Deno の復習をしつつ、Deno に新しく入った `npm:` 機能の概要や、開発経緯の話をします。
import { DataTypes, Database, Model, PostgresConnector } from ''; const connection = new PostgresConnector({ host: '...', username: 'user', password: 'password', database: 'airlines', }); const db = new Database(connection); class Flight extends Model { static table = 'flights'; static timestamps = true; static fields = { id: { primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true
Of the myriad ways to program computers, scripting languages are the most effortless and practical variety. Of these, the web browser scripting language (JavaScript) is the fastest, most popular, and the only one with an industrial standardization process. It is clear that the web will be with us for a long time to come; and thus JavaScript will be with us for a long time to come. Extending web pr
A document surfaced today pointing that Deno will stop using TypeScript in its internal code, citing several problems with the current environment. Issues mentioned involve TypeScript compiling times, structuring and code organization, among others. Moving forward, Deno will use pure JavaScript for its internal code. Deno problems with TypeScript The unfavorable situations that the Deno team is cu
Dynamic languages are useful tools. Scripting allows users to rapidly and succinctly tie together complex systems and express ideas without worrying about details like memory management or build systems. In recent years programming languages like Rust and Go have made it much easier to produce sophisticated native machine code; these projects are incredibly important developments in computer infra
Ryan Dahl は Node.js の original author ですが、彼の作ったプロダクト deno に関するトークが 2018 でありました。 Node.js にずっと関わってきた僕が見て非常に興奮するような話だったので、しばらくぶりにブログに書き起こすことにしました。 背景 Ryan Dahl は2009年に Node.js の話を初めて公の場に公開しました。その時の「公の場」というのが「 2009」です。 Video: Node.js by Ryan Dahl - - 2009 この発表から Node.js が広まり、今やサーバのみならず、IoTデバイス、デスクトップアプリなど、様々なところで動作しています。 で、今回はその発表から9年の歳月が経過し、Node.jsに対しての設計不