Designfirst belgian creative studioABOUT STUDIO Using combination of tailored work and intelligent use of technology, Designfirst helps companies to give a positive image of themselves, opening new business perspectives and customer relationships.
With over 25 years of experience in design education, I am passionate about empowering my students to transform their creativity into successful and sustainable businesses. Who are you, and what are you meant to be doing with your life? Let me help you find out. I am a design academic passionate about fostering creative entrepreneurship and driving positive change through design. With over 25 year
過払い金とは「賃金業者に支払い過ぎていて利息」のこと過払い金請求とは「支払いすぎた利息を取り戻すことができる手続き」のこと過払い金が発生する仕組み過払い金が発生している人の条件完済している人でも過払い金請求でできます返済中の人でも過払い金請求できます過払い金請求の主な流れまとめ 過払い金とは「賃金業者に支払い過ぎていて利息」のこと 「過払い金」とは名称が示すように、払い過ぎたお金のことです。 具体的には、カードローンやクレジットカードなどを利用したときに、金融業者に対して払い過ぎた利息のことを「過払い金」と呼んでいます。 支払う義務がないお金が返ってくるのは当然のように思えます。 しかし、過払い金とは、単に利用者が支払う金額を間違えたり、金融業者が請求する金額を間違ったりすることによって発生したお金のことではありません。 後ほど詳しく説明していきますが、多くの金融業者は、民事上無効であるに
Hi there. I’m Barry Chapman, a motion designer working at the Mill in London.
Businesses today face an unprecedented challenge: the mandate to do more with less.In this new reality, our digital creations need to embody more — more relevance, more creativity, more engagement, more adaptability, and ultimately, more impact.This is our mission: helping modern businesses make scalable digital experiences to create more value, now and in the future.
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Intelligent digital experiences that build brands & grow businesses. Ambitious designs Explose is an independent digital agency based in Luxembourg. Informed processes, lasting partnerships & measurable performance are the pillars of our approach. Whether developing brand identities, engagement strategies, mobile applications or websites, we mesh technology & imagination in our pursuit of results.
People, Cars, Fashion, Landscape, Advertising