In this guide, you will learn how controllers work and how they fit into the request cycle in your application. After reading this guide, you will know how to: Follow the flow of a request through a controller. Restrict parameters passed to your controller. Store data in the session or cookies, and why. Work with action callbacks to execute code during request processing. Use Action Controller's b
Action Controller Parameters Allows you to choose which attributes should be whitelisted for mass updating and thus prevent accidentally exposing that which shouldn't be exposed. Provides two methods for this purpose: require and permit. The former is used to mark parameters as required. The latter is used to set the parameter as permitted and limit which attributes should be allowed for mass upda
API Controller is a lightweight version of ActionController::Base, created for applications that don’t require all functionalities that a complete Rails controller provides, allowing you to create controllers with just the features that you need for API only applications. An API Controller is different from a normal controller in the sense that by default it doesn’t include a number of features th
はじめに 先日、HASHコンサルティング株式会社の徳丸浩氏のブログにて CVE-2016-2098 の解説記事が公開されました。 Ruby on Railsの潜在的なリモートスクリプトインジェクション脆弱性CVE-2016-2098 記事の元になったのは GitHub で公開された CVE-2016-2098 の PoC です。 GitHub - hderms/dh-CVE_2016_2098: Proof of concept showing how CVE-2016-2098 leads to remote code execution この PoC(dh-CVE_2016_2098) には不可解な点が見受けられました。(現在質問中、未回答) dh-CVE_2016_2098 と CVE-2016-2098 に関して調査を行い、以下の結論に至りました。 dh-CVE_2016_2098
I'm trying to write an Ember application in Rails 4, and have decided to go with rails-api for the api controllers, while keeping the application controller intact for a few pages that aren't part of the single-page app. To put it in more concrete terms, here are my controllers: app/controllers/application_controller.rb: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery end
Coder at Codemancers, Bangalore. GardenCityRubyConf organizer. Works with Ruby, JS, C++, AWS, Chef and Vim. Plays the guitar and sketches other times. Goals Use the leaner rails-api. This removes a lot of stuff Rails that you don't need for an API. This ensures that the API works for non-browser clients which do not support cookies. Also, there is no "View" layer that renders an HTML view for ever
redirect_back(fallback_location:, allow_other_host: _allow_other_host, **args) Link Soft deprecated alias for redirect_back_or_to where the fallback_location location is supplied as a keyword argument instead of the first positional argument. # File actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/redirecting.rb, line 121 def redirect_back(fallback_location:, allow_other_host: _allow_other_host, **args) red
Ruby on Rails 7.2.2 Module ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/http_authentication.rb HTTP Token authentication Simple Token example class PostsController < ApplicationController TOKEN = "secret" before_action :authenticate, except: [ :index ] def index render plain: "Everyone can see me!" end def edit render plain: "I'm only accessible if you know th
Sets the Cache-Control header, overwriting existing directives. This method will also ensure an HTTP Date header for client compatibility. Defaults to issuing the private directive, so that intermediate caches must not cache the response. Options :public If true, replaces the default private directive with the public directive. :must_revalidate If true, adds the must-revalidate directive. :stale_w
While converting Clearance to a Rails engine was easy, once we were there, we found it wasn’t Valhalla. We fixed the bugs while using the engine internally on a few apps. Here are the lessons we learned. Keep them in mind if you’re thinking of writing your own engine. Routes precedence As developers, we want routes in our app to take precedence over routes in the engine. That is not the default be
「Railsのコントローラーの仕事は何か? - スモールスタート」という記事がRailsのコントローラーを設計する際のとても良い指針となっているので、ちょくちょく参考にさせて頂いております。ここからさらに考えたことをまとめてみます。 Railsのコントローラーの責務を意識することが大事です。あくまでもよいコントローラーとなっているかは、URLで表されるリソースに対して、コントローラーのアクションの責務が明確であるか です。 scaffoldで考える scaffoldを作ってみましょう。 rails g scaffold post title content:text 以下の様なコントローラーが出来上がります。 class PostsController < ApplicationController before_action :set_post, only: [:show, :edit,