って、何が有名? 昨日、かわぐちかいじの「ジパング」を読み直したんだけど、全42巻(連載9年間)のうち最後の1/3は、作中時間における約12時間を描いたものだった。 こんな風に連載期間と作中時間が極端にアンバランスなマンガが有ったら教えてください。シリーズ通してでも、1つのエピソードでも。 ※「ジパング」の最終42巻は、エピローグ的に作中時間の60年を一気に描いてるから、最後の1/3ってのは極端な言い方だけど ■2/14 14:00追記 バズってた。たくさんの情報ありがとうm(_ _)m しかし人力検索より増田の方が情報が集まる時代が来るとは…。
If I run the following program, which parses two date strings referencing times 1 second apart and compares them: public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String str3 = "1927-12-31 23:54:07"; String str4 = "1927-12-31 23:54:08"; Date sDt3 = sf.parse(str3); Date sDt4 = sf.parse(str4); long ld3 = sDt3.getTime()
Take back controlof your time Millions of people simplify their lives by installing RescueTime's automated time tracking software.
Time is limited, as we’ve seen. How do you spend your days? Since 2003, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has sponsored the American Time Use Survey asking thousands of people this question. The Census Bureau conducts the survey. More specifically, participants recount their time spent from 4 a.m. the previous day to 4 a.m. the survey day. The data is processed and weighted so that days and demograph
Figure 4.2: Carving up American time. Richard Lewis In the U.S. you have to make money, otherwise you are nobody. If you have 40 years of earning capacity and you want to make $4 million, that means $100,000 per annum. If you can achieve this in 250 working days, that comes to $400 a day or $50 an hour. With this orientation Americans can say that their time costs $50 an hour. Americans also talk