商用サイトでも無料で利用できる、ひらがな・カタカナ・漢字などが含まれている日本語のフリーフォントを紹介します。 最新版を公開!フォントの数が大幅に増えています。 2019年用、日本語のフリーフォント 366種類のまとめ
Tweet "Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML, the first language that was used for web designing has gone through many evolutionary versions reaching to HTML5. Now days, there are many other standards available for web designing, but the most effective and the most simple way to design your website is using HTML5 templates. HTML5 templates are easy to use and can be modified according to your require
概要 MJL (MITSUE-LINKS JavaScript Library)は、ミツエーリンクスで標準利用されるJavaScriptライブラリです。 MJLは弊社内における業務効率を改善するために、統一された設計思想、利便性の向上を念頭においた上で設計・開発されました。 MJLは他のJavaScriptライブラリ群とは異なる設計思想により、独特の特徴を持ちながらも他のライブラリと補完しあえるものを目指しました。 MJLはコピーレフトライセンスであるGNU GPLに基づく自由ソフトウェア(フリーソフトウェア)です。弊社は GNU GPLに則り、本ページにてMJLの全ソースコードを公開します。 ライセンス MJLはGNU GPL Version 3(参考邦訳)のもとに提供されます。 詳細はMJL本体ファイル内のライセンス告知をご覧ください。 ダウンロード MJL本体(圧縮版) mjl.js
Every now and again we take a look around, select “fresh” high-quality free fonts and present them to you in a brief overview. The choice is enormous, so the time you need to find them is usually the time you should be investing in your current projects. We search for them and we find them, so you don’t have to. In this selection we’re glad to present you Junction, Nadia Serif, Nilland, CartoGothi
With the explosion of flat-designed websites, web designers now follow the trend in a snap, adapting a cleaner and much simpler design which can be found in flat UI kits. We seldom see skeuomorphic designs nowadays. In fact, all of the depth has been slowly becoming flat. This is the reason why more and more designers have created flat design UI kits for web designers who want to follow the trend.
Mockup files and design templates are often necessary to envision what a website is going to look like before turning it into something more functional. The reason you might want this is to look at the design yourself and see if it’s what you were considering beforehand. Alternatively, there are typically several stakeholders involved in the design process, so you may need to show the mockups to y
Photoshop users are able to benefit from the vast amount of high-quality resources that are freely available to the community. Brushes get a lot of attention, but custom shapes are also extremely useful in the right situations. Finding a custom shape that has already been created can save you some time and headaches in your design, and fortunately there is a very wide variety of custom shapes avai
Welcome to my Icons section! Below you will find a selection of my latest icons. Hover over the previews for a description and click to download the icon. These icons are free for personal use. Want to use them in a commercial product? No problem, contact me for reasonable commercial licensing. Do you or your company need custom icons? Why not check out my services, and see if i can help you guy
websites that Deliver Concrete Content Management System (CMS) lets content creators, designers, and developers build, author, and publish content. Watch more Try it Now! In a crowded marketspace, Concrete stands out as a solution that pairs robust functionality with ease of use and a low cost of deployment.
User Interface Prism Prism (formerly, Webrunner) is a prototype application that lets users split web applications out of their browser and run them directly on their desktop. Learn More Introduction to Prism Prism Prototype Now Available for Mac and Linux Major Update to Prism, First Prototype of Browser Integration Get Prism Install the Prism for Firefox extension for Firefox 3.0b3pre or great
I had been working with Photoshop for more than a year and through out this year, I designed works by using this great tool, really can’t live without it. In Photoshop, the layer blending had been the most frequently used in most designs. By applying layer styles, the design won’t be flat and it looks good. I used a variety of style combination to achieve the desired result. And here, I decided to