: Air quality; assessment; Diyarbakır houses; regenerative design; ventilation.
may cause many adverse effects. One of the important aspects of built environments is air related properties. In the light of regenerative
design, which sees built environment as a new and organized bridge effectuating the desired relationship between different nested
systems of place, a strategic guidance is determined as a basic necessity in order to design buildings with accurate ventilation and air
properties. Concerning ventilation in buildings to be effective, it is important for clean air to reach settlements and polluted air should be
removed through the relation and coherence of air and its movement with the properties of built environment in different scales. This aim
can be met by using a design approach based on patterns, relations and impacts; a decision making tool of this kind can also be beneficial
for evaluation of existing built environments in terms of air and ventilation efficiency. The proposed approach starts with a pre-research
phase of collecting many data about the design area, continues with design / analysis phase in which certain design decisions are made
based on the findings of pre-research or examination of existing building. The last phase is evaluating the design in terms of quality of
meeting air related requirements and providing feedbacks. Designing this kind of built environment can integrate humans and other
systems of design area to generate some net positive and supportive results.
Keywords: Air quality; architectural design; built environment; systems thinking; ventilation.
bir ortamda bulunmanın ve ortaya çıkabilecek sağlık sorunlarının belirlenmesi şeklindedir. Gerçekleştirilen araştırmayla birçok farklı yapı ürününün bu kirleticileri içerebildiği anlaşılmıştır. Kirleticilerin iç havaya salınmasında ortam koşulları etkilidir. Yapılan birçok incelemede iç çevrede kirletici yoğunluklarının dış çevreye oranla yüksek düzeyde gerçekleştiği ortaya konmuştur. İnsanın bu kirleticilerden olumsuz etkilenmesinde, kirletici türünün yanı sıra, etkilenime ilişkin ayrıntıların yüksek önem taşıdığı göz ardı edilmemelidir. Bu kirleticilerin yoğunluğunun azaltılması ve olumsuz etkilerinin önlenmesi için, UOB içeren yapı ürünlerinin kullanılmaması ya da kullanım koşullarının denetlenmesi ve yapıda iyi bir havalandırma sağlanması gerektiği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, bundan sonra yapılacak çalışmalarla ilgili öneriler
geliştirilmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Uçucu organik bileşikler; yapı biyolojisi; yapı içi hava kirliliği. / Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are within important pollutant groups which cause indoor air pollution and many serious health problems. VOCs include hundreds of different pollutants with similar properties and can easily volatilize at low temperatures. In order to avoid problems, negativities caused by VOCs in the building and its environments and the effects on human health must be determined. In this study, an examination and relations model, produced for this purpose in the field of building biology, is used. The process of this model includes the determination of a negative feature in building: building products with VOCs, a negative condition: VOCs in indoor air, a hazardous effect: being exposed to VOCs and many health problems. The research has shown that many different building products may contain VOCs. The indoor environment conditions are effective on emission properties. It has been understood that indoor air concentrations of these pollutants are mostly much higher than outdoor concentrations in many studies. For the exposure of users, not only the type of pollutants but also the properties of exposure are effective. In order to avoid negative effects or to reduce the concentrations, it is advised not to prefer VOCs containing building products, to control their usage conditions and to supply accurate ventilation in buildings. Recommendations are provided for future researches. Keywords: Volatile organic compounds; building biology; indoor air pollution.
There are many different types of pollutants which can create various mixtures in indoor environments. Among many classifications, mostly, indoor air pollutants are examined under groups related to their physical properties. Based on the fact that, in most cases, the air pollution encountered in indoor environments is a mixture of these different groups; pollutants can affect each other or be affected by the indoor surfaces according to their duration of existence. The results of these relations may change the types and concentration levels of pollutants, hence the properties of indoor air pollution.
The relations of pollutants in indoor air may result in physically aggregation in different zones to form pollutant clusters or chemical reactions to conceive different types of pollutants. Beside of this, horizontal or vertical building products that form and limit the indoor environment can affect air pollutants according to different factors. When pollutants of different physical properties encounter a surface, these pollutants may bounce off to the air back, get attached to or be absorbed by the surface; these are defined as indoor sinks in scientific studies. It is possible for attached or absorbed pollutants to be reemitted to air back or react chemically with the substance to generate new kinds of pollutants. Several factors, such as air temperatures, humidity or dampness of the surfaces or inner layers can change the results of these relations.
Physical or chemical relations can cause the quality and quantity of the indoor air pollution to change, the concentration levels of some pollutants may decrease, whereas new pollutants can be formed and accumulate. The identification of different possibilities of relations will facilitate the determination tasks of indoor air pollution, increase the quality and enhance the results. In addition to this, designers should be careful about the surface and chemical properties of building products and if possible avoid selecting reaction prone products or use them with proper solutions. Also, appropriate detail design can eliminate the negative impacts of dampness, temperature, humidity conditions that accelerate relation results and rapid removal of pollutants before the relation starts can be supplied with an intentionally designed ventilation strategy.
Keywords: Indoor air pollution, air pollutants, pollutant relations
Exposure can be defined as an agent to create a change on a target by reaching and touching it on a contact boundary. In the frame of exposure to indoor air pollutants, the main routes of exposure are respiration, olfaction, contact to skin and eye surfaces and the contact boundary can be considered as the inner surfaces of respiratory system and outer surfaces of the body. Exposure can be encountered with air pollutants to only touch the contact boundary, however, in most cases, it happens after the pollutants pass this border into body systems to cause symptoms of health problems.
Adverse effects of exposure happen in relation to properties of human and the co-occurrence of humans and pollutants. Exposure route and contact boundary, exposure duration, frequency, location and susceptibility of users to pollutants constitute the basic factors.
For exposure through olfaction and respiration, pollutants must enter the respiratory system via nose or mouth. With the stimulation of olfactory receptors, cacosmia, a set of biological / psychological symptoms in the frame of sick building syndrome may occur. As the pollutants advance through the respiratory system, they can harm the tissues and cause inflammation or they can be absorbed into the circulation system. The amount of pollutants taken in is strongly related to respiratory rate and tidal volume of the user.
The contact of pollutants to the skin and eyes or absorption through these surfaces is defined as dermal exposure. Especially layers of eyes and eyelid skin are sensitive to pollutants. For the absorption, permeability of the contact boundary and the area of contact play major roles.
The co-occurrence duration, frequency and location of humans and pollutants are related to the details of building usage: how long, how often and where the users be in the building.
Susceptibility in exposure is a situation in which a target is more adversely affected by a certain agent compared to other targets exposed to the same agent under the same conditions. It is stated that, in general, women over men, pregnant women over non-pregnant, babies, children, elderly over other age groups and people with disease over healthy people comprise the susceptible group in terms of indoor air pollutants.
For accurate assessment of health effects of indoor air pollution on humans, the route of exposure should be examined through biological properties of the respiratory system, tidal volume and biological properties of skin and eyes. The usage detail of the building, the closed units in which users spend time periodically can be determined for the duration of exposure, frequency and location. Also biological properties such as age, sex, etc. and psychological and social behaviors and habits can indicate the susceptibility.
In order to execute a valid and accurate assessment of exposure to indoor air pollution, proper methods to determine these properties, to relate them towards realistic results will be beneficial.
Keywords: Indoor air pollution, humans, respiration, dermal contact, susceptibility
Doğal havalandırmayı amaçlayan tasarımcı doğal ve yapma dış çevre özelliklerini hazır bulur. Yapının doğal havalandırılmasını sağlayan tasarım kararlarını yönlendirecek bu dış çevre verilerinin yanı sıra, üretilecek yapı da iç mekân doğal hava devinimi üzerinde etkili olacaktır. Ayrıca yapı üretildikten sonra çevresel etmenlerde ya da yapıda ortaya çıkabilecek değişiklikler, sağlanması amaçlanan doğal havalandırmanın niteliğini değiştirme riski taşır. Tüm bu özelliklerin anlaşılmasıyla yapılarda sürdürülebilir doğal havalandırma ilkeleri belirlenebilir.
Bu bildiride tasarımcılara katkı sağlamak amacıyla sürdürülebilir doğal havalandırma açısından yapı tasarımına yönelik bir yaklaşım ortaya konacaktır.
2009 – 2010 Eğitim Öğretim Yılı Bahar Yarıyılı’nda MT2 stüdyosuna katılan 40 öğrenciye dönem sonunda stüdyonun
• yürütülme biçimi,
• öğrenciye kazandırdıkları
vb konularda yazılı görüşme (anket) yoluyla sorular yöneltilmiş, elde edilen yanıtlar toplam katılımcı sayısı göz önüne alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca açık uçlu soru türü kullanılarak öğrencilerden stüdyo ile ilgili çeşitli önerilerde bulunmaları istenmiştir. Bu önerilerin de stüdyonun geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
Yapı ürünlerinin yaydığı koku, ürünü oluşturan maddelerden, ürünü etkileyen koşullardan ve ortamdaki kokunun ürün içine işleyerek koku kaynağı durumuna gelmesinden kaynaklanır. Araştırmalarda kötü ya da bazı kişilerce kötü olarak algılanan kokuların baş ağrısı, mide bulantısı, baş dönmesi, saman nezlesi, yorgunluk, halsizlik, çekingenlik, iştahsızlık, öğrenme güçlüğü, bellek sorunları, istemli devinim hızı ve el becerilerinde başarısızlık, zihinsel esneklikte gerilemeler, dikkatsizlik, kaygı, gerginlik, yoğunlaşma zorluğu, üretkenlik yitimi, hoşnutsuzluk ve alerji tetiklenmesi gibi sorunlarla sağlığı bozabileceği görülmüştür.
Airflow, which is formed by replacement of the polluted and thereby heated air with cold and clean air, can provide accurate ventilation after being regulated with certain effects. These effects must be examined with regard to sun exposure of terrain and settlements, topographic features, the relation of green space with buildings; form, size and position of buildings / building groups and these examinations should be referred to during settlement planning. Consequently by establishing an accurate relation between airflow and settlements, a ventilation, which does not cause health problems, does not consume energy, does not create environmental pollution, does not increase costs, will be supplied.
rather severely exposure process. One of the important aspects under this
category: indoor air and its pollution cause premature death of nearly four
million people every year. The vital necessity to sustain existing built
environment through proper improvement requires adaptability by using a
consciously structured assessment process which focuses on the
relationship of space and humans in a systematic perspective. Accordingly,
as an alternative to common tendencies in indoor air pollution studies, the
subject can be structured on three pillars: pollutants, humans and indirect
participant of their relationship: exposure environments. Due to the
complex interactivity created between hierarchical environmental systems
of building, main aspects of closed spaces play an essential role as creating
complicated impact-result mechanisms on progress of exposure. The
existence, location, duration and concentration levels of indoor air
pollutants are affected by the volume of closed spaces, air movements in
and between indoor and outdoor environment, possible interactivity
among surfaces and pollutants and related factors such as temperature,
humidity, dampness that transforms these interrelations. Furthermore, the
architectural arrangement of the spaces affects the exposure by
determining location and duration of building users. It is believed that
constituting systematization for fundamental properties of closed spaces as
exposure environments can be useful to reveal interrelations between three
participants of exposure in a broader and more holistic comprehension
consistent with whole systems thinking in preference to common
popularized approaches which mainly concentrate on quantitative
properties in a single building scale towards better structured assessment
activities with a higher potential for accurate results.
Key words: Indoor air pollution, Exposure environment, Exposure
assessment, Exposure factors, Indoor spaces
complex interrelation among many experts of professionals and users in which the space is produced according to certain approaches to become
one of the essential factors to affect the users’ life. In this context, indoor air and its pollution are in the most critical aspects of spaces with a very high
potential to create a wide range of comfort, many health and related
economic problems. In order to structure a better cause and effect relation
between spaces and users in the context of enhanced indoor air quality,
among other aspects particularly the exposure phenomenon: process
between encountering indoor air pollution and the formation of problems
should be investigated in regard to underlying mechanisms. Existence of
harmful substances with diverse properties for a definite period of time
causes indoor air pollution and certain parts or the entire indoor
environment of a building can constitute an exposure environment as the
pollution meets with building users. This process can occur via respiration,
olfaction or contact to skin and eyes where pollutants, their metabolites or
reaction products compose biomarkers. The number of biomarkers,
determined as dose, is directly related with the occurrence of a vast
number of health / comfort conditions ranging from odour intolerance,
headache or irritation to respiratory infections, heart diseases and cancers.
Although there are many different approaches for classification of these
outcomes, the problems are categorized under three groups in this
research: cancers, non-cancerous diseases and sick building syndrome. It is
believed that the study is beneficial to present an alternative qualitative
point of view different from the common quantitative tendencies in the
field of indoor air quality studies and the resultant classification can be
useful for a more practical and accurate assessment process which is
appreciated to be vital to sustain existing building stock and transform the
problematic spaces in better and healthy living environments by raising awareness for particularly important but mostly ignored or misplaced
problem groups.
Keywords: Indoor air pollution, Exposure process, Health problems,
Systems thinking, Evaluation process
Ventilation and air related properties are among these important effects. With the aim of exemplifying architectural design solutions, a
vernacular settlement in the southeast of Turkey: Diyarbakır and its houses are examined with a systematic evaluation approach through
architectural design under three phases. In the first phase, outdoor environment components which induce or effect air movements are
examined and evaluated along with user properties. Aspects of ventilation, building envelope and indoor environment of Diyarbakır
houses are analyzed in the second phase. The last phase is the evaluation of houses in terms of ventilation efficiency by relating user
requirements with acquired properties of air and ventilation. With this examination, many architectural features as passive systems are revealed in order to condition and move the air. Additionally, based on findings, it can be interpreted that presuming the built environment
as a part of bigger and smaller systems may create net positive results for humans and other systems of the place.
Keywords: Air quality; assessment; Diyarbakır houses; regenerative design; ventilation.
may cause many adverse effects. One of the important aspects of built environments is air related properties. In the light of regenerative
design, which sees built environment as a new and organized bridge effectuating the desired relationship between different nested
systems of place, a strategic guidance is determined as a basic necessity in order to design buildings with accurate ventilation and air
properties. Concerning ventilation in buildings to be effective, it is important for clean air to reach settlements and polluted air should be
removed through the relation and coherence of air and its movement with the properties of built environment in different scales. This aim
can be met by using a design approach based on patterns, relations and impacts; a decision making tool of this kind can also be beneficial
for evaluation of existing built environments in terms of air and ventilation efficiency. The proposed approach starts with a pre-research
phase of collecting many data about the design area, continues with design / analysis phase in which certain design decisions are made
based on the findings of pre-research or examination of existing building. The last phase is evaluating the design in terms of quality of
meeting air related requirements and providing feedbacks. Designing this kind of built environment can integrate humans and other
systems of design area to generate some net positive and supportive results.
Keywords: Air quality; architectural design; built environment; systems thinking; ventilation.
bir ortamda bulunmanın ve ortaya çıkabilecek sağlık sorunlarının belirlenmesi şeklindedir. Gerçekleştirilen araştırmayla birçok farklı yapı ürününün bu kirleticileri içerebildiği anlaşılmıştır. Kirleticilerin iç havaya salınmasında ortam koşulları etkilidir. Yapılan birçok incelemede iç çevrede kirletici yoğunluklarının dış çevreye oranla yüksek düzeyde gerçekleştiği ortaya konmuştur. İnsanın bu kirleticilerden olumsuz etkilenmesinde, kirletici türünün yanı sıra, etkilenime ilişkin ayrıntıların yüksek önem taşıdığı göz ardı edilmemelidir. Bu kirleticilerin yoğunluğunun azaltılması ve olumsuz etkilerinin önlenmesi için, UOB içeren yapı ürünlerinin kullanılmaması ya da kullanım koşullarının denetlenmesi ve yapıda iyi bir havalandırma sağlanması gerektiği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, bundan sonra yapılacak çalışmalarla ilgili öneriler
geliştirilmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Uçucu organik bileşikler; yapı biyolojisi; yapı içi hava kirliliği. / Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are within important pollutant groups which cause indoor air pollution and many serious health problems. VOCs include hundreds of different pollutants with similar properties and can easily volatilize at low temperatures. In order to avoid problems, negativities caused by VOCs in the building and its environments and the effects on human health must be determined. In this study, an examination and relations model, produced for this purpose in the field of building biology, is used. The process of this model includes the determination of a negative feature in building: building products with VOCs, a negative condition: VOCs in indoor air, a hazardous effect: being exposed to VOCs and many health problems. The research has shown that many different building products may contain VOCs. The indoor environment conditions are effective on emission properties. It has been understood that indoor air concentrations of these pollutants are mostly much higher than outdoor concentrations in many studies. For the exposure of users, not only the type of pollutants but also the properties of exposure are effective. In order to avoid negative effects or to reduce the concentrations, it is advised not to prefer VOCs containing building products, to control their usage conditions and to supply accurate ventilation in buildings. Recommendations are provided for future researches. Keywords: Volatile organic compounds; building biology; indoor air pollution.
There are many different types of pollutants which can create various mixtures in indoor environments. Among many classifications, mostly, indoor air pollutants are examined under groups related to their physical properties. Based on the fact that, in most cases, the air pollution encountered in indoor environments is a mixture of these different groups; pollutants can affect each other or be affected by the indoor surfaces according to their duration of existence. The results of these relations may change the types and concentration levels of pollutants, hence the properties of indoor air pollution.
The relations of pollutants in indoor air may result in physically aggregation in different zones to form pollutant clusters or chemical reactions to conceive different types of pollutants. Beside of this, horizontal or vertical building products that form and limit the indoor environment can affect air pollutants according to different factors. When pollutants of different physical properties encounter a surface, these pollutants may bounce off to the air back, get attached to or be absorbed by the surface; these are defined as indoor sinks in scientific studies. It is possible for attached or absorbed pollutants to be reemitted to air back or react chemically with the substance to generate new kinds of pollutants. Several factors, such as air temperatures, humidity or dampness of the surfaces or inner layers can change the results of these relations.
Physical or chemical relations can cause the quality and quantity of the indoor air pollution to change, the concentration levels of some pollutants may decrease, whereas new pollutants can be formed and accumulate. The identification of different possibilities of relations will facilitate the determination tasks of indoor air pollution, increase the quality and enhance the results. In addition to this, designers should be careful about the surface and chemical properties of building products and if possible avoid selecting reaction prone products or use them with proper solutions. Also, appropriate detail design can eliminate the negative impacts of dampness, temperature, humidity conditions that accelerate relation results and rapid removal of pollutants before the relation starts can be supplied with an intentionally designed ventilation strategy.
Keywords: Indoor air pollution, air pollutants, pollutant relations
Exposure can be defined as an agent to create a change on a target by reaching and touching it on a contact boundary. In the frame of exposure to indoor air pollutants, the main routes of exposure are respiration, olfaction, contact to skin and eye surfaces and the contact boundary can be considered as the inner surfaces of respiratory system and outer surfaces of the body. Exposure can be encountered with air pollutants to only touch the contact boundary, however, in most cases, it happens after the pollutants pass this border into body systems to cause symptoms of health problems.
Adverse effects of exposure happen in relation to properties of human and the co-occurrence of humans and pollutants. Exposure route and contact boundary, exposure duration, frequency, location and susceptibility of users to pollutants constitute the basic factors.
For exposure through olfaction and respiration, pollutants must enter the respiratory system via nose or mouth. With the stimulation of olfactory receptors, cacosmia, a set of biological / psychological symptoms in the frame of sick building syndrome may occur. As the pollutants advance through the respiratory system, they can harm the tissues and cause inflammation or they can be absorbed into the circulation system. The amount of pollutants taken in is strongly related to respiratory rate and tidal volume of the user.
The contact of pollutants to the skin and eyes or absorption through these surfaces is defined as dermal exposure. Especially layers of eyes and eyelid skin are sensitive to pollutants. For the absorption, permeability of the contact boundary and the area of contact play major roles.
The co-occurrence duration, frequency and location of humans and pollutants are related to the details of building usage: how long, how often and where the users be in the building.
Susceptibility in exposure is a situation in which a target is more adversely affected by a certain agent compared to other targets exposed to the same agent under the same conditions. It is stated that, in general, women over men, pregnant women over non-pregnant, babies, children, elderly over other age groups and people with disease over healthy people comprise the susceptible group in terms of indoor air pollutants.
For accurate assessment of health effects of indoor air pollution on humans, the route of exposure should be examined through biological properties of the respiratory system, tidal volume and biological properties of skin and eyes. The usage detail of the building, the closed units in which users spend time periodically can be determined for the duration of exposure, frequency and location. Also biological properties such as age, sex, etc. and psychological and social behaviors and habits can indicate the susceptibility.
In order to execute a valid and accurate assessment of exposure to indoor air pollution, proper methods to determine these properties, to relate them towards realistic results will be beneficial.
Keywords: Indoor air pollution, humans, respiration, dermal contact, susceptibility
Doğal havalandırmayı amaçlayan tasarımcı doğal ve yapma dış çevre özelliklerini hazır bulur. Yapının doğal havalandırılmasını sağlayan tasarım kararlarını yönlendirecek bu dış çevre verilerinin yanı sıra, üretilecek yapı da iç mekân doğal hava devinimi üzerinde etkili olacaktır. Ayrıca yapı üretildikten sonra çevresel etmenlerde ya da yapıda ortaya çıkabilecek değişiklikler, sağlanması amaçlanan doğal havalandırmanın niteliğini değiştirme riski taşır. Tüm bu özelliklerin anlaşılmasıyla yapılarda sürdürülebilir doğal havalandırma ilkeleri belirlenebilir.
Bu bildiride tasarımcılara katkı sağlamak amacıyla sürdürülebilir doğal havalandırma açısından yapı tasarımına yönelik bir yaklaşım ortaya konacaktır.
2009 – 2010 Eğitim Öğretim Yılı Bahar Yarıyılı’nda MT2 stüdyosuna katılan 40 öğrenciye dönem sonunda stüdyonun
• yürütülme biçimi,
• öğrenciye kazandırdıkları
vb konularda yazılı görüşme (anket) yoluyla sorular yöneltilmiş, elde edilen yanıtlar toplam katılımcı sayısı göz önüne alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca açık uçlu soru türü kullanılarak öğrencilerden stüdyo ile ilgili çeşitli önerilerde bulunmaları istenmiştir. Bu önerilerin de stüdyonun geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
Yapı ürünlerinin yaydığı koku, ürünü oluşturan maddelerden, ürünü etkileyen koşullardan ve ortamdaki kokunun ürün içine işleyerek koku kaynağı durumuna gelmesinden kaynaklanır. Araştırmalarda kötü ya da bazı kişilerce kötü olarak algılanan kokuların baş ağrısı, mide bulantısı, baş dönmesi, saman nezlesi, yorgunluk, halsizlik, çekingenlik, iştahsızlık, öğrenme güçlüğü, bellek sorunları, istemli devinim hızı ve el becerilerinde başarısızlık, zihinsel esneklikte gerilemeler, dikkatsizlik, kaygı, gerginlik, yoğunlaşma zorluğu, üretkenlik yitimi, hoşnutsuzluk ve alerji tetiklenmesi gibi sorunlarla sağlığı bozabileceği görülmüştür.
Airflow, which is formed by replacement of the polluted and thereby heated air with cold and clean air, can provide accurate ventilation after being regulated with certain effects. These effects must be examined with regard to sun exposure of terrain and settlements, topographic features, the relation of green space with buildings; form, size and position of buildings / building groups and these examinations should be referred to during settlement planning. Consequently by establishing an accurate relation between airflow and settlements, a ventilation, which does not cause health problems, does not consume energy, does not create environmental pollution, does not increase costs, will be supplied.