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December 22, 2024 • Armando Roggio New genAI models are capable of problem-solving and complex reasoning, making them excellent research assistants. December 20, 2024 • Eric Bandholz Roman Zrazhevskiy's company sells protective gear for seemingly existential events, such as nuclear and chemical warfare.
SubdomainFu works inside of Rails’s URL Writing mechanisms to provide an easy and seamless way to link and otherwise understand cross-subdomain routing. You can use the :subdomain option both in named and non-named routes as well as in generated resources routes. Let’s say my domain is ‘’. Here are some examples of the use of the :subdomain option: url_for(:controller => "my_controller
@niftyのウェブサービスの一覧と、@niftyのウェブサービスを使ったみんなのアプリケーションを紹介します。Ruby on Rails(ルビー オン レイルズ)はオープンソースのWebアプリケーション開発フレームワークです。 @niftyのサービスでは@nifty TimeLine、アバウトミー、ツクシィ、いたがきなどがRuby on Railsを用いて開発されています。 Ruby on Rails プラグインとは Ruby on Rails プラグインとは、Ruby on Railsで構築したアプリケーションに独自機能を追加できる機構の名称です。@niftyのポータル/CGMサービス用に開発したRuby on Railsプラグインをオープンソースソフトウェア(MITライセンス)として提供します。 ActiveRecordBrowser テーブルの管理機能を提供するプラグイン
A site for Rails developers. Home of the Rails plugin is a site dedicated to helping you in your web development efforts. Here you will find tips and resources to help you have more joy with your Ruby on Rails projects. Check out the plugin directory, complete with XML API, to find add-ons written by members of the Rails community that can speed your development
Edito Designers seem to like using modal windows more and more, as they provide a quick way to show data without reloading the entire page. It's easy to use and easy to design. The big problem I experienced with every plugin I tried either using Prototype/Scriptaculous or jQuery is the customization. They say you can do whatever you want simply but that's not fully true. The default CSS works fine
jGrowl is a jQuery plugin that raises unobtrusive messages within the browser, similar to the way that OS X's Growl Framework works. Example Usage and Samples: // Sample 1 $.jGrowl("Hello world!"); // Sample 2 $.jGrowl("Stick this!", { sticky: true }); // Sample 3 $.jGrowl("A message with a header", { header: 'Important' }); // Sample 4 $.jGrowl("A message that will live a little longer.", { life:
_ Railsのプラグインの管理にはPistonが便利! なんか以前に瀧内さんに勧められた気がするけど使ってなかったPistonを使ってみたら非常に便利でした! 僕はどうしてもPistonと聞くと後ろに運動とつけて、更に卑猥なことを想像してしまいがちなんですけどそんなことはどうでもいいです。 pistonは外部のsvnで管理されてるソースコードの管理を楽にしてくれるプログラムなんですよ。 インストールは sudo gem install piston で簡単! svn+ssh://hoge/hoge/unko/trunkにあるプラグインをインストールしたい時は piston import svn+ssh://hoge/hoge/unko/trunk ./vendor/plugin/unko そのプラグインのバージョンを固定したい時は piston lock ./vendor/plugin/
Overview As you know IE versions below 6 do not support png transparency. This plugin designed to fix that problem by applying appropriate filters to user specified elements, while keeping all element tags intact. Plugin works well with both img elements within the DOM and css properties specified externally. • It is chainable. • Unlike some other png hack solutions, it does not replace/hide any o