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What is Ratatui? Ratatui is a Rust library for cooking up delicious TUIs (terminal user interfaces). It is a lightweight library that provides a set of widgets and utilities to build simple or complex rust TUIs. Why Ratatui? Ratatui is designed for developers and enthusiasts who want a lightweight alternative to graphical user interfaces and need applications that are to be deployed in constrained
cat - Concatenate CSV files by row or by column. count - Count the rows in a CSV file. (Instantaneous with an index.) fixlengths - Force a CSV file to have same-length records by either padding or truncating them. flatten - A flattened view of CSV records. Useful for viewing one record at a time. e.g., xsv slice -i 5 data.csv | xsv flatten. fmt - Reformat CSV data with different delimiters, record
Helpful background for code reading The GNU coreutils has its foibles. Many of these utilities are approaching 30 years old and include revisions by many people over the years. Here are some things to keep in mind when reading the code: Tiny programs - These utilities are small, (mostly) single-source file programs designed to do one thing and do it well. They are not designed for long life or to
rlwrap is a 'readline wrapper', a small utility that uses the GNU Readline library to allow the editing of keyboard input for any command. I couldn't find anything like it when I needed it, so I wrote this one back in 1999. By now, there are (and, in hindsight, even then there were) a number of good readline wrappers around, like rlfe, distributed as part of the GNU readline library, and the amazi
__) The extensible editor for structured __) binary data ---._______) [ video | releases | pickles | development | community | related projects ] GNU poke is an interactive, extensible editor for binary data. Not limited to editing basic entities such as bits and bytes, it provides a full-fledged procedural, interactive programming language designed to describe data structures and to operate on th
Introduction This page talks about VT-d emulation (guest vIOMMU) in QEMU, and all the related stuffs. Please see the References section for detailed information related to the technology. General Usage The guest vIOMMU is a general device in QEMU. Currently only Q35 platform supports guest vIOMMU. Here is a simplest example to boot a Q35 machine with an e1000 card and a guest vIOMMU: qemu-system-x
この記事情報は古くなりました はじめに Command Line Launcher の作成 Command Line Launcher の使い方 この記事情報は古くなりました 2023年現在は、以下のリンクを参照してください。 はじめに IntelliJ IDEA をコマンドラインから起動する Command Line Launcher の使い方について紹介します。 Command Line Launcher の作成 Tools - Create Command-line Launcher... を選択します。 Launcher Script の保存先を聞かれるのでそのまま OK します。 /usr/local/bin/idea に以下のようなスクリプトが作成されます。 #!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2000-201
AWS Systems Manager エージェント (SSM Agent) は、Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) インスタンス、エッジデバイス、オンプレミスサーバー、仮想マシン (VM) で実行される Amazon のソフトウェアです。SSM Agent を使用すると、Systems Manager でこれらのリソースを更新、管理、設定できるようになります。エージェントは、AWS クラウド で Systems Manager サービスからのリクエストを処理し、リクエストで指定されたとおりに実行します。SSM Agent は、Amazon Message Gateway Service (ssmmessages) を使用して、Systems Manager サービスにステータスと実行情報を返します。(2024 年より前にローンチされた AW