The Power of Sphinx: Integrating Jinja with RST¶ Sphinx is a super powerful tool. This has its upsides and downsides. One of the major downsides is that historically it has been built as a framework that allows users to do just about anything. This is great, except it also means that a lot of the specific value out of the modular design hasn’t been documented or made explicit to users. I’m hoping
Note It is very important to install Flake8 on the correct version of Python for your needs. If you want Flake8 to properly parse new language features in Python 3.5 (for example), you need it to be installed on 3.5 for Flake8 to understand those features. In many ways, Flake8 is tied to the version of Python on which it runs.
See also This documentation is based based upon documentation found in: Sphinx Docutils Note Sphinx code is written in reST. Nonetheless, sphinx adds many additional directives on top of the reST syntax. Therefore sphinx code may not be fully compatible with reST. Introduction¶ reStructuredText is an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax and parser system. It
表を書きたい¶ 一番最初に説明されている–や+を使って書くグリッドテーブル方式は確かにテキストファイルを見たときに分かりやすいのですが、幅を合わせる必要があり、書くのが非常に大変です。特に日本語フォントが混じると文字数がずれることがあります。 CSVテーブルやListテーブルを使った方が楽です。 まずはcsvテーブルです。”,”で区切ることでテーブルを書きます。csv-table::と本文の間は一行空けます。これはlist-tableも同様です。 .. csv-table:: Frozen Delights! "Treat", "Quantity", "Description" "Albatross", 2.99, "On a stick!" "Crunchy Frog", 1.49, "If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy, n