
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


serverとBunに関するefclのブックマーク (1)

  • Elysia 1.0 - Lament of the Fallen

    Elysia 1.0 is the first stable release after development for 1.8 years. Since started, we have always waiting for a framework that focuses on developer experience, velocity, and how to make writing code for humans, not a machine. We battle-test Elysia in various situations, simulate medium and large-scale projects, shipping code to clients and this is the first version that we felt confident enoug

    Elysia 1.0 - Lament of the Fallen
    efcl 2024/03/18
    Bun向けのHTTPサーバフレームワークのElysia 1.0リリース。 起動時間の改善、Type Checkのパフォーマンス改善、`onBeforeHandle`などに`as`オプションを追加など
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