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GzipFilter requires Resin Professional [edit] resin-web.xml <web-app xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin"> <filter filter-name="gzip" filter-class="com.caucho.filters.GzipFilter"> <init> <use-vary>true</use-vary> </init> </filter> <filter-mapping filter-name="gzip"> <url-pattern> <exclude-pattern>*.pdf</exclude-pattern> <include-pattern>/*</include-pattern> </url-pattern> </filter-mapping> </web-ap
By Emil Ong Caucho Technology's Resin® is a Java Application Server with a reputation for being lightweight and fast, yet reliable and scalable enough to power the most demanding enterprise sites. Beginning as a Servlet and JSP engine in 1998, Resin has since evolved to support the Java EE 6 Web Profile within highly integrated implementations of Servlet 3.0, CDI, and EJB 3.1 Lite. In addition to
This blog features updates, opinions, and technical notes from Caucho engineers about Caucho products, the enterprise Java industry, and PHP. Caucho Technology is the creator of the Resin Application Server and the Quercus PHP in Java engine. A leader in Java performance since 1998, Caucho is a Sun JavaEE licensee with over 9000 customers worldwide. Resin 4.0 introduced Early Access Servlet 3.0 su
This blog features updates, opinions, and technical notes from Caucho engineers about Caucho products, the enterprise Java industry, and PHP. Caucho Technology is the creator of the Resin Application Server and the Quercus PHP in Java engine. A leader in Java performance since 1998, Caucho is a Sun JavaEE licensee with over 9000 customers worldwide. Ever since Google App Engine (GAE) supported Jav
This blog features updates, opinions, and technical notes from Caucho engineers about Caucho products, the enterprise Java industry, and PHP. Caucho Technology is the creator of the Resin Application Server and the Quercus PHP in Java engine. A leader in Java performance since 1998, Caucho is a Sun JavaEE licensee with over 9000 customers worldwide. By adding Java to their App Engine, Google has o