Domain-Specific Languages are a hot topic, and have been popularized by languages like Groovy and Ruby thanks to their malleable syntax which make them a great fit for this purpose. In particular, Groovy allows you to create internal DSLs: business languages hosted by Groovy. In a recent research work, Tiago Antão has decided to use Groovy to model the resistance to drugs against the Malaria disea
This session by Guillaume LaForge was probably the one I was looking forwards to the most. I do a lot of work with Software Product Lines, Domain Specific Modeling and Domain Specific Languages. I’d seen Neil Ford the other month at No Fluff Just Stuff Boston presenting on using Java, Groovy and Ruby for internal DSLs and I was interested to see what Guillaume would cover. Historically Groovy has
Today is my lucky day. Through DZone I found Architecture Rules, a lovely little framework that abstracts JDepend. Architecture Rules is configured via its own XML schema. Here's an example: <architecture> <configuration> <sources no-packages="exception"> <source not-found="exception">spring.jar</source> </sources> <cyclicaldependency test="true"/> </configuration> <rules> <rule id="beans-web"> <c