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dT8 8Tb dT 8 8 Tb dT 8 8 Tb <PROJECT><PROJECT> dT 8 8 Tb dT 8 8 Tb Port all important software (like Doom, Second Reality, X windows etc..) on AA-lib. Port AA-lib on all available platforms (mainly ZX-Spectrum and Sharp). Force IBM to start manufacturing MDA cards again. AA-project was started by Jan Hubicka. In that times just a few people knew about it. Then a new demo named BB has been relased
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HtmlPrag provides permissive HTML parsing and emitting capability to Scheme programs. The parser is useful for software agent extraction of information from Web pages, for programmatically transforming HTML files, and for implementing interactive Web browsers. HtmlPrag emits "SHTML," which is an encoding of HTML in SXML, so that conventional HTML may be processed with XML tools such as SXPath. Lik
term-ansicolor – Term::ANSIColor for Ruby Description Small Ruby library that colors strings using ANSI escape sequences. It's possible to use constants: require 'term/ansicolor' include Term::ANSIColor print red, bold, "red bold", reset, "\n" Or unary functions: include Term::ANSIColor print red(bold("red bold")), "\n" Blockforms do also autoreset at the block's end: include Term::ANSIColor print
Flapjax is a new programming language designed around the demands of modern, client-based Web applications. Its principal features include: Event-driven, reactive evaluation An event-stream abstraction for communicating with web services Interfaces to external web services Flapjax is easy to learn: it is just a JavaScript framework. Furthermore, because Flapjax is built entirely atop JavaScript, i
Not your computer? Use a private browsing window to sign in. Learn more about using Guest mode
仮想世界と現実世界を融合する技術は,拡張現実感(Augmented Reality:AR)と呼ばれています. おおげさな言い方をするとARは現実の世界に情報を「上書き」することができる技術です. アニメや映画にでてくる「電脳」を想像してみてください. 手のひらの上に3Dキャラクタを表示したり,現実の世界でデジタル・データに触れてみたり… そんな魔法のような技術です. ARToolKitは,ARアプリケーションの実装を手助けするC言語用のライブラリです. ARToolKitを使うと,紙に印刷されたパターンをカメラで読み取り, その上に3Dオブジェクトをオーバーレイ表示するアプリケーションが簡単に作れます. 本来は非常に敷居の高い技術なのですが,このライブラリは「難しい部分」の処理を 全てやってくれます. …というわけで今回はARToolKitを使って近未来の技術 「拡張現実感」 を体験してま
Despite the many JavaScript libraries that are available today, I cannot find one that makes it easy to add keyboard shortcuts(or accelerators) to your javascript app. This is because keyboard shortcuts where only used in JavaScript games - no serious web application used keyboard shortcuts to navigate around its interface. But Google apps like Google Reader and Gmail changed that. So, I have crea
Innovative Tools for Web Publishing JavaScript + Ruby + PHP + Interaction Design Hi! My name is Ryan Johnson. I develop web applications for businesses in the Puget Sound area, and maintain a number of open source projects. I invite you to explore some of the links below: LivePipe™ Blog Control Suite : High Quality Controls and Widgets for Prototype Object.Event : An Event Model for JavaScript Obj
A pop-up window that doesn't suck. Introduction GreyBox can be used to display websites, images and other content in a beautiful way. Why use GreyBox: It does not conflict with pop-up blockers It's only 22 KB! It's super easy to setup It's super easy to use You can easily alter the style as it is controlled through CSS Examples One website Launch google.com in a 500x500 center window Launch google
こんにちは。さかとくです。 JavaScriptでローカルPCにデータを保存するライブラリ「save2local.js」を作りましたので公開します。 通常、JavaScriptではセキュリティが考慮されているため、データをローカルPCに保存するには、Cookieを利用します。 しかし、Cookieを利用する場合は、それほどたくさんの情報を保存することができません。 そのため、ゲームのセーブデータや、フォームに記入したデータなどは、セッションの仕組みを利用してサーバーに保存するのが一般的でした。「save2local.js」ライブラリを使えば、サーバーを利用することなく、ローカルPCに任意のテキストを保存できます。 今回ローカルPCにデータを保存するために、Flashの機能を使います。Flashには、SharedObjectと言ってローカルPCにデータを保存する機能がついています。
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Bubblegum Dungeon – the long-awaited series of BDSM in fantasy world full of colors and rainbows. We finally leave the deep dark dungeons and bring the genre to the mainstream. Dealing with demanding clients isn’t always easy but these female realtors found their way to please and the most importantly to SEAL THE DEAL. Girls Only Porn – it’s time to discover the women’s perspective on fun times. W