Indlela yokukwenza
Uma uMbungazi ekucela ukuba usayine inkontileka
Uma uMbungazi ekucela ukuba usayine inkontileka
Some Hosts ask guests to sign contracts or rental agreements. This is so the Host can legally enforce certain rules protecting themselves and their property.
You should be made aware of this requirement before you book. The Host must prominently disclose the actual terms in their listing description. If you have questions about the contract, you can discuss it with the Host. You’re not obliged to sign anything.
If a Host tells you about an additional contract after you’ve made a booking request, you should review the contract within 48 hours of receipt of the full terms. If you are not comfortable with it, you can decline to sign it and ask your Host to cancel your reservation without a cancellation penalty.
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Izihloko ezihlobene
- Bungaza
Izinkontileka zezivakashi
Uma udinga izivakashi ukuba zisayine inkontileka, kumelwe uzitshele imigomo yenkontileka ngaphambi kokuba zibhukhe. Isivumelwano Sokubhukha Sezivakashi Se-Airbnb Luxe
Sicela ufunde Isivumelwano Sokubhukha Sezivakashi Se-Airbnb Luxe.Imigomo Yesevisi Yomhlinzeki Wehhotela
Sicela ufunde Imigomo yethu Yesevisi Yomhlinzeki Wehhotela.