Although most PHP developers know how to use Composer, not all of them are using it efficiently or in a best possible way. So I decided to summarize things which are important for my everyday workflow. The philosophy of most of the tips is "Play it safe", which means that if there are more ways how to handle something, I would use the approach which is least error-prone. Tip #1: Read the documenta
1/ What's new?The list of changes and improvements is long, check the complete changelog if you are interested in reading it all. I will highlight a few key points here. Performance improvementsWe overhauled pretty much everything from the protocol used between Composer and to the dependency resolution, including downloading files in parallel using curl and constraint evaluation opti
Original article: もはやPHPには欠かせないパッケージマネージャであるComposerですが、2020/10/24にComposer2.0.0がリリースされました。 2012年のリリース以来初めてのメジャーバージョンアップということで、多くの改善や新機能が盛り込まれており、そして互換のない変更点もわずかに存在します。 以下は公式でもアナウンスされている、Jordi Boggianoによる紹介記事Composer 2.0 is now available!の日本語訳です。 Composer 2.0 is now available! 1/ What's new? 何が新しくなったの? 変更点や改善点は非常に多岐にわたるので、全てを知りたい場合は変更履歴を確認して
New Introducing Update Review Read more Fast, Reliable, and Secure Composer dependency installation with Private Packagist is fast and reliable, no matter where your code is stored. Mirror your open-source and third party dependencies and monitor security vulnerabilities. Private Composer packages Manage and browse all your private packages through our web interface. You can configure your Compose
Webアプリケーションのコードも歴史的経緯から歪な形へとなっていくもの。 私の担当しているサービスでは同じPEARライブラリが重複を気にせずたくさん入れられ、 一筋縄では解けないほどの複雑なファイル依存関係が出来上がりました。 一度ハマってしまえば二度と抜け出せない底なし沼のような依存関係を解…
Five years ago today, Composer was born. In some ways it feels like yesterday, at least it doesn't feel like five years went by. In other ways it seems like a lifetime ago, and I can barely remember what it was like to write PHP code without having a whole ecosystem at my fingertips. Composer 1.0.0 Today I have the pleasure of announcing that the first 1.0.0 stable release is out and available for
Producer validates and releases your PHP library package. What's a Composer without a Producer? { "require": { "producer/producer": "~2.0" } } Producer Producer is a command-line quality-assurance tool to validate, and then release, your PHP library package. It supports Git and Mercurial for version control, as well as Github, Gitlab, and Bitbucket for remote origins (including self-hosted origins
こんにちはこんにちは、 VOYAGE GROUPでBuild prayer*1として活動している@_nishigoriです。 pip, bundler, rebar 等 各プログラミング言語のビルドツールないしパッケージマネージャ等と呼ばれているツールを弊社でも利用していますが、 PHPでは依存管理ツールとしてComposerを利用しているプロジェクトがあります。 今回はComposer本体のバージョニングについて紹介し、 利用する上での良い側面と悪い(と思われる)側面を紹介します。 はじめに Composerの入手 最新版 *2 Installer self-update リリースサイクル 効能 デメリット self-updateする日時によってrevisionが異なる(場合がある) ある日のself-updateで突然死 Tagging Versions Installer self-
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May 07, 2014 Table of contents: The directory structure Composer Dot files Your code Writing tests Documentation Pushing to GitHub and Packagist Conclusion Over the last couple of weeks I’ve wrote tutorials on many different aspects of the PHP programming language as building blocks for building your own packages. Understanding these different concepts will take you a long way when it comes to cre