ウェブアプリケーションの開発においてE2Eテストの自動化は身近なトピックです。SeleniumやPuppetter、PlaywrightやAppiumなどがブラウザ・ネイティブアプリの自動操作のOSSとしてよく挙げられます。しかし、それらの裏側はご存知でしょうか? 本トークではこれらのツールの背後…
It's the time of the year where the WebdriverIO project is releasing a new major update. It’s almost become a tradition for us to rewrite the complete code base to further grow the project. When we announced the v5 update, we moved from a multi-repository setup to a mono-repo. This time, the rewrite of the code base is just as important and impactful, but comes with almost no implications for the
As anyone who has developed a mobile-friendly site can tell you, mobile browsers and desktop browsers are different. As device capabilities continue to evolve and users move more of their browsing to mobile browsers, web developers are facing an increasing need to write automated tests for the mobile web in the same way that desktop-oriented site content is tested. Starting in iOS 13, Safari now i
tl;dr Firefox Nightly on Linux supports running SlimerJS headlessly. More platforms and full headless Firefox are coming soon. Over the last couple of years, I’ve worked on a few big web projects like PDF.js and PluotSorbet where I’ve wanted a better way to run automated tests in Firefox. My usual workflow would either involve opening a test page in Firefox manually, using a homegrown automation s
Several years ago, Facebook was largely rendered server-side, and there was only a small amount of JavaScript on the site. To understand loading time, we could apply simple tools that focused solely on server performance. Today, we face very different challenges. Facebook has become increasingly interactive, which has motivated the transition to powerful client-side rendering frameworks like React
As web content has become increasingly interactive, responsive, and complicated, ensuring a good user experience across multiple platforms and browsers is a huge challenge for web developers and QA organizations. Not only must web content be loaded, executed, and rendered correctly, but a user must be able to interact with the content as intended, no matter the browser, platform, hardware, screen
This piece is about too few names for too many things, as well as a kind of origin story for a web standard. For the past year or so, I’ve been contributing to a Mozilla project broadly named Marionette — a set of tools for automating and testing Gecko-based browsers like Firefox. Marionette is part of a larger browser automation universe that I’ve managed to mostly ignore so far, but the time has
README.md E2E Testing for React Apps Retractor exposes the internals of a React application for end-to-end testing purposes. This allows you to select DOM nodes based on the name of the React Component that rendered the node as well as its state or properties. A retractor is a surgical instrument with which a surgeon can either actively separate the edges of a surgical incision or wound, or can ho
Today we’re announcing support for automated testing of Microsoft Edge through the W3C WebDriver standard. To use WebDriver with Microsoft Edge, you need the MicrosoftWebDriver server on a Windows Insiders build of 10240 or newer. WebDriver is an emerging standard through which Web developers can write tests to automate Web browsers for site testing. It provides a programmable remote control for d
先日、JavaScript用E2EテストツールWebdriverIOの新バージョンがリリースされました! webdriver.io WebdriverIO E2Eテスト用WebDriverのラッパーです 僕は↓の記事で知りました motemen.hatenablog.com Protractorとかと比べて比較的シンプルだった印象だが今回は……??? 新機能 今回のバージョンの目玉機能はこちら テストランナー wdio yieldでテストが書ける テストランナー wdio WebDriverIO の略ですね karmaと同じく、wdiio.conf.jsでブラウザ、フレームワーク等を指定する感じです wdio.conf.jsにSauce Labs, Browserstackのアクセスキーを書くことでこれらのサービスを簡単に使えるみたいです あとmochaのオプションも埋め込める(mocha
概要 reftest-runnerというブラウザで描画内容やレイアウトといった表示結果をテストするためのライブラリを作りました。 要素技術としてはブラウザ、WebDriver API、レンダリングキャプチャ、画像Diffという感じです。 azu/reftest-runner 時間が無い人向け 以下のスライドに簡単にreftest-runnerやreftestとはなにか、どういうユースケースがあるのかが書いてあります。 reftest-runner-overview.pdf reftestとは reftest(Referrence Test)とは、2つのHTMLの表示結果(スクリーンショット)を比較することで表示結果が意図したものかをテストする方法です。 用意するHTMLとして以下の2種類を1セットとして用意して利用します。 テスト用HTML テストしたい機能を使って実装したHTML リファ