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Logopond is Inspiration Logopond is an inspirational site & showcase of identity work from designers of varying abilities all across the world. We seek to inspire and improve the talents of our design family through shared knowledge and helpful experiences. About Identity Purist It is important that we do not forget our roots and fundamentals. With the help of Rich Scott and several others we have
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Are you excited to create animated GIF from your illustration/vector/artwork? You’ve just landed to the right place. However, just before we begin, if you’ve not created any GIF earlier (link embedded in statement), this would be a better first step. Many steps in the tutorials are same, but, this procedure is a […] Read More » How to apply hanging punctuation in InDesign and Illustrator Applyin
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We are a free archive collection of films, photography, essays, and lesson plans for educators. Through our stories and curricula, we delve into global social, cultural, and environmental issues that impact individuals and communities across the world. Our aim is to inspire students to expand their perspectives and worldviews, promoting inquiry, empathy, resilience, and a deep, sacred connection w
Cascading Style Sheets Explained If you’re new to Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, then this short guide is for you. After a brief introduction to CSS and some of its benefits, we’ll move on to CSS frameworks to help you decide if you should use one and if so, which one would be best for your needs. What is CSS? CSS is a computer programming language used for describing the visual presentation of a
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如何にしてスタイルシートを書くべきか? ~CSSの小ワザ集~ 当サイトではホームページを作成する際のCSSの実践的な書き方について考察しております。 スタイルシートを使用することにより、より表現力豊かなウェブデザインの実現が可能になりますが、いくらデザインの感性が優れていたとしても、それを実際にホームページ上で表現するためにはCSSスキルの習得が必須になります。csstux.comではウェブデザイナーの感性をホームページ上でいかんなく発揮できるよう、CSSの書き方に関する小話などをご紹介しております。 昨今、CMS - content management system - の出現により、ホームページの作成環境はますます手軽になってきてはおりますが、どれほどCMSが高機能化しても、実際にサイトのデザインを変更するにはスタイルシートの知識は必要不可欠です。 また、最近は閲覧環境も多様化してき