Horn List (100 Most Common Words) 頻度順 http://www.englishcorner.vacau.com/vocabulary/hornlistfreq.html アルファベット順 http://www.englishcorner.vacau.com/vocabulary/hornlistalpha.html [出典]Horn, E. (1926), A basic writing vocabulary, 10,000 words most commonly used in writing, College of Education. Dolch List (220 Basic Sight Words) 頻度順 http://www.englishcorner.vacau.com/vocabulary/dolchfreq.html アルファベット順
ブロガーに限らず、もうちょっと文章がうまくなりたい・・・と考えている人は多いはず。 そこで今回はジョージ・オーウェルさんの文章術についての記事をご紹介します。ジョージ・オーウェルさんといえば「動物農場」や「1984年」の作品で有名なSF作家です。 » George Orwell: 12 Writing Tips (via Writingclasses.com) ちなみに彼の詳しい経歴は以下をどうぞ。 » ジョージ・オーウェル – Wikipedia さて、その彼の文章術とは? ■ 文を書いたあとの心得 読者にとってわかりやすい文章を書きたいならば、一つ一つの文を書いた後に、次の4つについて自問しましょう。 いったい自分はここで何を言いたいのか? 自分が言いたいことはどのような言葉で表現したらいいだろうか? 表現する際に、どのような比喩や熟語を使えばわかりやすいだろうか? この表現は読者に対
TWU Home > Student Life > Counseling Center 52 Proven Stress Reducers Get up fifteen minutes earlier in the morning. The inevitable morning mishaps will be less stressful. Prepare for the morning the evening before. Set the breakfast table, make lunches, put out the clothes you plan to wear, etc. Don't rely on your memory. Write down appointment times, when to pick up the laundry, when li
One of the nice things about Flickr is that because of their open API a whole host of developers have built more and more interesting things to do with the site. It’s interesting to me today that so many of the ways that I use Flickr are not even through the site as designed by Yahoo, but instead through the work of outside developers who are constantly creating new and interesting ways to experie
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20 Different Ways to Manage Your To Dos January 7th, 2007 (12:08pm) Anne Zelenka 118 Comments How many ways are there to manage your task list? Almost as many as there are people with tasks to do. Here are 20 different ways of tracking your to dos, with examples of each. You probably use more than one of these options, depending on what you’re trying to manage and what suits your temperament. Or m
Responsive design is a default these days, but we are all still figuring out just the right process and techniques to better craft responsive websites. That’s why we created a new book — to gather practical techniques and strategies from people who have learned how to get things done right, in actual projects with actual real-world challenges. Neatly packed in a gorgeous hardcover, the book featur