For centuries, the remote site of Bāyir, far to the east in southeast Jordan, in
an arid environ... more For centuries, the remote site of Bāyir, far to the east in southeast Jordan, in
an arid environment, was frequented by nomads watering their herds, thanks
to its huge wells. Four Latin graffiti from Bāyir area are published or revised
and republished here. They provide new evidence of the visits paid to the place
by troops from the Roman army
This paper deals with a new Ancient North Arabian (ANA)-Safaitic inscription from the northeaster... more This paper deals with a new Ancient North Arabian (ANA)-Safaitic inscription from the northeastern basaltic region of Jordan. Its author registers a revenge-taking action for a man called S1TR. In contrast to the usual type of Safaitic inscriptions that deal with revenge, we encounter here a case of revenge in which the Arabian goddess Allāt is called for s2hdt 'testimony'. The onomastic and lexical components, with special focus on the lexeme s2hdt and its semantic field, are investigated and analyzed in light of the Semitic lexicon.
For centuries, the remote site of Bāyir, far to the east in southeast Jordan, in an arid environm... more For centuries, the remote site of Bāyir, far to the east in southeast Jordan, in an arid environment, was frequented by nomads watering their herds, thanks to its huge wells. Four Latin graffiti from Bāyir area are published or revised and republished here. They provide new evidence of the visits paid to the place by troops from the Roman army.
Ce preÂcieux ouvrage vient compleÂter nos outils de recherche en eÂpigraphie et linguistique suda... more Ce preÂcieux ouvrage vient compleÂter nos outils de recherche en eÂpigraphie et linguistique sudarabique et seÂmitique en geÂneÂral. Rappelons l'absence de travail lexicographique sur l'onomastique qatabaÅnite jusqu'aÁ cette parution (en effet, la seule eÂtude systeÂmatique est l'article sur les noms de femmes publie par A. Avanzini en 1985). Avant de preÂsenter le reÂpertoire analytique des noms de personnes qatabaÅnites proprement dit, Hani Hayajneh consacre un chapitre aÁ une analyse grammaticale approfondie de ces noms (phoneÂtique, morphologique et syntaxique) associeÂe aÁ une tentative de classement. Ce chapitre, treÁs utile, permet d'entrevoir diverses possibiliteÂs d'interpreÂtation. En effet, deÂpourvus de vocalisation dans leur repreÂsentation eÂcrite, certains eÂleÂments des noms composeÂs peuvent eÃtre consideÂreÂs soit comme des noms (substantifs ou parfois adjectifs) soit comme des verbes (actifs ou passifs, puis indicatifs ou jussifs) ce qui entraõ Ãne plus d'un choix d'analyse syntaxique et d'interpreÂtation seÂmantique. Chaque fois qu'il est dif®cile de trancher, l'auteur signale, avec prudence, diffeÂrentes possibiliteÂs d'analyse. Le lexique a le meÂrite d'eÃtre aÁ la fois exhaustif et concis. Chaque entreÂe preÂsente une analyse minutieuse avec les analogies dans l'onomastique des autres langues seÂmitiques. L'eÂtude des diverses orthographes sudarabiques et la comparaison avec les noms preÂislamiques transmis dans la tradition arabe, avec l'onomastique yeÂmeÂnite contemporaine ainsi qu'avec l'onomastique des autres langues seÂmitiques, a permis de preÂsenter des vocalisations probables bien qu'hypotheÂtiques. Ainsi, il est inteÂressant de noter par exemple que »b ̈¥, qui apparaõ Ãt aussi sous la forme »b ̈w¥, devrait eÃtre vocalise »ab ̈uÅ¥ et serait la seule attestation suÃre d'un nom forme sur le scheÁme »af«uÅl (pp. 31 et 54). Des traductions sont proposeÂes lorsque cela est possible, toujours avec prudence et en offrant plusieurs variantes d'interpreÂtation. Le volume comporte eÂgalement un reÂpertoire des racines et des eÂleÂments des noms de personnes et un reÂpertoire qui indique les inscriptions ouÁ les noms de personnes sont mentionneÂs, les deux treÁs pratiques aÁ manier. Parfois, neÂanmoins la volonte d'eÃtre exhaustif et d'explorer toutes les pistes possibles pousse l'auteur un peu loin dans son raisonnement. Quelques exemples: ± AÁ propos des fonctions de la mimation, l'auteur fait des propositions qui ne me paraissent pas compleÁtement convaincantes. Dans les variantes comme Mrtd / Mrtd, Dr ̈ / Dr ̈, le nom deÂpourvu de la mimation devrait eÃtre consideÂreÂ, d'apreÁs l'auteur, comme un nom originellement composeÂ, dont un eÂleÂment seulement (nom ou verbe) aurait eÂte preÂserve (pp. 19±20). Cette hypotheÁse n'est pas aÁ exclure, mais elle reste fragile. Il en est de meÃme pour la deuxieÁme proposition qui concerne les formes »f«l et »f«l : « Die zweite Form wurde mit der Mimation versehen und als »af«aÅlum vocalisiert. Es ist hoÈchstwahrscheinlich, daû die Funktion der Mimation bei dieser Gattung darin besteht, die Form von der Elativform »f «l (=»af«al ) zu unterscheiden ». Dans la langue parleÂe, la diffeÂrence entre un a et un aÅ s'entend bien et il me semble peu probable qu'on introduise la mimation pour distinguer les deux formes, la confusion n'eÂtant possible qu'aÁ l'eÂcrit. ± L'auteur fait remarquer que les noms propres en -t ne peuvent pas eÃtre eÂtymologiquement des verbes aÁ la 2 pers. sing., car la 2 pers. sing. en sudarabique eÂpigraphique a la terminaison en -k (p. 23). Ceci est sans doute juste, mais, dans ce genre d'ouvrage, il n'est peut-eÃtre pas neÂcessaire de reÂfuter chaque hypotheÁse, car la clarte de l'expose y perd.
Cultural Heirtage At the Intersection of the Humanities and the Sciences Lit Verlag, 2023
Human heritage is an endless mine of knowledge, skills, ethos and accomplishments, which visualiz... more Human heritage is an endless mine of knowledge, skills, ethos and accomplishments, which visualize and examine the power of human creativity and innovation throughout the history. The contributions cast an insight into the human psyche to perceive its Weltanschauung, and its way of thinking and making artefacts associated with knowledge, existence and identity in the context of other existing systems in the world. They demonstrate the diversity of topics as well as the state-of-the art of interdisciplinary approaches that participants of the Humboldt-Kolleg use in their research on cultural heritage, and confirm, once again, that the strengths of the Alexander von Humboldt Network should be celebrated and honoured. The present volume invites us to seek more novel research approaches that aim towards an understanding of the complex nature of human inheritance.
After describing the institutional framework both internally and in cooperation with the UNESCO O... more After describing the institutional framework both internally and in cooperation with the UNESCO Office of Amman to implement and promote the Organization’s conventions and programs in the country, the chapter offers an overview on the activities carried on since the ratification of the 2003 ICH Convention to illustrate the protection mechanisms of the ICH on the national level through policies, capacity building actions and projects, awareness raising and inventorying initiatives. By remarking the stimulus offered by the Convention to think of a legal process based on a philosophical rationale taking into account the human rights laws for ICH, considered an integral part of cultural human rights, the author further analyses three case studies: Madaba as the first community based inventory, the Mansaf, a Jordanian culinary tradition and a stimulus for social cohesion and identity, and the Cultural Space of the Bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum proclaimed as Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity and lately incorporated into the Representative List in 2008.
Festschrift Recardo Eichmann on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut. Berlin. , 2021
This article deals with two Ancient North Arabian (= ANA) inscriptions from Wādī Bāyir—Southeast ... more This article deals with two Ancient North Arabian (= ANA) inscriptions from Wādī Bāyir—Southeast Jordan. They were discovered during the epigraphic explorations (1989-1992) of the Faculty of Archeology and Anthropology of Yarmouk University . The word hfrk occurs in one of them. Philological comments were given to explore the possible function and meaning of the word.
Cultural Heritage At the Intersection of the Humanities and the Sciences - Ed by Hani Hayajneh, 2023
Human heritage is an endless mine of knowledge, skills, ethos and accomplishments, which visualiz... more Human heritage is an endless mine of knowledge, skills, ethos and accomplishments, which visualize and examine the power of human creativity and innovation throughout the history. The contributions cast an insight into the human psyche to perceive its Weltanschauung, and its way of thinking and making artefacts associated with knowledge, existence and identity in the context of other existing systems in the world. They demonstrate the diversity of topics as well as the state-of-the art of interdisciplinary approaches that participants of the Humboldt-Kolleg use in their research on cultural heritage, and confirm, once again, that the strengths of the Alexander von Humboldt Network should be celebrated and honoured. The present volume invites us to seek more novel research approaches that aim towards an understanding of the complex nature of human inheritance.
... for similar shape the inscription H 2. As a left connected sign, b, in blw\ and % in 'bd... more ... for similar shape the inscription H 2. As a left connected sign, b, in blw\ and % in 'bd, are similar to the sign used in the same position in the Mada^in Salih inscriptions. ... san, p.4764) and wahad (= 'ahad) "one" (Lisan, p.4780). For a detailed analysis on the ...
... Der Page 7. 108 Hani Hayajneh zweite Name ist als Sippenname in den Inschriften des Friedhofe... more ... Der Page 7. 108 Hani Hayajneh zweite Name ist als Sippenname in den Inschriften des Friedhofes von Timna' bekannt (s. die Inschrift J 191 ff. bei Jamme 1952, 79 ff.). ... Hinzu kommen die Stelen TC 40 (in: Jemen: Kunst und Archaologie im Land der Konigin von Saba\ Kat.-Nr. ...
UNESCO seeks to build peace through international cooperation in education, sciences, and culture... more UNESCO seeks to build peace through international cooperation in education, sciences, and culture and contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in the 2030 Agenda. The present paper explores how UNESCO, the Jordanian government, and the local communities work together in the design and implementation of plans aimed at developing a knowledge-based economy, protecting Jordan’s natural environment and rich cultural heritage, promoting intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity, and in strengthening the institutionalization of culture for development. The present contribution is divided into two parts, the first covers the institutional/legislative framework; financial capacities of Jordanian institutions and describes the activities undertaken by UNESCO over the past years for the preservation of Jordan’s tangible heritage. The section shows UNESCO’s approach towards the conservation of sites from a more resilience-based perspective in an attempt to...
The present paper deals with seven short Ancient South Arabian texts inscribed on bases of funera... more The present paper deals with seven short Ancient South Arabian texts inscribed on bases of funerary stelae from the archive of the late Professor Maḥmūd al-Ghūl. The names contained therein are etymologically treated and their possible cognates from the Semitic anthroponomastics traditions are traced.
This contribution is devoted to four Dadanitic graffiti from the Region of Taymā ʾ – North-West A... more This contribution is devoted to four Dadanitic graffiti from the Region of Taymā ʾ – North-West Arabia and will provide a new philological treatment of them. They were published by M. Kh. Eskoubi in his work entitled Dirāsa Taḥlīlīya Muqārina li-Nuqūs min Minṭaqat (Ramm) Ğanūb Ġarb Taymāʾ , which appeared in al-Riyāḍ in 1999. It is worth mentioning here that the Taymāʾ region witnessed a diversity of written epigraphical types that can be called Ancient North Arabian.
The Legal Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
In depicting the involvement of Japan with UNESCO activities and in its efforts to implement the ... more In depicting the involvement of Japan with UNESCO activities and in its efforts to implement the 2003 Convention, the author firstly focuses on the National Commission for UNESCO’s role and working methods to offer, secondly, a framework about the origins of the legal framework of the ICH promoted by the country, since a pioneering draft law created in 1949 by the Committee for Education and Culture of the Upper House of the Japanese Diet to support the “highly valuable intangible cultural property that may become extinct without the protection of the state”. Afterwards, the chapter illustrates the protection of the ICH at the national level as the result of a legislative process starting in 1950s and 1970s, and identifying three types of intangible cultural heritage (i.e. Important intangible cultural property, Important intangible folk-cultural property and Selected preservation techniques) as per Japanese law, further explaining the criteria prepared for their designation and certification. Lastly, the author concentrates on the case study of the “Bunraku”, as an example of an ICH safeguarding, internationally recognised, and on the UNESCO ICH nomination process in Japan.
The present paper deals with some fragmentary Ancient North Arabian inscriptions from the archive... more The present paper deals with some fragmentary Ancient North Arabian inscriptions from the archives of Dr. Diana Kirkbride and Dr. John Strugnell. The texts were originally documented from Khirbet Rizqeh in South Jordan in the middle of the last century. The names contained are etymologically treated and their possible cognates from the Semitic anthroponomastics traditions are traced.
For centuries, the remote site of Bāyir, far to the east in southeast Jordan, in
an arid environ... more For centuries, the remote site of Bāyir, far to the east in southeast Jordan, in
an arid environment, was frequented by nomads watering their herds, thanks
to its huge wells. Four Latin graffiti from Bāyir area are published or revised
and republished here. They provide new evidence of the visits paid to the place
by troops from the Roman army
This paper deals with a new Ancient North Arabian (ANA)-Safaitic inscription from the northeaster... more This paper deals with a new Ancient North Arabian (ANA)-Safaitic inscription from the northeastern basaltic region of Jordan. Its author registers a revenge-taking action for a man called S1TR. In contrast to the usual type of Safaitic inscriptions that deal with revenge, we encounter here a case of revenge in which the Arabian goddess Allāt is called for s2hdt 'testimony'. The onomastic and lexical components, with special focus on the lexeme s2hdt and its semantic field, are investigated and analyzed in light of the Semitic lexicon.
For centuries, the remote site of Bāyir, far to the east in southeast Jordan, in an arid environm... more For centuries, the remote site of Bāyir, far to the east in southeast Jordan, in an arid environment, was frequented by nomads watering their herds, thanks to its huge wells. Four Latin graffiti from Bāyir area are published or revised and republished here. They provide new evidence of the visits paid to the place by troops from the Roman army.
Ce preÂcieux ouvrage vient compleÂter nos outils de recherche en eÂpigraphie et linguistique suda... more Ce preÂcieux ouvrage vient compleÂter nos outils de recherche en eÂpigraphie et linguistique sudarabique et seÂmitique en geÂneÂral. Rappelons l'absence de travail lexicographique sur l'onomastique qatabaÅnite jusqu'aÁ cette parution (en effet, la seule eÂtude systeÂmatique est l'article sur les noms de femmes publie par A. Avanzini en 1985). Avant de preÂsenter le reÂpertoire analytique des noms de personnes qatabaÅnites proprement dit, Hani Hayajneh consacre un chapitre aÁ une analyse grammaticale approfondie de ces noms (phoneÂtique, morphologique et syntaxique) associeÂe aÁ une tentative de classement. Ce chapitre, treÁs utile, permet d'entrevoir diverses possibiliteÂs d'interpreÂtation. En effet, deÂpourvus de vocalisation dans leur repreÂsentation eÂcrite, certains eÂleÂments des noms composeÂs peuvent eÃtre consideÂreÂs soit comme des noms (substantifs ou parfois adjectifs) soit comme des verbes (actifs ou passifs, puis indicatifs ou jussifs) ce qui entraõ Ãne plus d'un choix d'analyse syntaxique et d'interpreÂtation seÂmantique. Chaque fois qu'il est dif®cile de trancher, l'auteur signale, avec prudence, diffeÂrentes possibiliteÂs d'analyse. Le lexique a le meÂrite d'eÃtre aÁ la fois exhaustif et concis. Chaque entreÂe preÂsente une analyse minutieuse avec les analogies dans l'onomastique des autres langues seÂmitiques. L'eÂtude des diverses orthographes sudarabiques et la comparaison avec les noms preÂislamiques transmis dans la tradition arabe, avec l'onomastique yeÂmeÂnite contemporaine ainsi qu'avec l'onomastique des autres langues seÂmitiques, a permis de preÂsenter des vocalisations probables bien qu'hypotheÂtiques. Ainsi, il est inteÂressant de noter par exemple que »b ̈¥, qui apparaõ Ãt aussi sous la forme »b ̈w¥, devrait eÃtre vocalise »ab ̈uÅ¥ et serait la seule attestation suÃre d'un nom forme sur le scheÁme »af«uÅl (pp. 31 et 54). Des traductions sont proposeÂes lorsque cela est possible, toujours avec prudence et en offrant plusieurs variantes d'interpreÂtation. Le volume comporte eÂgalement un reÂpertoire des racines et des eÂleÂments des noms de personnes et un reÂpertoire qui indique les inscriptions ouÁ les noms de personnes sont mentionneÂs, les deux treÁs pratiques aÁ manier. Parfois, neÂanmoins la volonte d'eÃtre exhaustif et d'explorer toutes les pistes possibles pousse l'auteur un peu loin dans son raisonnement. Quelques exemples: ± AÁ propos des fonctions de la mimation, l'auteur fait des propositions qui ne me paraissent pas compleÁtement convaincantes. Dans les variantes comme Mrtd / Mrtd, Dr ̈ / Dr ̈, le nom deÂpourvu de la mimation devrait eÃtre consideÂreÂ, d'apreÁs l'auteur, comme un nom originellement composeÂ, dont un eÂleÂment seulement (nom ou verbe) aurait eÂte preÂserve (pp. 19±20). Cette hypotheÁse n'est pas aÁ exclure, mais elle reste fragile. Il en est de meÃme pour la deuxieÁme proposition qui concerne les formes »f«l et »f«l : « Die zweite Form wurde mit der Mimation versehen und als »af«aÅlum vocalisiert. Es ist hoÈchstwahrscheinlich, daû die Funktion der Mimation bei dieser Gattung darin besteht, die Form von der Elativform »f «l (=»af«al ) zu unterscheiden ». Dans la langue parleÂe, la diffeÂrence entre un a et un aÅ s'entend bien et il me semble peu probable qu'on introduise la mimation pour distinguer les deux formes, la confusion n'eÂtant possible qu'aÁ l'eÂcrit. ± L'auteur fait remarquer que les noms propres en -t ne peuvent pas eÃtre eÂtymologiquement des verbes aÁ la 2 pers. sing., car la 2 pers. sing. en sudarabique eÂpigraphique a la terminaison en -k (p. 23). Ceci est sans doute juste, mais, dans ce genre d'ouvrage, il n'est peut-eÃtre pas neÂcessaire de reÂfuter chaque hypotheÁse, car la clarte de l'expose y perd.
Cultural Heirtage At the Intersection of the Humanities and the Sciences Lit Verlag, 2023
Human heritage is an endless mine of knowledge, skills, ethos and accomplishments, which visualiz... more Human heritage is an endless mine of knowledge, skills, ethos and accomplishments, which visualize and examine the power of human creativity and innovation throughout the history. The contributions cast an insight into the human psyche to perceive its Weltanschauung, and its way of thinking and making artefacts associated with knowledge, existence and identity in the context of other existing systems in the world. They demonstrate the diversity of topics as well as the state-of-the art of interdisciplinary approaches that participants of the Humboldt-Kolleg use in their research on cultural heritage, and confirm, once again, that the strengths of the Alexander von Humboldt Network should be celebrated and honoured. The present volume invites us to seek more novel research approaches that aim towards an understanding of the complex nature of human inheritance.
After describing the institutional framework both internally and in cooperation with the UNESCO O... more After describing the institutional framework both internally and in cooperation with the UNESCO Office of Amman to implement and promote the Organization’s conventions and programs in the country, the chapter offers an overview on the activities carried on since the ratification of the 2003 ICH Convention to illustrate the protection mechanisms of the ICH on the national level through policies, capacity building actions and projects, awareness raising and inventorying initiatives. By remarking the stimulus offered by the Convention to think of a legal process based on a philosophical rationale taking into account the human rights laws for ICH, considered an integral part of cultural human rights, the author further analyses three case studies: Madaba as the first community based inventory, the Mansaf, a Jordanian culinary tradition and a stimulus for social cohesion and identity, and the Cultural Space of the Bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum proclaimed as Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity and lately incorporated into the Representative List in 2008.
Festschrift Recardo Eichmann on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut. Berlin. , 2021
This article deals with two Ancient North Arabian (= ANA) inscriptions from Wādī Bāyir—Southeast ... more This article deals with two Ancient North Arabian (= ANA) inscriptions from Wādī Bāyir—Southeast Jordan. They were discovered during the epigraphic explorations (1989-1992) of the Faculty of Archeology and Anthropology of Yarmouk University . The word hfrk occurs in one of them. Philological comments were given to explore the possible function and meaning of the word.
Cultural Heritage At the Intersection of the Humanities and the Sciences - Ed by Hani Hayajneh, 2023
Human heritage is an endless mine of knowledge, skills, ethos and accomplishments, which visualiz... more Human heritage is an endless mine of knowledge, skills, ethos and accomplishments, which visualize and examine the power of human creativity and innovation throughout the history. The contributions cast an insight into the human psyche to perceive its Weltanschauung, and its way of thinking and making artefacts associated with knowledge, existence and identity in the context of other existing systems in the world. They demonstrate the diversity of topics as well as the state-of-the art of interdisciplinary approaches that participants of the Humboldt-Kolleg use in their research on cultural heritage, and confirm, once again, that the strengths of the Alexander von Humboldt Network should be celebrated and honoured. The present volume invites us to seek more novel research approaches that aim towards an understanding of the complex nature of human inheritance.
... for similar shape the inscription H 2. As a left connected sign, b, in blw\ and % in 'bd... more ... for similar shape the inscription H 2. As a left connected sign, b, in blw\ and % in 'bd, are similar to the sign used in the same position in the Mada^in Salih inscriptions. ... san, p.4764) and wahad (= 'ahad) "one" (Lisan, p.4780). For a detailed analysis on the ...
... Der Page 7. 108 Hani Hayajneh zweite Name ist als Sippenname in den Inschriften des Friedhofe... more ... Der Page 7. 108 Hani Hayajneh zweite Name ist als Sippenname in den Inschriften des Friedhofes von Timna' bekannt (s. die Inschrift J 191 ff. bei Jamme 1952, 79 ff.). ... Hinzu kommen die Stelen TC 40 (in: Jemen: Kunst und Archaologie im Land der Konigin von Saba\ Kat.-Nr. ...
UNESCO seeks to build peace through international cooperation in education, sciences, and culture... more UNESCO seeks to build peace through international cooperation in education, sciences, and culture and contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in the 2030 Agenda. The present paper explores how UNESCO, the Jordanian government, and the local communities work together in the design and implementation of plans aimed at developing a knowledge-based economy, protecting Jordan’s natural environment and rich cultural heritage, promoting intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity, and in strengthening the institutionalization of culture for development. The present contribution is divided into two parts, the first covers the institutional/legislative framework; financial capacities of Jordanian institutions and describes the activities undertaken by UNESCO over the past years for the preservation of Jordan’s tangible heritage. The section shows UNESCO’s approach towards the conservation of sites from a more resilience-based perspective in an attempt to...
The present paper deals with seven short Ancient South Arabian texts inscribed on bases of funera... more The present paper deals with seven short Ancient South Arabian texts inscribed on bases of funerary stelae from the archive of the late Professor Maḥmūd al-Ghūl. The names contained therein are etymologically treated and their possible cognates from the Semitic anthroponomastics traditions are traced.
This contribution is devoted to four Dadanitic graffiti from the Region of Taymā ʾ – North-West A... more This contribution is devoted to four Dadanitic graffiti from the Region of Taymā ʾ – North-West Arabia and will provide a new philological treatment of them. They were published by M. Kh. Eskoubi in his work entitled Dirāsa Taḥlīlīya Muqārina li-Nuqūs min Minṭaqat (Ramm) Ğanūb Ġarb Taymāʾ , which appeared in al-Riyāḍ in 1999. It is worth mentioning here that the Taymāʾ region witnessed a diversity of written epigraphical types that can be called Ancient North Arabian.
The Legal Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
In depicting the involvement of Japan with UNESCO activities and in its efforts to implement the ... more In depicting the involvement of Japan with UNESCO activities and in its efforts to implement the 2003 Convention, the author firstly focuses on the National Commission for UNESCO’s role and working methods to offer, secondly, a framework about the origins of the legal framework of the ICH promoted by the country, since a pioneering draft law created in 1949 by the Committee for Education and Culture of the Upper House of the Japanese Diet to support the “highly valuable intangible cultural property that may become extinct without the protection of the state”. Afterwards, the chapter illustrates the protection of the ICH at the national level as the result of a legislative process starting in 1950s and 1970s, and identifying three types of intangible cultural heritage (i.e. Important intangible cultural property, Important intangible folk-cultural property and Selected preservation techniques) as per Japanese law, further explaining the criteria prepared for their designation and certification. Lastly, the author concentrates on the case study of the “Bunraku”, as an example of an ICH safeguarding, internationally recognised, and on the UNESCO ICH nomination process in Japan.
The present paper deals with some fragmentary Ancient North Arabian inscriptions from the archive... more The present paper deals with some fragmentary Ancient North Arabian inscriptions from the archives of Dr. Diana Kirkbride and Dr. John Strugnell. The texts were originally documented from Khirbet Rizqeh in South Jordan in the middle of the last century. The names contained are etymologically treated and their possible cognates from the Semitic anthroponomastics traditions are traced.
Book Review مراجعة كتاب
Die Altsüdarabischen Minuskelinschriften auf Holzstäbchen aus der Bayeri... more Book Review مراجعة كتاب Die Altsüdarabischen Minuskelinschriften auf Holzstäbchen aus der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek in München. By Peter Stein. (Band 1, Die Inschriften der mittel-und spätsabäischen Periode), 1. Teil: Text, 2. Teil: Verzeichnisse und Tafeln. (volume 5 in the series «Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel», edited by Norbert Nebes
Die Arbeit, die hier zu besprechen ist, ist eine Fassung einer Berliner Dissertation, die am Semi... more Die Arbeit, die hier zu besprechen ist, ist eine Fassung einer Berliner Dissertation, die am Seminar für Semitis-tik der FU-Berlin durch Professor Rainer Voigt betreut, im Oktober 2013 vorgelegt und angenommen worden ist. Wie der Titel angekündigt, hat die Arbeit die Publikation von frühnordarabischen (= fna.) (safaitischen) Inschriften aus Nordarabien zum Inhalt. Diese Arbeit ist die dritte in einer Reihe von Dissertationen, die sich mit demselben Thema befasst haben,1 und in der Berliner Reihe Semitica et Semi-tohamitica Berolinensia (Hrsg. von Prof. Rainer Voigt) ver-öffentlicht sind. Die Arbeit ist in neun Teile aufgegliedert. Sie umfasst insgesamt 355 Inschriften. Die Inschriften enthalten zahl-reiche neue Personennamen und liefern weitere Belege für Sippennamen. Das Buch enthält leider eine Reihe von Ungenauigkeiten und methodische Probleme, die hier nicht alle aufgeführt werden können. Ich werde mich auf das Nötigste beschränken. Wie aus dem Teil 1 (S. 9–19) hervorgeht, wurden die behandelten Inschriften bei einer Feldforschung entdeckt, die im Jahre 2006 in Tell aḍ-Ḍabiʿ, Tall aḍ-Ḍbēʿ und im Wadi as-Samin, die südöstlich von Damaskus liegen, durchge-führt wurden. Teil 2 (S. 19–26) befasst sich mit der Erforschungsge-schichte des Ḥawrān-Gebietes vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der epigra-phischen Entdeckungen, d. h. der safaitischen Inschriften und deren Entzifferung. Da die safaitischen Inschriften in Süd-Syrien der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit sind, hat die Verf. auf die verschiedenen Arbeiten von Michael Macdonald und die Entdeckungen der syrischen Forscher in der Region hingewiesen. In einem anderen Abschnitt (2.4) bespricht sie die in den bearbeiteten Inschriften vorkommenden Stammesnamen und Gottheiten. Man vermisst hier eine kurze Ausführung darüber, ob die Inschriften etwas über die Beziehungsverhältnisse unter den Stämmen aussagen.
This contribution is devoted to four Dadanitic graffiti from the Region of Taymā ʾ – North-West A... more This contribution is devoted to four Dadanitic graffiti from the Region of Taymā ʾ – North-West Arabia and will provide a new philological treatment of them. They were published by M. Kh. Eskoubi in his work entitled Dirāsa Taḥlīlīya Muqārina li-Nuqūš min Minṭaqat (Ramm) Ğanūb Ġarb Taymāʾ , which appeared in al-Riyāḍ in 1999. It is worth mentioning here that the Taymāʾ region witnessed a diversity of written epigraphical types that can be called Ancient North Arabian.
Papers by Hani Hayajneh
an arid environment, was frequented by nomads watering their herds, thanks
to its huge wells. Four Latin graffiti from Bāyir area are published or revised
and republished here. They provide new evidence of the visits paid to the place
by troops from the Roman army
an arid environment, was frequented by nomads watering their herds, thanks
to its huge wells. Four Latin graffiti from Bāyir area are published or revised
and republished here. They provide new evidence of the visits paid to the place
by troops from the Roman army
Die Altsüdarabischen Minuskelinschriften auf Holzstäbchen aus der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek in München. By Peter Stein. (Band 1, Die Inschriften der mittel-und spätsabäischen Periode), 1. Teil: Text, 2. Teil: Verzeichnisse und Tafeln. (volume 5 in the series «Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel», edited by Norbert Nebes