UPDATE: I’ve added a new section on stubbing with MiniTest and a few helpful comments to the code samples. MiniTest, as the name suggests, is a small and fast unit testing framework. Shipped with Ruby 1.9, MiniTest supports a complete suite of testing capabilities such as TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking. This quick reference aims to demonstrate MiniTest’s main concepts and provide real world e
Callbacks are a great technique for achieving simplicity and flexibility. Simply put, a callback is a block of code passed as an argument to a method. In Ruby, code blocks are everywhere and Ruby makes it trivial to pass a block of code to methods. For example: def foo(bar, &block) callback = block callback.call(bar) end foo(5) {|x| x * x} # => 25 But what do we do when a method needs two blocks o
I watch a lot of tests run in a given day. So I figured why not make it more fun. Inspired by minitest’s pride, and um cats? I came up with a Nyan Cat inspired RSpec formatter. Update: After last week’s launch, Nyan Cat received a great response from the Ruby world. Over the weekend, I released version 0.0.2. It includes a few bug fixes and some really cool enhancements. Most notably, Nyan Cat now
20 Clojure Links To Get You Up To Speed 0 Posted by Matt Sears on Saturday June, 06 2009 Writing multi-threaded code is hard. If you've ever done concurrent programming, you'll probably agree. Clojure offers a compelling alternative to traditional object-oriented approaches to programming and has garnered much attention from the Ruby community because of it's elegant design that lets you get right