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- AMA freedives into the sea Living up to its status as a hidden bar, the team behind AMA makes sure that it’s quietly tucked away in a corner of Vancouver’s Fraserhood. - 2024 Dieline Awards Fernwood Coffee Company packaging wins Bronze in the DielineAwards. - Designing Stories That Stand Out Creative Director, Phoebe Glasfurd, discusses its distinct approach to strategy, identity, and storytelli
What they say CYCLEBOREDOM Been aware of Kirschner Brasil’s jerseys for a little while, mostly due to their bold use of sweet, sans-serif fonts. VELOCULTURE Publicamos agora entrevista que fizémos ao Isaque, pai e mãe da Kirshner Brasil, uma das últimas marcas que apresentámos este ano. ALPS AND ANDES Cycling in Brazil. An interview with Isaque from Kirschner cycling clothing. D'MARGE The World Cu
“Tide Marketing is an agency that creates digital wonder.” — lisa s, entrepreneur The Ultimate Guide to Minimalist Design & White Space Written by: Sarah Thomas Learn the fundamentals of creating amazing digital experiences. Breathe fresh life into your next website project by following our simple, intuitive tutorials. With just a little bit of intentionality, you’ll be delighted with the result—n
New Babylon is a project that will culminate in the presentation of six artworks in public spaces in Melbourne during the 2012 Next Wave Festival.New Babylon Catalogue The New Babylon catalogue and free map are now available from: West Space Gertrude Contemporary Craft Victoria New Babylon is a project involving curators Jessica O'Brien and Pip Wallis and artists Kay Abude, Renee Cosgrave, Eli
Squarespace is the easiest way for anyone to create an exceptional website. Pages, galleries, blogs, domains, hosting, analytics, 24/7 support—all included.Customizable designs. Hosting. Analytics. Domains. 24/7 Support. Get Started Watch Demo Stunning designs from the start. Squarespace starts you with beautiful templates right out of the box — each handcrafted by our award-winning design team to
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“Whitmans Restaurant serves burgers and seasonal fare with a focus on fresh, local ingredients. Opened by native New Yorkers, the concept was born by friends whose vision was to provide the neighborhood with delicious comfort food in a cozy, intimate setting."The main attraction, modeled after the Minneapolis-originated phenomenon, the “Juicy Lucy,” features two thin beef short rib blend patties p
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