はてなキーワード: Yu-Na Kimとは
「Kim Yu-Na」で検索して昨日のことに関するいくつかの記事を探した。次の四つの記事を見つけた。
But at least one veteran skater, former Canadian medallist Elvis Stojko, suggested that Kim's marks were too high. He noted that Asada had successfully landed a triple Axel - she's the only woman who executes them regularly in competition - and got fewer marks than Kim's easier triple Lutz.
The argument is similar to the one over whether American Evan Lysacek should have won the gold medal without having landed a quad like his competitor Evgeni Plushenko.
"Yu-Na Kim is way too far ahead. I don't agree with that," said Stojko. "She skated great. Don't get me wrong, she's awesome. But for Mao to do an awesome triple Axel like that, a triple [Axel] is worth way more than a triple Lutz, triple toe."
Stojko is WRONG again! I can't believe how he's embarassing himself with his commentary. Asada's triple Axel-double toe combo is worth LESS than Kim's triple Lutz-triple toe combo. In fact for the GOE(Grade of Execution), Asada only received .60 extra for ther opening combo last night whereas Kim received 2.00 bonus for her's.
triple axel itself does have higher score than triple lutz, but Mao combined it with double toe loop while Yuna Kim's combination was triple-triple. And she executed it way better than anyone else. Just doing one difficult jump doesn't make a great skater. How you do it also matters. Yuna Kim's program is higher difficulty overall, therefore has higher basic score than anyone else's program. And she got higher execution mark for the quality. If Stojko wants to see more jump, he can go to Cirque du soleil. Stop insulting a quality program and great effort of other athlets.
ただ外国の2ちゃんねるのようなところでは違うかもしれないと思って、4chanを見てみたのだが全く話題になっていなかった。そこでずばり「Kim Yu-Na bribe(=賄賂)」でググってみた。で、見つけたのがこれ。
Korean newspapers report on the internet proxy wars that are going on between Japan and Korea, through Kim Yuna and Asada Mao.
These describe how Japanese netizens are behaving. Some were noted for their wishing and rambling “fall fall, roll over, fall fall, trip and fall and roll over” during Kim Yuna’s performance. Once Kim’s score was announced, the Japanese internet sites exploded with comments of Koreans bribing the judges and buying the competition. The report in Chosun’s article noted how Korean netizens were taking the high road.
This is why I don’t watch nor care about this sports. Not only is it boring to watch, the overt nationalism on both sides of the sea dirties up the sports.
I must agree with you that some of the feuds between Korea/Japan/China indeed stem out of pure hatred and unjustified bias, resulting in posting videos like this that are obviously made of 100% malicious intent.
Nationalism is a form of brain damage.
William George