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Ever since I redesigned Theme Hybrid back in April, I’ve gotten numerous requests for the code so that others could do something similar. Typically, I’d point people to the Web Kreation article on integrating a sliding panel into WordPress. Unfortunately, this proved to be a tough task for the average end user. Not to say anything bad about the great tutorial, but there are some problems with inte
PRESS RELEASE You might of seen my work around the web. When My Direct Blinds contacted me back in late 2015 with an irresistible offer to help build out their digital assets and join the company with an ownership stake, it was an offer I could not refuse. Web design, interior design and window furnishings shared a common ground and something I could get behind. Thus, the decision was made to end
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Lightview allows you to easily create the most beautiful overlay windows using the jQuery Javascript library. By combining support for a wide range of media with gorgeous skins and a user-friendly API, Lightview aims to push the Lightbox concept as far as possible. Lightview uses HTML5 to help you deliver the best experience across every browser. Let it enhance your media automatically or create c
auのトップページのような、伸縮してスライドするメニューをjavascript+cssで作れるみたいです。「Image Menu」というライブラリで、動かすにはmootools.jsが必要のよう。 <script type="text/javascript" xsrc="imagemenu.js" mce_src="imagemenu.js" ></script> <div id="kwick"> <ul class="kwicks"> <li><a class="kwick opt1" xhref="" mce_href="" ><span>TOP</span></a></li> <li><a class="kwick opt2" xhref="" mce_href="" ><span>CSS</span></a></li> <li><a class="kwick opt3" xhref
Slideshow 2! is a javascript class for Mootools 1.2 to stream and animate the presentation of images on your website Slideshow 2! is a javascript class for Mootools 1.2 to stream and animate the presentation of images on your website. This page features some examples of how Slideshow might be used to enhance the presentation of images on your website. Please view the source of this page for usage