Download tile only Right-click and choose "Save image as.." for the tile below For promotions, cooperation and bug reports please reach us by [email protected], Design by Tanya Copyright ©
Beautiful gradient app to generate gradient color and css.
Manage all your sites. Reuse code, content, and designs.
矩形、または、円を描く場合は、ツールを選択後に画像上でドラッグしてください。作成済みのシェイプをクリックするとサイズや位置の調整ができます。 多角形を描く場合は、ツールを選択後に画像上でクリックしてください。2つめの頂点が確定すると、マウス移動時に対象エリアを確認できるようになります。 escape キーで多角形の作成モードを終了します。作成済みのシェイプをクリックすると位置の調整ができます。
Introductionavataaars generator is a free online avatar generator for anyone to make their beautiful personal avatar easily! If you have no idea what kind of style you want, you can hit the random button at the very top of page until you find something you want. 🚀 Hire meDo you have awesome software product ideas you would like to build? Do you need a great software engineer with over 20 years of
レスポンシブイメージ、使ってますか? ウェブサイトの表示パフォーマンスの最適化をする際に、一番手っ取り早いのが画像の最適化です。そこで、イメージオプティム とかMac Automatorとpngquantなどのツールを駆使して一生懸命に画像自体を最適化したりレスポンシブイメージを使って画像を出し分けたりするわけですけども、特にレスポンシブイメージは手動でやるのは正直言ってかなり面倒です。 そ・こ・で! 本日ご紹介したいのが「Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator 」です。このツールを使えばレスポンシブイメージの複数画像の作成やHTMLの記述を自動化できて、しかも!アートディレクションまで自動化できるんです。 ということで、今回はレスポンシブイメージについての簡単なおさらいと、画像作成の基本的な考え方、それから自動化について書いてみます。 では、行ってみ
HelpList of template tagsrandomReturns random item from passed arguments list. Usage{{random([arg1], [arg2] ... [argN])}}Returns*repeatSpecifies number of repeats of array item. Repeatable array must contains only two items: first is repeat tag, second is item that must be repeated. If no arguments is specified item will be repeated from 0 to 10 times. If min argument is specified, item will be re
Best app icon resizer for mobile developers. Optimized for both for Xcode and Android Studio.
The small print ZorroSVG has some minor pitfalls you should be a aware of: It only runs on browsers that support SVG 1.1 - which all the latest browsers do. Right now there are some subtle brightness differences in semi-transparent areas (maybe you can spot them in the example image's soft shadow). They might be gamma or color-profile related and I am still trying to improve on this. Some (older)
Demo showing CSS Filter Effects 1.0, specifically the filter functions, which are being implemented in Webkit. In Webkit, filters can be applied to hw accelerated content ( e.g. img { transform: translateZ(0); } ). Support: Chrome 18.0.976.0, Webkit nightly -webkit-filter: none; blur grayscale drop-shadow sepia brightness contrast hue-rotate invert saturate opacity reset Animations: blur grayscale
How to Use This CSS Generator This is an extension to the Twitter Bootstrap framework. It makes creating pretty buttons easy. (Send improvements to @charliepark.) First, monkey with the sliders on the left. Use your arrow keys for extra precision. (Button Puffiness might not affect all browsers.) Second, copy the CSS in the box below. You should be able to just pop it into your CSS file. Apply the
This CSS button generator is a free online tool that allows you to create cross-browser CSS button styles in seconds. With a user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly design buttons that seamlessly integrate with various frameworks or libraries. Whether you're a veteran developer or just starting, this CSS generator simplifies the button styling process. You can choose from 30+ predefined styl