President Donald Trump on Sunday doubled down on his plans for the US to redevelop Gaza, saying that he viewed the war-torn enclave as a “big real estate site.” “I think that it’s a big mistake to allow people — the Palestinians, or the people living in Gaza — to go back yet another time, and we don’t want Hamas going back. And think of it as a big real estate site, and the United States is going
Israeli army broadcasts intimidating sounds to lure, kill, and forcibly displace civilians in the Nuseirat camp Geneva - As part of its ongoing genocide, which started on 7 October 2023, the Israeli army is using new disturbing techniques to intimidate, lure, and target Palestinian civilians in the central Gaza Strip’s Nuseirat refugee camp. Testimonies from camp residents, which were provided to
Let’s be clear: what’s happening in Gaza is not just some unfortunate tragedy taking place thousands of miles from our shores. The United States provides Israel with $3.8bn in military aid every year, and the bombs and military equipment that are destroying Gaza are made in America. In other words, we are complicit in what is happening. And what’s happening is unspeakable. My staff and I have spok
- Source: CNN " data-fave-thumbnails="{"big": { "uri": ",w_960,c_fill" }, "small": { "uri": ",w_960,c_fill" } }" data-vr-video="false" data-show-html="" data-byline-html=" " data-timestamp-htm
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日系人強制収容「二度とないように」 恥ずべき出来事と米大統領 2022年02月19日19時59分 バイデン米大統領=18日、ワシントン(AFP時事) 第2次大戦中に米国で起きた日系人強制収容の根拠となった大統領令署名から、19日で80年を迎えた。これに先立ちバイデン米大統領は18日、「わが国の歴史で最も恥ずべき出来事の一つだ」とする声明を出し、「日系人への連邦政府の公式謝罪を改めて確認する」と表明。日本語で「Nidoto Nai Yoni(二度とないように)」と過ちを繰り返さない決意を示した。 戦争の記憶~米・日系人強制収容所 真珠湾攻撃翌年の1942年2月、当時のフランクリン・ルーズベルト大統領が大統領令9066号に署名。日系人約12万人が正当な理由なく「敵性外国人」として収容所に送られ、過酷な生活を強いられた。 バイデン氏は声明で、日系人が自宅や職、財産だけでなく「全ての米国人に等しく