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By Al Sweigart. Over 500,000 copies sold. Free to read under a CC license. "The best part of programming is the triumph of seeing the machine do something useful. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python frames all of programming as these small triumphs; it makes the boring fun." - Hilary Mason, Data Scientist and Founder of Fast Forward Labs "I'm having a lot of fun breaking things and then putting
Voltron is an extensible debugger UI toolkit written in Python. It aims to improve the user experience of various debuggers (LLDB, GDB, VDB and WinDbg) by enabling the attachment of utility views that can retrieve and display data from the debugger host. By running these views in other TTYs, you can build a customised debugger user interface to suit your needs. Voltron does not aim to be everythin
Warning This project is no longer maintained. Please consider these alternatives: Behave Lettuce Freshen Freshen is an acceptance testing framework for Python. It is built as a plugin for Nose. It uses the (mostly) same syntax as Cucumber. What's New in Version 0.2? Freshen now supports Backgrounds for a feature. Freshen now supports the But keyword for steps of Scenarios. Freshen now supports the
The PyObjC project aims to provide a bridge between the Python and Objective-C programming languages. The bridge is intended to be fully bidirectional, allowing the Python programmer to take full advantage of the power provided by various Objective-C based toolkits and the Objective-C programmer transparent access to Python based functionality. The most important usage of this is writing Cocoa GUI
Windmill is a web testing tool designed to let you painlessly automate and debug your web application. Originating at the Open Source Applications Foundation Windmill was built to help QA keep up with the rapid release cycles of the Chandler Server Web UI (Cosmo) project. As the Cosmo client is heavy in JavaScript and AJAX functionality, Windmill makes the communication between the service and the
はじめに この文書は、 Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper 著 萩原 正人、中山 敬広、水野 貴明 訳 『入門 自然言語処理』 O'Reilly Japan, 2010. の第12章「Python による日本語自然言語処理」を、原書 Natural Language Processing with Python と同じ Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0 US License の下で公開するものです。 原書では主に英語を対象とした自然言語処理を取り扱っています。内容や考え方の多くは言語に依存しないものではありますが、単語の分かち書きをしない点や統語構造等の違いから、日本語を対象とする場合、いくつか気をつけなければいけない点があります。日本語を扱う場合にも
みんなのIoT/みんなのPythonの著者。二子玉近く160平米の庭付き一戸建てに嫁/息子/娘/わんこと暮らしてます。月間1000万PV/150万UUのWebサービス運営中。 免責事項 プライバシーポリシー みなさんテストしてますか? Pythonには沢山の便利でステキなテストツールがあります。標準ライブラリに入っているunittestやアジャイルドキュメンテーションとも呼ばれるdoctestなど,標準の機能だけでもかなり強力なのですが,外部のツールを使うとより快適なテストライフが送れるのです。 python.orgにあるPython testing tools taxonomy(Python用テストツールのまとめ)というページがあり,ここに有益な情報が集まっているので例によって超訳してみました(ユニットテスト関連のみ)。 ツール カテゴリ 作者 ツールが含まれるフレームワークなど 特徴
Welcome to the Xapian project website. Xapian is an Open Source Search Engine Library, released under the GPL v2+. It's written in C++, with bindings to allow use from Perl Python 2, Python 3, PHP, Java, Tcl, C#, Ruby, Lua, Erlang, Node.js and R (so far!) Xapian is a highly adaptable toolkit which allows developers to easily add advanced indexing and search facilities to their own applications. It
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