Books by Aleksandra Kruk
Wybory w Niemczech w 2017 roku z perspektywy politologicznej, 2018
Papers by Aleksandra Kruk
Facta Simonidis, Dec 30, 2017
Przegląd Politologiczny, 2024
The article discusses some pathologies in Kenya which internal institutions of Kenya as well inte... more The article discusses some pathologies in Kenya which internal institutions of Kenya as well international institutions, such as the African Union, the East African Community, and Transparency International, are trying to overcome. After gaining independence in 1963, the presidency of Kenya was held by Jomo Kenyatta (1964–1978), Daniel arap Moi (1978–2002), Mwai Kibaki (2002–2013), Uhuru Kenyatta (2013–2022), and since 2022 it has been held by President William Ruto. These leaders have influenced the quality of governance but have not prevented the problems that Kenya faces. Despite the fact that Kenya’s leaders and society are judged from the perspective of meeting the standards of governance, the country still struggles with many pathologies.
Partie polityczne w Polsce i w Europie. Struktury, funkcje, strategie w zmieniającym się otoczeniu (red. M. Wincławska, A. Pacześniak), 2013
Od partii protestu do partii u władzy: Sojusz 90/Zieloni na niemieckiej scenie politycznej pod red. Joanny Trajman, 2023
The article concerns the activity of the Green Party in Brandenburg after the Reunification of Ge... more The article concerns the activity of the Green Party in Brandenburg after the Reunification of Germany and presents an increase in that activity where previously it has been present mostly in large cities of Western Germany. Promoting their program of economic and social reforms the Greens have returned to the Landtag in Brandenburg in 2009 as the opposition party and in 2019 they became part of the coalition government together with CDU and SPD. The party in Brandenburg specializes in many fields of internal politics responding to contemporary challenges such as COVID pandemic or the need for modernization of the region. The party’s popularity has drawn 2603 members in the State of Brandenburg. The article describes the party’s charter, subjects of the party’s assemblies, main areas of interest of its leaders and their attitude towards popular social protests, where the Green Party has released it’s statement.
Colloquium , 2023
Po II wojnie światowej sytuacja mniejszości niemieckiej na Ziemi Lubuskiej była uzależniona od po... more Po II wojnie światowej sytuacja mniejszości niemieckiej na Ziemi Lubuskiej była uzależniona od polityki państwa i sytuacji geopolitycznej. Stosunek społeczeństwa polskiego wobec Niemców ulegał ewolucji, a proces przezwyciężania stereotypów oraz barier we wzajemnych relacjach przyspieszył wraz z upadkiem żelaznej kurtyny. W artykule przeanalizowano stan badań dotyczący nowych form uczestnictwa i aktywności Niemców na Ziemi Lubuskiej po 1945 roku. Zwrócono uwagę na wpływ wydarzeń politycznych i konsekwencje II wojny światowej na utrzymywanie dystansu między Polakami a Niemcami na Ziemi Lubuskiej w Polskiej Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej oraz stopniowe włączanie mniejszości niemieckiej w działalność społeczno-kulturową, co umożliwiły zmiany polityczne w Polsce w latach dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku oraz zjednoczenie Niemiec.
Bezpieczeństwo Teoria i Praktyka, 2019
Celem artykułu jest analiza działalności Heiko Maasa w pierwszym roku sprawowania urzędu ministra... more Celem artykułu jest analiza działalności Heiko Maasa w pierwszym roku sprawowania urzędu ministra spraw zagranicznych Niemiec. Polityk prezentował się jako zwolennik multilateralizmu (z określonymi normami, porozumieniami i instytucjami) oraz partnerstwa strategicznego w polityce międzynarodowej. Promował koncept budowania „sojuszu multilateralisów”, charakteryzując tę inicjatywę jako otwartą dla państw przestrzegających zasad demokratycznych i gotowych na współpracę w polityce międzynarodowej.The aim of the article is to analyze the activities of Heiko Maas in the first year of office of the German Foreign Minister. The politician presented himself as a supporter of multilateralism (with specific norms, agreements and institutions) and strategic partnership in international politics. He promoted the concept of building an „Alliance for Multilateralism”, characterizing this initiative as being open to states adhering to democratic principles and ready to cooperate in international politics.Das Ziel des Beitrags ist es, die Aktivität von Heiko Maas im ersten Jahr seines Amtes als Bundesminister des Auswärtigen darzustellen. Dieser Politiker hat sich als Anhänger des Multilateralismus (mit bestimmten Normen, Abkommen und Institutionen) und strategischer Partnerschaft in der internationalen Politik präsentiert. Er hat ein Konzept von Schaffung der „Allianz für den Multilateralismus” befördert, diese Initiative charakterisierend als offene auf die Länder, die die Demokratie befolgen und bereit zur Zusammenarbeit in der internationalen Politik sind.В статье проведен анализ деятельности Хайко Мааса в первом году его работы на посту министра иностранных дел Германии. Политик показал, что он явля- ется приверженцем политического курса мультилатерализма (с определенными нормами, соглашениями и институтами) и стратегического партнерства в между- народной политике. Хайко Мааса был сторонником концепции создания «альянса мультилатералистов», характеризуя эту инициативу, как открытую для государств, придерживающихся демократических принципов и готовых к сотрудничеству на международной арене
Migranci i mniejszości jako obcy i swoi w przestrzeni polityczno-społecznej (red. A. Adamczyk A. Sakson C. Trosiak), 2019
Facta Simonidis, 2014
W artykule poddano analizie problem wielokulturowości w Republice Federalnej Niemiec. Problemy t... more W artykule poddano analizie problem wielokulturowości w Republice Federalnej Niemiec. Problemy towarzyszące tej koncepcji polityki wobec imigrantów zaprezentowano z dwóch perspektyw. Pierwsze spojrzenie ma źródło w doświadczeniach Bassama Tibi, syryjskiego uczonego, który pracował wiele lat w RFN. Drugi obraz Niemiec, wdrażających politykę wielokulturowości, stworzył Thillo Sarrazin, niemiecki polityk i przedsiębiorca.
Postulaty polityczne i wyborcze partii politycznych, 2021
The article focuses on the political activity of Omid Nouripour – a German politician of Persian ... more The article focuses on the political activity of Omid Nouripour – a German politician of Persian descent, member of the Green Party. He specializes in immigration and security politics and participates in German Bundestag’s Committees for Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid and Foreign Politics and Security. The article confronts ideas expressed in O. Nouripour books with his activity in Bundestag, election demands and statements in party’s programmes. His statements in public as well as social media have been analyzed. The research shows that the politician’s main interests concern current challenges and dangers resulting from conflicts in the Middle East and the situation of immigrants in Germany and other territories.
Bezpieczeństwo Teoria i Praktyka, 2023
In the article career paths and the main ways of party activity are seen through the prism of ev... more In the article career paths and the main ways of party activity are seen through the prism of evaluation of the articulation of political preferences and the creation of the political corps. The factual basis is the analysis of activity in German public space (mainly in the Bundestag) of politicians with a Polish migration background – Agnieszka Brugger (Alliance 90/The Greens) and Paul Ziemiak (CDU). The purpose of the article was to answer the question, how Brugger and Ziemiak, specialized in the area of international politics, are included in the identity of the represented political parties and formulate new propositions regarding the reaction to current and forecasted challenges and threats. The main points of their activities are given, including the ones related to prevention of the international crisis. In addition, the article aimed to assess whether the proposals of Brugger and Ziemiak fit in a classic image of the represented parties, or whether they influence beyond the typical framework and concern about influencing program transformation of the represented groups. The scale in which the politicians influence Polish-German relations was also evaluated.
Polityka i Społeczeństwo, 2022
The article presents the political and publishing activity of Sahra Wagenknecht – the leader of t... more The article presents the political and publishing activity of Sahra Wagenknecht – the leader of the German Left Party with particular focus on her evaluation of the German Democratic Republic; the capitalist system; international affairs and social justice. The milestones in her political career have been presented: the struggle for votes for her post in
the European Parliament and the Bundestag. What set S. Wagenknecht apart from others were her opposition activities and initiations of discussions concerning matters of interest in the left wing milieu, mainly regarding the pursuit of egalitarianism and social justice.
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, 2022
The article presents the view of German politicians and journalists on the political processes t... more The article presents the view of German politicians and journalists on the political processes taking place in Italy, mainly concerning electoral rivalry after 2016. Opinions are analyzed on the causes of instability in the Italian political system, which led to early election in 2022, instead of holding it in 2023. After the government crisis, Italy opts for reforms that will reduce the effects of the energy crisis and tensions caused by the migration crisis and the war in Ukraine. Political rivalry in Italy takes place between the political parties that form an extreme right-wing or left-wing coalition. The main opponent of Enrico Letta, Giorgia Meloni from the Brothers of Italy party, calls for the strengthening of the position of the Italian nation and the position of Italy in the European Union.
Rocznik Polsko-Niemiecki, 2013
Born in 1936, Klaus Kinkel is a representative of Germany’s Free Democratic Party (FDP). Among th... more Born in 1936, Klaus Kinkel is a representative of Germany’s Free Democratic Party (FDP). Among the leaders of that party, Walter Scheel and Hans-Dietrich Genscher may have won greater popularity, but even so, Kinkel also exerted an influence on the liberals’ policy line, primarily by means of the Wiesbaden Declaration. Working closely with Genscher, Kinkel amassed the experience of which he would avail himself in leading the FDP, in holding office as the Federal Minister of Justice and, subsequently, in heading the Federal Foreign Office. With his education as a lawyer, Kinkel demonstrated an adroitness and professionalism in carrying out his duties. He gained no renown for charisma and leadership skills, but neither did he ever become implicated in any scandals.The article presents Kinkel’s path into politics. As a politician, it was not until 1991 that he decided to become a member of the FDP, despite having worked with Genscher since 1968. Because he was the Federal Minister of J...
Religious policy. Between theory and practice (eds.) Stefan Dudra, Tytus Jaskułowski, Ryszard Michalak, 2022
Człowiek i społeczeństwo. Studia politologiczne (red. A. Ilciów), 2021
Books by Aleksandra Kruk
Papers by Aleksandra Kruk
the European Parliament and the Bundestag. What set S. Wagenknecht apart from others were her opposition activities and initiations of discussions concerning matters of interest in the left wing milieu, mainly regarding the pursuit of egalitarianism and social justice.
the European Parliament and the Bundestag. What set S. Wagenknecht apart from others were her opposition activities and initiations of discussions concerning matters of interest in the left wing milieu, mainly regarding the pursuit of egalitarianism and social justice.