Generate RSS feeds for web pages which don't offer their own. Give us the web page URL and tell us which links you're interested in We'll produce a simple feed with those links as feed items Subscribe to the feed in your news reader to get notified of new items You can also use the resulting feed with other services which take RSS as input, such as our Feed Control service. Examples:,
Twitter does not offer RSS Feeds so here is a simple workaround that you can use to generate RSS feeds for your various Twitter streams including Twitter search results, user timelines, favorites, lists and even the new Twitter collections. RSS feeds are essential if you need to use your Twitter data elsewhere. For instance, you need RSS feeds to create recipes in IFTTT that get triggered when the
Let's make an ebook. Turn your documents, blog posts, and web pages into digital books. Simple and honest pricing. We want to make ebook conversions faster, simpler, and cheaper than doing it yourself. We have simple and honest pricing with no surprise fees or long-term contracts. Pay as you go, scale as you need. We speak HTTP. It doesn't matter what programming language, development environment,
現在、Livedoor ReaderでこのブログのATOMフィードが正常に更新されていない事が分かりました。サポートに問い合わせたりもしていますが、すぐに復旧する見込みがないため思い切ってFeedBurnerを使ったフィード配信に切り替える事にしました。(RSS2.0ベースです) 大変お手数ですが、LivedoorReaderでATOMを購読している今現在81名の方々(こんなにたくさんの人に読んで頂いているのですね。アリガトウゴザイマス)下記URLに変更をお願いします。 新しいRSSのURL: ※本来であれば、こちらのサーバ側でatom.xmlを301リダイレクトすれば済む話なのですが、現在なぜかLivedoorReaderのRSSクローラーからのアクセスがなくなってしまいました。なので多分更新されましせん。この辺りは