Keep up to date with the latest news, best practice ideas and exclusive offers. Don’t miss out. Sign up here. When you deploy a distributed Erlang application, you’ll most likely have to answer the question “which ports need to be open in the firewall?”. Unless configured otherwise, the answer is: port 4369 for epmd, the Erlang Port Mapper Daemon, and an unpredictable high-numbered port for the Er
Today we will continue exploring techniques for debugging and tracing Elixir code that are so important for running and understanding production systems. In the past, we have discussed: how to debug your application how to trace systems with Erlyberly how to use the observer to introspect applications. The examples above always connected to systems running locally. Given Elixir’s and the Erlang VM
View Source Distribution Protocol This description is far from complete. It will be updated if the protocol is updated. However, the protocols, both from Erlang nodes to the Erlang Port Mapper Daemon (EPMD) and between Erlang nodes are stable since many years. The distribution protocol can be divided into four parts: Low-level socket connection (1)Handshake, interchange node name, and authenticate